His mother's remembrance day

1004 Words
"Are you going to slack all day today as well? " The well articulated bellowing of Mrs. Chuckers made Fazi jump out of his bed with a start. " Do you not remember what day it is today? Did you too forget it as well? " Fazi's mind flipped through the pages of calender in his head and finally he grabbed his head between both his hands as reality hit. "It's Mother's Remembrance Day. " " Of course it is. There was never a soul to give her what she deserved except for you. Now you too dare to make her memories dwindle. How dare you? " " No! No! No! It's not like that. " But Fazi's protest fell on deaf ears. The woman vigorously started tidying the bed as if he was just a bug, sitting on the hench. It was true. The commotion at his new school had completely taken the day's importance out of Fazi's head. It was right on Mrs. Chucker's part to act like that. She was like an elder sister, a mother to Fazi's mother. She had been raising Fazi as her own since he was little. But after his mother's demise she had come to his mother's hometown along with her corpse. Fazi's mother had always wanted to be buried beside her ancestors. Hence she was brought home , to rest in peace, far away from Fazi's father's home. But it had been an ironical turn of fate that Fazi's father too died, in an volcanic eruption, not very far away from there. Fazi stood in front of the basin, vigorously washing his face. It was as if he was trying to take the guilt off him, the guilt that he forgot his mother's Remembrance. He went through his wardrobe. Picked his mother's favourite colour. Grey. He pulled out that years letter, which he had tucked away inside his closet. He wrote a letter each year. Stating his everyday affair. He put her favourite perfume on it, then wrapped it in a sapphire textile. " Ready? " Mrs. Chuckles asked, waiting for Fazi at the door with a basket in her hand. She used to make his mother's favourite snacks on that day every year, and take them to her grave. But she never left it there. Instead she gave them all away to the homeless kids on the block, saying- " It's a shame to let food go to waste when there is a way to share. Fazi admired this woman, like he did his mother back then. He then wiped his tears secretly, but of course it didn't miss her sharp eyes. " Let me take you to my best friend. You didn't get to meet many people, ever since you moved here. " Fazi nodded. He didn't have much to do the rest of the day. They walked their way through the meandering city streets. Full of people. Lively from all the games and play. People seemed too busy to notice others, as they all strode on their way. " Here we are. " Mrs. Chuckles smiled as she rang the bell. It was a rustic looking, vintage home, vines creeping around it from every where. "" Isn't it lovely, " Mrs. Chuckles boasted as she caught Fazi admire. " Luna and Ray have to most exotic taste. And they are also my best mates. " The door bell rang to a melancholy melody. " That's quite a peculiar sound for a doorbell. " Fazi thought, but didn't say anything as everything about the place seemed shrouded in mystery. " Hello there, " A bubbly, friendly voice greeted them as the door opened. The lady in front of them had a kind, sweet face. One that would melt any heart with just a little stare. The woman was quite elderly. Almost the age of Fazi's Mrs. Chuckles. They hugged and greeted each other. Then both stared in Fazi's direction. " Is this? " The woman completed her question with her eyes. " Yes. This is Reba's son. " Mrs. Chuckles completed her sentence. " Come in. Come inside. Don't just keep standing there. " The lady grabbed Fazi by his neck and made then both enter. The inside of the house looked pretty queer as well. There were vines decorating the ceilings and little red cherry coloured flowers bloomed everywhere. The Hall ways had pitch black wooden furniture, matching the grey interior. It aight to have been a gloomy atmosphere. However on the contrary it was not. It felt very lively. It felt very elegant. " Have a seat yound man, " An elderly man , suddenly called out from the black leathered Sofa, startling Fazi who was busy admiring. He obediently followed and sat beside him. They shared an awkward set of smiles, then suddenly the woman called put " Would you guys like some tea? " Fazi shook his head, first to his left, then right then both ways affirmating, which made both the old girls laugh and Fazi too smiled timidly. " You must be bored young man. Why don't you take a look outside? " The man offered much to Fazi's relief. He immediately stood up to take a tour. He looked here and there. He went out the back door, as he took a stroll beside the kitchen. " Cool, " he exclaimed as the beautiful lawn greeted him but immediately stopped ,as something he caught at him stare. " Who's there? " He called out, trying to catch the silhouette in the shade. But he rushed after it when he ecieved no reply but definitely knew someone was there. "Gotcha, " He remarked as he pinned the intruder against the wall, but he immediately backed off as soon as he saw her face, as he saw the cloth around her face fall. "YOU! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING HERE, sneaking this way? " He demanded as he pressed her hands again and asked, raising his stare.
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