Chapter Eighteen - Teasing at the dinner table

1520 Words

Nate’s P.O.V I was sat at the dinner table with Taylor and her parents. Her parents taking their time to get to know me, something which I honestly hated. When people start trying to get to know someone to me it is just a nicer way of putting being nosy but decided tonight I would play nice…be sweet and charming. The kind of boy parents wouldn’t mind their daughter bringing home. At least if I got them on my side then getting Taylor will be easier. It means I can be around more without them getting suspicious of me. Oh, only if they knew what my plan was when it comes to their daughter. I had to stop myself from smirking at the thought of it. “Are you looking forward to school? I know your mum said you aren't the biggest fan of school but maybe with a new place and school that can chan

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