Frog Guts and Revenge Planning

1048 Words
"Okay, class. Today we will be dissecting a frog." Mr. Reynolds announced.  Great, just great. I've always had a weak stomach, and this wasn't going to help that fact. Hunter seemed to notice me tense up. "What's wrong, kitten? Afraid you're going to spew as you did in middle school?" He smirks rebelliously. "Shut up!" I spat, hitting him in the arm. "That was one time!" "And if I remember correctly, it was during Mrs. Cooper's lesson of how to dissect a deer heart." He continues to remind of the God awful memory. "Any questions?" The teacher asks the class. I raise my hand and Mr. Reynold's eyes meet mine. "Yes, Ms. Adams?" "May I have a new partner?" I question. "No, you may not. Anyone else?" He says. "Good. I will now pass out the materials." Hunter glances at me. "Looks like you're stuck with me, Kitten." "Stop calling me that," I demand, putting on my lab goggles as everyone else did the same. "Feisty now are we?" He raises an eyebrow towards me with an amused smirk across his face. "I find" I cringe, hitting him again. "p*****t!" "I was kidding. You're so not my type. Sorry to ruin your dreams, kitten." He winks. A frog on a tray was laid out in front of us along with some tools. "Oh please, as if I dream about you. Plus, wouldn't want to ruin your pretty reputation, would I?" He places his hand over his heart dramatically. "Ouch. I've got to admit, that hurt." I roll my eyes once he bursts into laughter after his over-sarcastic comment. "Whatever." He picks up a scalpel after putting on a pair of rubber gloves, pulling them far enough back onto his wrist, then letting them snap against his wrist. "Hopefully you don't blow up your lunch during this as well." Very funny, Hunter. I can hold it in...I think. He begins making an incision into the frog with the scalpel, before putting that tool down and grabbing a pair of medical scissors to continue with the incision. Once the insides of the frog were revealed, my stomach started to turn. No, don't let Hunter get the victory you know he wants. Don't let him win this round. Once putting down the scissors, Hunter looks to me with a smirk. "Feeling alright there, kitten?" I nod, as my mouth began to feel like cotton. "Yeah." Hold it back, Ryleigh. "Oh really?" Hunter raises his eyebrows towards me. "You look a bit pale." "I said I'm fine, now get back to the project." I spit, getting annoyed. "I think it's your turn." He says, handing me the pair of medical scissors. I glare at him as I took the tool from him and looked to the frog. "Wait, what am I doing?" I was feeling light-headed just looking at the damn thing, which caused me to lose track of my thoughts.  Keep yourself together, we can do this. "Cutaway the peritoneum membrane." He says. "The spider-web like membrane covering most of the organs." My hands began to shake as I brought it up to the frog. "I can't do this." "What's wrong? Feeling like you're going to hurl, kitten?" He smirks, amused. "Trust me, I'll make sure to get a photo this time." No, I wasn't going to puke my guts out again. The room started to spin, which is when I knocked the tray over, and everything went black. *** I woke up fluorescent light glowing bright into my eye's. I examined the room around me just to realize I was in the nurse's office. I sat up to find Emma sitting beside. "Oh my God, Ryleigh! Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine now, I guess," I replied. "I mean, my head kind of still hurts, but that's just about it." The nurse appears from the other room. "Oh great, you're awake! You had fainted after feeling ill in your Biology class." "Am I okay to leave?" I asked. The nurse nodded. "Yes, just be sure to take some Tylenol before you leave and come back if you start to feel dizzy again." She smiled before leaving the room again. I looked back at Emma. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?" She rolls her eyes. "It's lunch as of right now, but I would've come either way. Especially since I knew my brother was involved. I mean, the pictures were hilarious!" She begins laughing, then stops herself once realizing what she just said. Oh no... I swallow nervously. "What pictures?" She looks at me sympathetically. "I was going to tell you earlier, but you were sort of all...dead and such and I didn't want you to freak out--" "Emma, what pictures?" I asked again, a bit more demanding. She sighed. "There may have been a few photos of you passed out on the floor with frog guts all over you on the school's chat room." "You've got to be kidding me! Show me!" I said in disbelief s she pulled out her phone, showing me a photo of exactly as she described. I was laying on the floor, passed out with frog guts on me. I looked down at my clothes to find the stain from what had happened. Gross. "How many people have seen this?" I questioned, already knowing the answer. I mean, he had all the girls wrapped around his finger, and he was apart of the football team as well. "A few...hundred people. Maybe more..." She tries to say casually. I cover my face with my hands. "My life is ruined." "No, you're not about to let him go with another one!" She says, springing up from her chair. "We will get revenge, tonight." "By doing what?" I question, raising an eyebrow in her direction whilst folding my arms over my chest. "What's the one thing Hunter loves the most?" She asks. I shrug. "He's your brother, shouldn't you know?" "Just answer the damn question!" She scolds me. I sigh, thinking. "I don't know, himself?" "Correct!" She gleams, and I couldn't believe how right I was about the matter. "And what's one thing we can ruin that will have everyone laughing at him?" I smile, rebelliously. "I know exactly what you're thinking about."
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