I dont know whats worse the bell or the hole

1979 Words
Charlotte Ring Ring Ring The bell rings, letting us know that it is time to get our pajamas on and do our night-time routine. I hate the night-time routine more than the morning routine. It took a while after we arrived to perfect the routines, but you either learn quickly or you pay for it. The punishments they give us here are horrible. They beat us almost to death, then leave us to heal on our own. We don't get any medication, no healers come to treat our wounds, no-one ever comes to help us. After the one time I got punished, I promised I would never ever go through that ever again. I can still feel the hits. When the whole group gets in trouble, even though Mother Elizabeth is speaking to us, using her calm but stern voice, all I can hear is her yelling and insulting me as she strikes me back to back. We walk out of our rooms and form a single file. We are checked and, one by one, we are allowed to brush our teeth and wash our faces, then we head back to our bedroom. Once the last girl is done, the bell rings once again and we know we have to go to sleep. If we are caught awake or getting up after the last bell, you can guess what happens. Ring Ring Ring The bell rings, waking us up a little too quickly for my liking. I feel like we just fell asleep, but here we are woken up at 4 am to do our chores early. I put on the ugly uniform we are made to wear. A long, navy blue skirt and a light blue shirt with a collar and a navy blue bow tie, with long white socks and ugly old people black shoes. Typical all girls boarding school uniforms. I look over at Lauren, she looks so pale lately. We go through our morning routine. I try to get close to her to talk to her, but she pushes me away and tells me to be quiet and do my work. At around midday, we are allowed to go outside for a little bit of sun. They allow us to sit out here, but we know we can not shift. As a matter of fact, Lauren thinks that with the vitamins they give us, that they k!lled our wolves. Lauren is 19 and says she can't feel her wolf. I just turned 18 and I haven't felt my wolf either. When we came here after the attack on our pack, Lauren was 16 and I was 15. We are the oldest girls here. Maybe that is why they expect more from us, and they keep an eye on us more, especially Lauren. For years, she fought back. She has been punished because of it and also because of me many times before as well. This is why I try to be better now and not get in any trouble. Lauren being the best big sister, has taken all of the beatings, ever since that first night. Even though there are cameras, so they have to know I am the one up to things and that I am the one misbehaving, even when Lauren takes the blame for it. They allow her to take the punishment. Maybe this means that they don't care as long as someone gets beat, or they don't really watch the cameras the way they claim to. I have no clue, but as I sit here and look around at the other girls laughing and talking and look at my sister sitting all alone on a bench, her eye still bruised pisses me off. It isn't fair. She looked pale earlier in the room, but now you can clearly see the bruises out here. Now when Mother Elizabeth is angry, she comes and beats my sister, even though she didn't do anything wrong. She takes her anger and frustrations out on Lauren. She even stopped talking to everyone. She whispers to me here and there, but for the most part it is just to tell me to be quiet, other than that she is quiet. I hate it. I think about the difference in us now than when we first came here. I remember our pack being attacked by another pack. The other Alpha was in love with our Luna and k!lled our Alpha, Luna and all of the high ranked members and a lot of other pack members. We were bombed and everything was on fire. I remember hearing mom screaming, telling Luaren to take me and run. She did, we ran, but we were caught at the border and we were taken. When we arrived here, we were told that our mother was dead. She was murdered right along with the rest of our pack. "This is the place where naughty girls are sent. It is a school that will get you right. We will teach you to be a lady, well taught and well mannered. Now check them" I will never forget those first words they said after they told us our mother was dead. Check them didn't mean for us to be checked or searched to see if we had a weapon or to check what was in our pockets. No, they stripped us naked and checked our bodies. They wanted to make sure we were still virgins. We later found out that girls who come here and are impure, like they call them, or women who aren't virgins anymore, they k!ll them. A couple of months ago, Lauren found out that they want us to be virgins because they sell us to the highest bidders and the men who buy us want virgins specifically. She overheard the guards talking about how at 20, they will sell us. They want to make sure we are mature and very obedient to please and make our buyers happy. This is why during our classes, we are taught more about obedience than anything else. We are taught to keep our heads down and never talk back. Pretty girls are the ones who listen to their master. We are made just for pleasure. It is repeated many times in our classes. I am terrified with what Lauren overheard, because she will turn 20 before all of us and she is so out of it from getting beat that I am not sure if we can figure out a way out of here before then. We can't allow them to separate us. Mom, Lauren and Charlotte against the world. It was always us three alone after dad died. Mom was so heart broken, but she raised us alone. She told us we were her strength. Now with her being dead, all I have in this world is my sister. I wish Mother Elizabeth would pick on someone else and leave Lauren alone. I walk over and sit down next to my sister. "Lauren, you're healing. They haven't hit you today?" I ask her. "They locked me up last night. Charlotte, please stay out of trouble. Their methods are getting worse. Now they are throwing some kind of liquid on me. Probably pee. Then they rub my body in mud and let me sit there for it to dry. It wouldn't come out of my hair. That old hag almost cut it, but they were able to fix it. That mommy issues b!tch was so angry at the guards for this that she made them leave me alone. No-one has bothered me today. All she gave was the okay for me to be electrocuted. But, whatever, I also skipped a day of vitamins and I felt something stir inside of me. My mind is clearer." she says, and my eyes widen. "Keep your head down Charlotte. Something is going on here and I will find out what it is. If you can, skip your vitamins, spit them out in the restroom. Just don't get caught." she tells me. Ring Ring Ring and our time outside is up. We stand up and I notice how Lauren is still limping. They must have beat her really badly if she still hasn't fully healed. She looks better today though. Other times she looks like a monster. We get in a single file line and walk back inside. Instead of going to the cafeteria for food, they have us stand in the hallway. "Check them" Mother Elizabeth says. They check us all and when they see that no-one brought anything back from inside, then they let us go eat. I get my plate of food and we sit down. At least we can talk while we eat. All of the girls are talking about what they are going to do when they get out of here. If only they knew that we are all going to be sold. I wonder if we told them if they would believe us. I mean only Lauren knows this, because she heard them talking about it, but I believe her. She doesn't lie. I finish my food quickly and I am still hungry. "I am going to be rich and buy myself the most beautiful dresses and go and become a Hollywood star, like the ones on tv during movie night" Blue, a girl around my age says. Lauren just stares at her and I can hear her say yeah right in her mind. She rolls her eyes and continues to eat. There is my feisty sister. The bada$$ girl I know. I wish she wasn't so beat down, but at least I know she is still in there. I look around and I want to go grab another piece of bread. We aren't supposed to take more than we are given. It's considered stealing, but there's so much food here, why can't we eat more? I stand up and Lauren grabs my hand. Her reflexes are so quick too. She shakes her head. I shrug her off and walk over to the food area and grab two piece of bread and an apple. I go sit back down and scarf them down quickly. "Oohhh, you will get in trouble for that." Blue says and I shrug. "How will they even know?" I shoot back. "The eyes see everything. They know everything." she tells me and that actually sends a shiver down my back. Ring Ring Ring "Charlotte, please stop misbehaving. The last thing I want is for you to get put in the hole." Lauren says. I chuckle, but I am listening to her every word. The hole, no-one wants to get thrown in the hole and it seems like Lauren has taken up residence there. She is one with the hole now, with as many times as she gets thrown in there. I don't know what's worse the bell that always seems to be ringing.. Even when it doesn't ring, I hear it. That is how traumatized I am by it or the hole. The hole that is covered with silver bars so we can't shift and get out. Not like we can, we don't have wolves anyway, but this makes sure we can't go anywhere. The hole is dark and smells disgusting. We begin walking out of the cafeteria as two guards come and grab us both and drag us out of the room. Lauren begins fighting one guard and I know that will just make everything worse. "No, stop, she didn't do anything. Let her go" Lauren yells. "Please, just take me. It's all my fault." she cries as she tries to get out of his grip. Mother Elizabeth walks over to us. "So you two have been plotting against us. Not drinking your vitamins and eating more than allowed. Put them in the hole." she screams.
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