Chapter 6- Fourth

1850 Words
The ride went smoothly, and about half an hour later, I reached the coffee shop. I first noticed Tom’s car parked in my usual space. The rear bumper was already repaired, and it looked shinier than before. “We are here, Elisha,” Ferdi smiled at me, pulling the car to the side. “Thanks, Ferdi. No need to open the door. I’m fine.” I beamed back before looking outside again. I saw Kyle sitting by the window inside the shop. “He’s here,” I mumbled. The butterflies in my stomach wouldn’t stop. I was excited but tense as well. “ Good luck and see you later, El,” “See you,” I bade, opening the door. I hopped out of the car and walked toward the coffee shop. Deo, the shop owner, opened the door for me. Soon as I stepped in, my eyes gaped wide to see its interior. It was full of balloons and flowers. There was also a banner with a happy birthday sign. ‘Happy birthday, Elisha!’ “Happy birthday, Elisha!” Deo greeted me with his staff, Ram, Bien, and Toffer. The place wasn’t as busy as before. “No way… this isn't real….” Still gasping while staring at the counter. “It’s real. Happy birthday,” I heard a deep baritone voice say behind me. “It's not until tomorrow, though,” I answered while turning to face him. His gorgeous appearance greeted me with a big smile plastered on his face. I couldn’t believe the audacity of this guy. It wasn’t that I hated it, but it was surreal. This was my second time meeting him, and it already seemed magical to me. “Well, there’s nothing wrong with celebrating it today,” Kyle smirked, giving me another bouquet of red roses. “Again, happy birthday, Elisha,” he whispered as he walked closer. I looked up at him and quickly regretted my choice of shoes. Kyle appeared even taller than I could remember. “Thanks, Kyle… didn’t need to do this….” I mumbled, taking the flowers. “Why? You are special, Elisha,” Kyle whispered back, raising his hand and tucking my loose hair behind my ear. “I am not…never.” “Yes, you are….” This time, Kyle’s finger was brushing my cheek. I smirked, trying to hide the incredible feeling in my heart. I reminded myself once more. ‘Fourth day,’ I inwardly told. “I know. It's only been four days, but as I said, I can’t get you out of my head,” Kyle spoke, seemingly overhearing my thoughts. “Fine… shall we have the coffee now?” I mumbled, changing the intense atmosphere building between us. I knew people were watching us. Kyle chuckled. “Sure, I’m starving, actually. Waiting for our breakfast together,” he said, nodding at Deo. Deo then winked at me before going inside the kitchen. I took a mental note to ask him how these things happened. “Likewise. Let’s go,” I gigglingly said, taking Kyle’s sizeable hand and leading him to our seat. Kyle and I began our conversation right off the bat to kill the awkwardness if that was the right term. “Did you see your car?” Kyle asked, helping me with the flowers, “Let me put this one here,” he offered, placing it next to him. “Yes, thank you,” I smiled, “It looks better and brand new,” “I had it cleaned and requested bodywork. It's still great,” Kyle nodded, sipping his water. “Yes, I need to take care of it,” I sipped my drink, too, “Tom, my brother, told me to take care of her,” I smilingly shared. “Your brother… you seemed to have a close relationship,” Kyle stated. “Yes, like he’s a big brother. He’s only my half-sibling, though, but I’m closer to him than Justin,” I casually said. I remembered Kyle appeared to know Tom. “That’s cool,” “It’s cool,” I smirked. I was about to speak when Ram came in with our drinks. “Thank you, love,” I beamed at her as she placed our cups of coffee on the table. “No worries, El. Food is coming soon. Please enjoy your drinks,” Ram replied before leaving us alone again. “Cheers,” I snorted before taking a sip of my hot coffee. “Damn…I love this….” I whispered. My usual black coffee was always the best. “I love black coffee too,” Kyle smiled at me. He was stirring his cup after putting two scoops of sugar. “You do have a sister, right?” I asked Kyle. It was just a random question, but I noticed his smile slightly disappeared. “Yes, a twin. Amanda, That’s her name,” “Lovely,” Kyle and I continued talking while waiting for our food and when we were eating our breakfast. I learned that he was taking a short break before assuming the company’s highest position. His mom was a doctor, and his dad was a lawyer like his sister. He had a younger sibling, Samuel, who was a medical student. Kyle spent most of his middle school years in Philly. He studied high school in New York, got his college degree in business in London, and is currently based in New Jersey. I didn’t tell him my plans about moving to New Jersey for college for some reason. I just felt that I should keep it to myself in the meantime. All I mentioned was I was still choosing which state to go to. I somehow opened up to him about my life. Where I was born, who were the people I lived with until I moved to my father’s house at the age of fifteen. Of course, I skipped the part about mom’s maltreatment. “You’ve been through a lot, Elisha,” Kyle commented after telling him my story. Shrugging my shoulders, “Yeah,” I chuckled. A lot. If he only knew everything, he would probably say so much. I could still feel mom’s palm on my face, but I couldn’t care less anymore. “Elisha…” I looked at Kyle once more. His amber eyes were bright and shining. His eyelashes were as thick as mine, except that his were naturally darker. “Yes?” “What are you up to after this?” Kyle asked. I had nothing in my head at the moment. Our breakfast was late, and I didn’t want to go home and spend the rest of my day in bed. This was my last day here in town, so I needed to make the most of it. “Ah, walk. I just want to walk around the park,” I answered. “You?” “Same as you if it's okay to join you,” Kyle smirked, "Sure, no worries. But are you sure about that?" I checked him since he wore his blue dress shirt and formal pants. “It's not a bad idea, though.” Kyle smiled, looking at his clothes, "I had a quick meeting before coming here," "I hear you," "Are you done with your food? Did you want anything?" "No! No, no...I'm full. Perhaps a cup of ice cream, but later, I'm so stuffed!" I answered him. Kyle laughed, showing off the deep dimples on both his cheeks. "Me too! It's been a while since I had this sumptuous breakfast," he smirked. “Same! Shall we pay for this now?” I asked him, looking at our almost empty plates. “If you want,” Kyle sipped his orange juice. I waved to get Deo’s attention, and he came to us immediately. “Yes, birthday girl?” Deo sneered. “What a lovely meal! So what's the damage?” I asked, smirking at him. Deo’s brows knitted before looking at Kyle. “Oh…” “I think we should split the bill two ways, though,” I shifted my eyes at Kyle. “No, Elisha,” Kyle replied with a bit of authority. “It’s your birthday,” “Oh… okay then. Technically not, but thank you,” I genuinely smiled at Kyle. “Always mine,” Kyle fished out his thick wallet from his pocket, and he took a shining black card and a hundred-dollar bill. “Here’s my card for everything, and here’s the tip,” Kyle said to Deo, giving him the card and cash. “Thanks, Kyle…” Deo left to do the transaction. “You’re such a great tipper,” I kidded and winked at him. “Way to impress my girl,” Kyle mumbled under his sexy breath. My girl. I went speechless. Kyle’s words took my breath away. Claiming me as his warmed my heart. It was a brand new feeling that made my heart race and beat so fast. Smooth and sweet. Such a dangerous combination that if this doesn't stop, it will end me getting smitten with him. “Thanks…” I could only say, albeit my hands were clammy and my knees were wobbling in delight. A minute later, Deo came back. He wasn’t holding Kyle’s card but a cake. They started singing Happy Birthday again. “Kyle? No….” I looked at Kyle, almost whining at his endless surprise. “Blow your candle,” Kyle said as he stood up, taking the cake from Deo. I palmed my face and hid it before shaking my hand. I could feel my warm and flushed face. “I hate this,” I mumbled the opposite. “Happy birthday, Elisha Noelle,” Kyle greeted me once more. Inhaling deeply, I slowly removed my hands from my face and stood to blow out my candles. “Thank you, guys… and thank you, Skylar,” I smiled before blowing the candle. Everyone clapped their hands and greeted me once more. I looked at Kyle again, but he wasn’t holding anything anymore this time. All I felt was that his warm hands held my waist and gently drew me closer to him. My body didn’t resist. It acted as if I had known this kind of feeling towards him. My hands instinctively held his shoulders. “Elisha…” Kyle whispered. I bent my neck up and met his mesmerizing gaze. His lips were wet, and his breath was so deep that I could feel his thumping chest over mine. “I really like you,” he declared. I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Kyle… this is….” “Fast?” I nodded. “Yeah,” still not taking my eyes off him. “I know…” Kyle murmured. I noticed his lips quivered, so I closed my eyes. The next thing I knew, I felt them touch my forehead. He kissed me, not the one I anticipated, but he still kissed me. “Well, let’s take it slow, yes?” Opening my eyes, “Yes,” I beamed back at him. xx
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