And he was cast down

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The outrageous voice of the king shook the walls of the palace. Despite his age, he had always been respected for the king he was. His eyes were streaking ferociously with burning flames that threatened to reveal his monster, but the silver chains were as he had never seen, it overpowered him and somehow managed to chain his beast inside.  "King Oxias Elias Sideris. You're therefore losing your privileges as a king temporarily." Vo announced.  "You'll no longer excess your authority on anyone as long as you're in this punishment." Bo went further to say.  "Here comes your judgment. You were found guilty of abuse of power, maltreatment of your soulmate, destruction of your realm and other realms, illegal consumption of soul, ignorance to our warnings. So therefore Your highness, your punishment is as follows. We're causing you to fall down to earth, where you'll live till you have repented of your sins. Only then will you be able to use your powers and return back to the kingdom. In short, we're Binding you to the earth. Alpha." So announced reading out from a scroll, his yellow eyes following the letters as his wrinkled finger equally traced it.  "What the!" The king growled.  "Hold on, hold on, don't be so impatient," Xo smirked, only adding more flames to the situation. The King struggled in the chains, kneeling before those old men, was despicable and heinous, he wished he could kill them by snapping his fingers.  "Here comes the best part, you have no right to hurt humans in any way possible, you have no right to cast your royalty away and become like them while serving the punishment you must do it with modesty. You're not allowed to become human, you're only allowed to reflect on your evil doings and repent, only then would the silver bracelet on your wrist let loose and you would be free again, but the more you fight against this and refuse to compel the lesser your chances of getting out of there gets." Ko explained with a tricky accent. "Now come on, your bus awaits you," Ho added.  They all rose up. "Now we place the chains on you as a punishment that you may repent, only then will you be restored to your kingdom. And don't you worry, we'll keep your palace as long as you're away."  "You must behave, you don't want your guardians giving you a s******g for being bratty," Xo added because he was taking pleasure in all the King's anger, he loved the heat, he loved his hatred. It made him happy. Better than his usual lava bath.  "Exolus spontenus!" They all slammed their rod on the floor and a portal opened underneath the king's feet.  "I'll come back. Then it would be your turn for judgment." He said with a furious smirk before the pain pierced his skin and he let out a massive scream. Then the cruel king was gone. Gone temporarily.  "Uh, did he just swear, to take revenge as we didn't want it?" Xo asked softly.  "Yup," Bo replied. They all stood in silence watching the floor.  "Well then, until then." So laughed.  "My Lord! My Lord!" Shiloh ran to the spot, throwing herself on the ground and crying while trying to reap the ground open with her claws.  "Bring him back to me! Bring him back to me! If he dies I will die too." She wept.  So approached the lady elf, kneeling on one knee. "Do not be saddened daughter, the love and loyalty of a betrothed is worth a whole kingdom. Your lord treated you like a lowly being you being the princess of Ethana, you deserved better." He said while wiping her tears.  "Do not be worried he will be fine and you'll get to watch him from here, even talk to him when he is calmed," Ko said.  "Why? Why did you have to inflict this on him?" She continued in her sorrow. "That's the only way your Lord would ever listen, he is stubborn. Other than a s******g though." Xo grumpily added.  "You know lady elf, that your Lord's cruelty is not his fault, he was raised like an animal, his hands and feet chained and a scourge was lifted on him at the slightest display of care." Vo tried to explain.  "I know elders. I'll only ask you one thing." She looked up at all six of them as her brows pulled together.  "Grant me contact with my Lord." She demanded looking away.  The elders exchanged looks, So rubbed his beard. "Okay then." They all agreed, causing the melancholic sad maiden to smile.  "Now someone needs to drop him off at least." Ho burst in.  "Ah, Xo do it you know how to deal with flames and the kid is just the one with the right size." So said carelessly.  "With pleasure." He grinned, it was sinister and wicked.  "Don't s***k him though. He isn't to be treated like a child, that's enough punishment mentally and physically for a king who once had all at his feet." Vo imposed firmly.  Xo rolled his eyes. "No promises." He hit his rod disappearing into thin air.  "Now let's get this palace all decorated according to the taste of Lady elf." So beamed and Shiloh blushed.  "No, no, my lord loved it when it was sombre." She said politely in a small voice.  "Nonsense. You're the symbol of water and all that is pure. You should not stay here like this." Ko imposed.  She smiled at the kindness of the elders. Something she rarely felt. ~°~°~°~°~°~°~ Oxias found himself in a field with greens, the sky was filled with huge letters which were odd.  "Epiro Dany simpika!" He voiced out, his voice faded into the thin air and nothing happened rather pain shot through his wrists and he hissed raising his sleeve to look down at the silvery bracelet. He furiously pulled on one but to no avail rather it hurt him even more.  He hated the feeling, the undesirable feeling of pain, it brought back horrible memories.  "Agh!" He roared with all his strength, it was frustrating enough just imagining himself out of the palace, away from his people. They must be rejoicing now he is gone. He balled his fist and squeezed them tightly.  "I'll come back, I vow to myself I will, and they'll pay for this. They must pay for this, how could they turn me to this? How could they shame their only lord?" He muttered angrily. "There you are!" Xo shouted in the distance as he approached the fallen king.  The King glared up at him with his fangs baring.  "Call me Flame." He said smugly while grabbing the boy's arm.  "Back off!" Oxias barked.  He rolled his eyes. "You better behave before I s***k you." He threatened.  The King tried to jerk away from this grip only to find out he was subjected to the man who seemed to be physically stronger than him. Not only did they seal his powers he was equally rendered physically powerless. No powers, then how the hell was he supposed to make it out?  During the moment he was zoned out Flame (aka Xo) pulled him to a train and they took their seats.  "Good boy, now you stay silent. I'm taking you to your new home. Where you'll be the nephew of a rich magician, so you don't lack, you'll live with two other people who are not humans, but humans don't have to know it. There is a lot you need to learn in the human world. It differs from yours. You can get injured but not killed, when you're injured you feel the pain at a higher level than the humans cause your body was not made to feel natural pain in the first place. Ah, a lot you have to learn. And only when you're repentant would you come home." Flame added.  "This is ridiculous, no rule in the book of the realm stipulates such punishment," Oxias muttered angrily but Flame heard.  "That's what's best for you, if your parents were alive they would be disappointed in you." Flame said to Oxias who paused as his face grew even paler.  "I don't care, they shouldn't have died if they wanted the kingdom to remain in a pack the rogues fed on. Their small pathetic poor pack, with nothing to bite." He growled.  "You should stop behaving like an animal, humans find it weird."  Oxias glared at the elderly man and wished his neck would snap and he will feed on his soul and regain his lost dynasty.  "Oh don't you think that way, child, is dirty and cruel." Flame smirked as he had access to the ex-king's mind now his spell was down.  He grabbed Oxias by the wrist before he could protest, and the light blinded them, soon they were in a library.  Flame smiled finally. Oxias stared at the piles of books with a faint hunger for literature.  "Don't tell me. god damn it!" A masculine voice came from the other room.  Oxias had never heard anyone so loud and clear, with no hint of fear for his presence. It was nothing good, the voice already told half of the owner's story. 
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