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Iris Pov After the night with Alpha Kristen, I decided to keep the incident a secret to myself. I had to wake up early the next morning so he wouldn't wake up to find me laying on his bed. Guilt stained my heart, I couldn't stop from hating myself. What will people think when they realize I had slept with the alpha? They'll think I had a motive from the start or some thing. I realized I was much more concerned about what people would say than becoming a mother unexpectedly. A few weeks past and I didn't notice any thing strange about myself, but I knew some thing did occured that night Alpha Kristen f****d me. He did release his seed in me. Most times while I go to the market to purchase some food stuff, I'd branch to the cheapest clinic to run a test on me. For the first week, nothing came out. It was a relief to me. But little did I know, even at that time, I was carrying the alpha's child. I started vomiting, and I would feel tired and the urge to sleep every second. Ms. Felicia became my watchman, she would spank me each time she caught me sleeping. I had no explanation for my actions, even if I did, she never listens to me. The signs and fever were becoming so obvious that I had to sneak out one faithful afternoon to the clinic. It was then I was told that I was two weeks pregnant. I didn't know how to tell Alpha Kristen about it. Even after that night, he never acted like he had done some thing the previous night. He acted normal, and since then he's been doing perfectly fine. His return called for a celebration as every thing began to function well. Even if I do want to tell him, will he believe me? He'll probably call me a liar and an imposter, trying to claim another man's child as his. Ms. Felicia seemed to have noticed my condition, one day she walked up to me. "Tell me, Iris, have you been sleeping around at night?" Not like I wasn't expecting some thing like this coming from her, I just wasn't expecting her to find out so soon. I raised an eyebrow at her, pretending not to understand what she was trying to say. "Ma'am, I don't understand what you're talking about." "Nonsense. Don't try to act like you're dumb. You're pregnant, aren't you?" She asked. I didn't want to tell her, if I do, she'll definitely cast it and it'll definitely reach alpha Kristen's ears. "No, I'm not. I've been sick for some days now, and the drugs I'm taking are causing me to sleep all the time." She gave me this look that told me that she doesn't believe what I said. In a fast motion, her hand grabbed my breast, causing me to scream. She threw a hard gaze at me, "I see you're really a pretty good liar." "I..." She cuts in sharply. "Ah... Don't even think about saying a word. Have you forgotten I'm a mother too? So now, who is the father of the child?" She asked. I shook my head. "There's no father because I am not pregnant." I insisted, keeping a serious face so she won't figure out that I was lying to her. "I see you still won't admit you've been hanging around all night? Huh?" She put her hand into her pocket, bringing out a white folded paper. "Well, I don't need you to admit it, I have proof already." My eyes widened. How did this b***h get it from where I hid it? Has she been spying on me? "Have you been spying on me?" I spat. I didn't mind how rude I sounded, I couldn't hold how angered I am for her to pick my stuff. "Hmm. Spying is an understatement. I've got my eyes on every one, Iris, and you're no exception. Every thing you do is under my control, so don't feel too reluctant that you're safe." "You…" I held myself from cursing her. "So, do you still have any lie to tell?" "Give it back, you b***h! Give it..." I struggled to take it from her but she pushed me to the ground. I felt pain in my abdomen as soon as my butt made contact with the ground. She had left for Alpha Kristen's room, and before I could get there, she had already given him the paper. He carefully read through the lines, folding it back. He raised his head to my side, looking at me like he already knows who the father is. "Is she right about this?" He asked me. I didn't say a word. "Are you deaf?" She sparked. "The Alpha just asked you a question!" I still didn't say a word. "How long have you been pregnant?" He asked. "Two weeks." I answered. "So, Miss West, do you have an explanation for this?" He asked. "No, I don't." I notice Ms. Felicia looks at me with her dagger eyes. "You don't?" He asked again. "I don't." I said. "The report isn't active any more, the child has been aborted already." I lied. "Hmm." He hummed. "It's your decision, who am I to question you?" He stretches the paper to me. "You can have it back." I went to collect the paper. "Thank you." I said to him as I collected it. The way he looked at me gave me goosebumps, reminding me of that night we had slept right in this room. I took my gaze off him, leaving the room as soon as possible. I didn't mind how annoyed Ms. Felicia was at the moment, I didn't waste a second to tear the medical report into pieces, and I poured water on it so it won't be of use any more. Later that night, I walked into Alpha Kristen's room with his meal. He was busy with his laptop when I walked in. "Keep it on the table." He instructed. I did as he had said, turning to leave when his voice sounded. "Stop." I stopped abruptly at his command. I heard the sound of the chair shift as he stood up, walking to my side. My breath became heavy, my body dancing to my fear. I stiffened as his presence grew more closer to me. "Ms. Felicia isn't here any more, so I'm gonna ask you one more time, who is the father of the child?" I hesitated. "You. You are the father of the child."
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