Chapter 4- Daniel

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Days later- I hadn't been able to forgive myself just yet for losing control at my sisters wedding. Half of me wanted to call Ash to make sure he hadnt noticed anything.  The other half wanted to block his number and any memory of him. The man was a problem, that was certain. After the song was done, he'd insisted on continuing to dance with me for the rest of the night. Not that i minded too much, a handsome stranger that could dance was definitely a good way to end your night.  What kept me at edge was his eyes. The way they seemed to have changed colors. Not once, but twice! That only happened to me...or so i thought. During the rest of the night hed been flirtatious and charming.  When hed asked for my number and i gave it to him, his eyes flashed the same silver if only for a second. Hed called a few times in the past week, but to only reach my voicemail. I wasnt about to let that man near me without first controlling myself. The only reason id danced with him was to remove suspicion from my eyes and drink. I sighed, work would only pile up if i didnt stop thinking about him. I had an art gallerie to organize! Id been having to prepare a few new pieces for an art gallery exhibit over the past week and hadnt been able to check in on Lilian during her honey moon.  I paused. I hadnt heard from her since shed arrived to her honeymoon in Greece.  Beginning to worry, i sent a quick I.M. to her over her social media.  I kept walking around the gallery hoping to finish my part and hear from my sister all in the same day.  "Hey Maia!"  I turned around, obviously stunned that i hadnt heard the door bell ring over my mental bickering. "Hey Luke!" I waved over.  Hed been waiting for this exhibit for months. I knew hed be too excited to wait. Luke's green eyes searched through the displays, "there's alot of entrys this time around huh?" He asked a little worried. I chuckled at his timidness.  Id seen his painting. Michaelangelo himself wouldve been impressed at the realiatic oil pastel rendering of his Statue of David. The painting being life sized definitely helped his chances of getting a buyer on Saturday's debut. "Im sure you'll do fine" I cheared. "You have to beat quite a bit of talent to get here, so trust me, you'll be fine!" He smiled sheepishly, "thanks Maia". He seemed to be pondering something. Waiting by the front desk as if he didnt know whether to ask or not. "Did you drop off the rest of your paperwork for the exhibit?" I asked, hoping that was it. He pursed his lips before sighing and finally deciding to ask. "Yeah, I'd finished it all since i registered...I was wondering if you'd be free this friday night?" -Friday night- Id been tempted to go out all week. Now that Lilian was finally here and settling into her new home, I'd figure why not? Luke's free pass to get into the night club where he DJ'd at was a perfect excuse to go out and test if all my training was going to be enough. If anyone there saw anything theyd probably think it was the club lights reflecting off my eyes. I put on a sequin cowl neck dress with some silver heals and my ruby necklace.  The finishing touch some mascara and lip gloss.  I decided to let my hair down, its natural waves being enough for tonight.  Right as i walked to my door i felt a cold presence, as if something was watching me.  I immediately tensed. Grabbing my phone and keys i turn to stare into my apartment one last time before confirming what i already knew. My alarm was on and no one else could be there but myself. I set my alarm again so i could leave my apartment with it still intact, ignoring my uneasy feeling. The night was young after all. The club was packed. The music making the windows vibrate quietly. I made my way to the bar, hoping to get a drink or three before dancing my night away. I checked my phone one last my surprise, Lexi was already a few stops away.  "Helloo gorgeous, what can i get for you?" The overly buff bartender asked. I smiled leaning in, "let me get 2 AMF's". He winked and walked away, getting started on the drinks. I turned around again, looking out at the dance floor.  It was a fairly big place. Near the entrance was an upstairs VIP section that seemed to have a full view of the entire club.  Two other doors to separate dance floors with im guessing different music genres, with people flowing in and out of them. "Itll be 23.00 darling" the bartender reappeared behind me. I took my credit card out of the compartment on the back of my phone. Maia took a big slurp from one of the straws, wanting to get her buzz going. Lexi was already buzzed, she had to catch a taxi in order to meet her at the club. Maia started to walk a little deeper into the dance floor, losing herself to the flowing bodies that surrounded her. She looked up to the Dj booth to see Luke throwing a thumbs up at her.  She smiled, lifting her drinks in the air to show him an improvised thumbs up. He laughed, "all the single ladies make some noise!!!" He hyped up into the speaker system. Maia lifted her full drink again while swaying to the music and sipping from her other almost empty cup. The sweetness helping her drink it faster than she regularly would drink an alcoholic beverage. "And for those ladies that arent so single but ready to mingle make some noise!!" Luke hyped up again. Maia giggled at that one as some of the men dancing on the floor turned to look at the partners that started to holler. Maia checked her phone and noticed that Lexi had texted back. She finished her drink and placed the cup at the nearest table at the edge of the dance floor. Having to push past a lot of heavily intoxicated couples.  Using her now free hand, she opened her phone to see what was sent. @the bar wya? Maia smiled, shed have another drink! She got started with her second cup and finished it by the time she crossed the dance floor and met up with Lexi. "Girl!! Omg you're looking cute tonight!!" Lexi hyped up. Maia laughed, "Hey love! I know i had to do something!" She said as she gestured to the good looking guy that walked past. Lexi quickly waved at the bartender to get his attention. Maia leaned in, "get me 2 more" she half yelled into her ear because of the music. Lexi winked at her. I'm on it, she mouthed. Maia turned around to look at the group of guys that had just walked in the club. Now that's a man, she drunkenly thought to herself. His brown skin looked flawless.  He wore a seashell white long sleeve shirt with some torn at the knee black jeans. The shirt hugged his broad shoulders and muscular arms and chest. His curly black hair was carefully combed backwards but two stray curls still adorned his perfect eyebrows. This man was breathtaking!! Maia smiled, oh god the alcohol is whispering to me she laughed. Right as she turned to grab her drinks from her friend, Maia missed the man tense as he breathed in. His hands started to sweat as his mind started to race at the scent. Daniel couldnt believe his wolf's cry as he turned to look at the girl with a tight sparkly dress.  All he could hear was, Mate.
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