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"It's already half past eleven yet we're still on the road," Jackie said. She sighed heavily. Marvin held her right hand placed on her lap. "Don't worry, we will arrive on time." He smiled at her. Jackie stared at his eyes, wondering what was he's thinking while holding her hand, but she can't see anything. Probably because of the car's dim light or her eyesight were foggy. "R-right." She cleared her throat. She became stiff she couldn't remove her hand from his hand. She slightly brushed her left arm on Janine's arm to call her attention, but her best friend's mind was also occupied. She just sighed again and let him hold her hand. "In two hundred meters, turn right," the GPS voice over said. "We're closer to their address,' Mark said. He looked at the GPS. There was no traffic ahead. He turned the car on the next street. It was a tight alley. "Their address is ten minutes away from here after passing this tight alley." "We're early," Janine smiled. They were about to celebrate for arriving earlier than expected when a car ahead of them suddenly stopped in the middle of a tight alley. They can't overtake. The car owner stepped out of the car, and opened the car hood. "What"!" Mark chuckled. "Why now?" They waited but the car didn't move. The car driver walked towards them and knocked on the car window. Mark opened it. "What happened?" "My car broke down, I don't know what happened," the male driver said. "Can you help me push the car to the side so you can pass by?" "Wow! My first day here is really exceptional," Steve said. "Let us help you." "Let's hurry before it's too late." Marvin and Mark stepped out of the car to help the driver push the car to the side of the alley. "This is crazy," Nurse Jen said. "What am I even doing here. Why are we in a hurry going to Luke's house? I also heard what you said to your father, Janine." "You'll find out later," Jackie replied. She grinned at Nurse Jen. "Right, I'll just go with the flow." She rubbed the sides of her head. "My migraine is attacking." She opened her bag and took out a pain killer. "Do you have water, ladies?" 'Here," Janine took out from her bag the water bottle she brought from the restaurant. Nurse jen took a pain killer capsule and drank water. She sighed heavily. "Do you often get migraine?" Jackie asked. "There are times, yes. I don't know the cause. It happens when I feel heavy and stiff." She handed the bottle back to Janine. Marvin, Mark and Steve went back to the car. "Do we still have time?" Mark asked. Janine checked her wristwatch. "Fifteen minutes left before midnight." "We can still make it." Marvin stepped on the accelerator and drove faster. The alley is empty since it's almost late at night. They exited at the end of the alley and turned right. "Their house is three blocks from here." They arrived at Luke's house. They saw a guy outside the gate, talking to another guy, blocking him. They all went out of the car and approached them. "Darryl?" Janine asked. The guy looked at them. "You know me? Who are you, people?" "W-what are you doing here?" Janine was confused. He wasn't included in her drawing. "I have a business with my friend. Why there's a police officer here?" He pointed at the guy standing at the gate, blocking his way. "PO1 Madrid, is my father here?" Janine greeted the police officer. "Yes, he's inside. He's been waiting for you." He moved back and let them come in. "Hey! Why are you letting them in and not me?" Darryl shouted in anger. "The house owner said don't let you in," the police officer said. Janine looked back at Darryl while slowly walking towards the house. "Janine," Mark called her. He held her hand to guide her towards the house. "Let's go." They all entered the house. Janine looked at her wrist watch. It's five minutes before midnight. Something is kicking in her and telling her to go back out of the house. but she just shrugged her shoulders. They entered the family room. Luke and Cathy were there, holding each other's hands on the sofa. Luke's parents are also both sitting on another sofa., facing their son. "Good evening, Ma'am, Sir," Janine said. "We're here to help your son with the trouble he's in." "Thank you, but how can you help him? Do you know the suspect?" Mrs. Dizon asked. Janine and Jackie exchanged glances. "We know. We're here to end their grudges." "You should learn your lessons!" Mr. Dizon shouted to his son. "Look at what you're doing? You are bothering too many people to clean up your mess!" "I'm sorry, Papa," Luke said. He held his girlfriend's hand tighter. "You should be sorry!" He pointed his index finger at his son. "And stay away from that trouble maker Darryl! He's not a good influence to you!" "Glad you arrived on time," SPO3 Alistair said to his daughter. "We had troubles along the way but we're able to manage to come here," she said. "This is Steve, Marvin's friend. He's an expert in dealing with our situation now." "Nice meeting you, Sir." Steve offered his hand to Janine's father to shake hands. The latter accepted it. "Thank you for coming here." "No ones's using a phone here, right?" Steve asked. Everyone shook their heads. Steve placed his index finger under his chin, thinking. "Then something isn't right. Two bodies, not sure about their genders..." They all heard a gunshot from outside. Steve's eyes went wide and exchanged look with Marvin. They both ran outside of the house, the others followed. There, they saw a scary creature in white dress soaked in blood standing a few meters away from the police officer. His gun was pointed at it, and behind him was Darryl on the ground, scared and shocked. A smart phone was lying a few feet away from the scary creature. "Sandy!" Janine called the creature. She immediately ran outside the gate. The creature looked at her, angry and furious.
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