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"Can we make it?' Janine asked. She's worried and nervous. "We're a little far from their house. "I think so," Mark said. "It's just past nine o'clock." "We should also call your Papa and help us," Marvin said. "He can get to Luke's residence and guard them until we arrive." "I'll try," Janine said. She took out her phone and called her father. Her father answered after a few rings. "Janine, what's wrong?" her father asked. "Papa, it's a long story, but can you go to Luke Dizon's house? I'll send you their address. I saw in my vision that he and Cathy will be the next victim. It will happen at midnight." His father sighed. "I think we can no longer avoid your ability. I'll go there now and guard them. I'll just make a believable excuse to his parents so I could talk to those kids." "Thanks, Papa." She ended the call. "Papa will go there now and guard them." She sent Luke's address to her father. "At least we can relax a bit," Mark said. He drove faster when they reached the highway. "Can someone summon an evil spirit remotely and kill people?" Jackie asked Steve. "It is possible," he said. "I've seen a lot during my travels in different places." "Now I'm really worried." Janine tapped her lap. "My father could be in danger, too." "Don't worry, we can make it in time," Mark assured Janine. He looked for shortcuts and tight roads to avoid heavy traffic. Meanwhile, SPO3 Arthur Alistair arrived at the front gate of Luke's address. He brought two of his men to help him. "Sir, your informant is really positive that the suspect will attack this house?" PO1 Madrid asked. He's skinny and tall. "Yes," he said. "Let's talk to them." He pressed the door bell twice. They can see the house from the gate's grills. The min door opened and an old man in his sixties came out, followed by a woman who looks younger than the man. "Who are you, people? It's almost ten o'clock in the evening." The old man looked at his wrist watch. SPO3 Alistair took out his police badge and showed it to the old man. "Mr. Dizon, I am SPO3 Arthur Alistair. I am assigned to investigate the recent killings from the school where your son is studying." "I'm sorry," Mr. Dizon opened the gate. to talk formally. "How can I help you?" "An unidentified informant called me and said your son and his girlfriend are the next target. We want to make sure they are safe. I brought two of my men to do some rounds around your house." "Thank you!" Mr Dizon exclaimed. "Why would they target my son? Did he do something wrong?" "That's what I need to know. May I ask your son if he remembers anything?" He took out his pocket notebook and pen to act as if he will write something. "Come and get in. Talk to my useless son. He always brings mess around," Mr. Dizon said. He walked back towards the house. "This is my wife. You can also look for her if I am not around." "Thank you, Mr. Dizon," SPO3 said. "Stay here. Do not let strangers to get in." He pointed the gate and the main door, commanding his men to stay put and wait for his orders. The two nodded and stayed on their respective spots. They went to the room right beside the living room. "Luke," Mr Dizon called his son. He's watching TV in the family room with Cathy. "A police officer wants to talk to you." SPO3 Alistair saw their faces turned pale. He sighed deeply. "You don't have to worry. I just need to ask some question and also to guard your house." "I-I don't think anyone could help us," Luke said. "Luke! Don't be rude. The police is helping us!" his father shouted. He got startled and kept his mouth shut. "Forgive my son, he's really like that." The old man put his arms on his waist and looked up. "He's really the black sheep in this family. You talk to that boy." He turned around and left without looking back at his son. SPO3 Alistair entered the living room. "You can trust me, and I'm willing to help you, just be cooperative." "I told you, no one can help us!" Luke shouted. "Why? Is it because a ghost is haunting you?" He made sure to emphasize the word ghost to them. "How did you know?!" Luke stood up and rushed to the door to shut it. "How did you know about the ghost?!" "I told you I can help you," he simply said. "Tell me first what happened before Sandy died, so I can help you." "Y-you know it's Sandy?" he stuttered. He nodded. "I'll be honest. Someone called me and told me she saw a vision of a woman standing in front of your dead bodies." He pointed at Luke and Cathy. "That's why I'm here." "We saw her," Cathy said. "She's after us! Why us? it was Darryl who killed her. Why haunt us?" Cathy sobbed. "She came out from the phone! Her face was damaged and she's full of blood all over!" "Were you there when it happened?" he asked. Cathy and Luke nodded their head. "Did you stop Darryl?" SPO3's follow up question. They both shook their heads. "No," Luke said. "We let him do what he wanted." "Did you help him that made Sandy died like that?" "W-we cornered her." Luke sunk his face in his palms. "It wasn't our intention. He slapped her that made her fall to the ground." "You now know why you're being haunted." He stood up. "If you can make a statement to pin down the suspect, I will help you." "Please, we will make a statement, just help us!" Cathy begged on her knees. "I don't want to die like that!" "Okay, then," he said. "I will guard you until our help arrives. I hope they come in time." He sighed. "Don't use phones and stay right here." The two nodded simultaneously. He walked out of the room to talk to his comrades and to wait for Janine's group to arrive.
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