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"We'll go ahead," Janine said to Sandy's Mom. "Thank you again for coming here. Be careful going home," she said. She smiled but her eyes show loneliness and longing. They waved their hands before hopping in to the car. Janine let out a deep sigh while sitting in the car. "What are you thinking?" Mark asked while driving. He noticed Janine's silence and spaced out. "I was thinking about my interaction with Sandy," she said. "I'm not sure if it's a vision, interaction, imagination or hallucination. I can't explain it, but I felt her touch." She touched her right cheek. "It wasn't imagination or anything," Marvin said. He is munching a corn chips from Sandy's wake. "It's real. There are still things we can't explain in paranormal world, but you yourself experienced it, right? Sandy was right in front of you. You spoke with her and she touched you." "Our soul cries and you can feel us," Sandy explained. "You have the ability to reach out and feel those souls, living or dead. You don't realize it yet, but something kicks inside you when a soul you once know cries. You will feel when the soul is seeking for help, vengeance and justice. That's why you can see through us. You have a pure soul. You will figure it out soon." "That's exactly what she said to me," Janine said as she tried to remember the exact words. "I'll video call my friends from California once we're in your house," Marvin suggested. "hey will explain to us further what are those abilities I mentioned earlier and what can you do to use it without harming yourself." "That would be better," Mark said. "She needs to minimize fainting whenever she touches things." "Right, that's dangerous," Janine agreed. "What if you're alone on the street and you suddenly touched other people's belongings? You'll just collapse there and no one's around." "I know... that's why I want to know more about my ability and how to handle this." Janine exhaled deeply. She's confused and worried yet she's curious about her vision. Mark drove even faster to go home immediately. He also wants to help Janine to overcome fainting whenever she touches things and sees visions. They arrived at Janine's house after almost 2 hours of driving, and got stuck in a traffic jam. "Mama and Papa are not here," Janine said. She inserted the key to the keyhole to unlocked the door. She entered first, followed by Mark. "Mom and my two siblings are in my aunt's rest house for a week long vacation. Papa is in the police station." "At last, we're home!" Marvin stretched as he entered the house. "This is not your home," Jackie said. She laughed because of Marvin's childish acts. "I feel home in Janine's house," he replied. "It's solemn and full of positive vibes, unlike that big house of Sandy's parents." He sat in the couch. "You have a point there." Jackie sat at the sofa. "I don't have that kind of ability like Janine but I felt a heavy feeling after entering that house. I can't explain it." "Can you explain to us about that also?" Janine asked. "You said you noticed something in their house?" Janine sat at the sofa, beside Jackie. Mark sat in the other single couch beside Marvin. "Okay," Marvin started. "I was able to attend a few exorcism rites and soul ascending process. I have the same feeling while being in those events and that house. It's an eerie, demonic feeling." Janine hugged herself. She definitely felt something strange in that house. She had goosebumps upon entering the house and the feeling was heavy. "I think I felt the same way as you do." "That's because among us, you have the ability to feel any presence that normal people cant." Marvin put out his phone and started video calling someone. "Are you calling your friend from California?" Jackie asked. Marvin nodded. "Do you have a phone stand?" he asked Janine. "Hold on." She rushed to her room and went back with a phone stand. He handed it to Marvin. He put the stand on the center table and placed his phone there while waiting for the other person to answer the call. He sat on thew floor closer to Jackie and Janine. "Come here, cousin." He tapped the empty space beside Janine to sit and join them in the video call. Janine nodded to Mark, telling him to come closer. He smiled before moving to her side to sit down. A woman in thirties answered the call. She has a deep set of blue eyes and protruding nose. Her auburn wavy long hair matches her well-defined jawline. "Hey, Erin," Marvin greeted her. "Marvin!" Erin exclaimed. "How is it going? We've lost contact with you." "Oh, that's why you missed a lot of meetings with other Soul Ascenders," she said. "You're a Claircognizance. We need you here." "I'm sorry I had to move back here. Our family will stay here for good." He faked a cry and pretended to wipe his tears. "But I'll visit you guys when I have money and time." He grinned. "I'll expect that," she replied back. "Are the your friends?" She looked at them. "Oh, right! Mark is my cousin and the two pretty girls are our friends, Jackie and Janine," he introduced them to Erin. She waved to everyone and smiled. "Hi there!" They also waved back to greet Marvin's friend. "I need to consult something that's why I called,' Marvin said. "What is it?" Erin asked. She wore her eyeglasses to see better. "My friend, Janine, seems a little in between Clairvoyant, Clairsentient and a Channeller," he said using a term Janine did not understand. "She wants to know more about it and she wants to learn how to use it well. She faints whenever she sees visions from souls who seek justice." "I see. Let me explain and differentiate the three," Erin said. "A Calirvoyant is someone who can see beyond what normal eyes could see. Some clairvoyant can see within the mind's eye about the past, the present or the future events in a variety of an environment." "That's probably your vision, Janine?" Jackie asked. "Now I can relate with the term." "A Clairsentient on the other hand," Erin continued. "Can feel within the whole body, without any physical stimuli related to that feeling or information. Others call them Clairempaths." "That's my feeling earlier," Janine whispered. "Channelling is basically a middleman between the higher realm, spirit world and human world. You can speak with them, or be taken over, too, by spirits. You are also called a a medum or a bridge. You can speak with souls and spirits." Erin stopped and waited for their response. "I-I see visions of what's going to happen, feel weird presence and speak to a soul," Janine replied. "And I usually collapse after seeing visions." "Then you are a mix of everything I mentioned." Erin replied. "You're gifted, Honey. You should use your gift to help other people---living or dead." "What will happen if she ignores it and forgets her ability?" Mark asked. "Well, some are able to completely lose the ability they have, but some people regained it in due time and hit them like a train or a surge of water wave when they encounter a soul with a strong will of vengeance. Gifted people who turned their backs experience nose bleeding or fainting." She looked at Janine. "Did you?" "I-I think I did." Janine tried to recall any other incident aside from the one her Papa told her when she was young, but can't remember anything. "I don't recall any other incident after that one when I was a kid." "You should probably ask your father about what they did to let you forget it. They can resolve it," Erin replied. "Maybe they did hypnotism or something to let you forget it. If that's the case, you should visit a hypnotherapist to help you." "Thank you for enlightening, Erin. You're always a big help!" Marvin said. He blew a kiss to his friend. "I'll send you the number of a legit hypnotherapist in the Philippines. He's also our member in Soul Ascenders Association." Erin blew a kiss back to them. "Although he's still out of the country. He might be back there soon." "Thanks, Erin! See you soon!" Marvin waved his hand and ended the conversation.
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