Chapter-2 Selfish LEA

1021 Words
*LEA's Point of view* I am Lea Embry Dennis. A kindergarten teacher and Aldi's best friend. When I was five, my family got transferred to New Jersey for my skin treatment and later with time, dad and mom decided to permanently be settling here and we brought a house next to Aldi dad's restaurant. I have vitiligo, a condition in which the skin loses its pigment cells(melanocytes) because of the condition, I develop discoloured white patches on my whole brown body. I and my parent thought the USA has the most advanced treatments, and the brilliant doctors surely treats me well. Unfortunately, this medical condition has no successful treatment. When we shifted here. It was the first stage of vitiligo. Patches were started developing on my hands and later keep on growing. My parents hope for miracles and continue the treatment till the doctor surrendered to my condition, but it took 15 years for them to accept my imperfections. Because of rumours and myths, neighbouring kids and their friends avoid making friends with me and my family and remain distant from us. They assumed this skin condition to be contagious. Old school people you know. I am blessed to have Aldi because he never judges people based on their appearance.  No, it doesn't mean that I am happy for his blindness. Many a time I wish him to see me, and I sometimes doubt his abilities to perform all the tasks perfectly-being blind as we all do with the help of our eyes. As Aldi and his family never hated me, his mother and father have a friendly relationship with my family too. I keep on spying on Aldi and through his mother, I get to know how and where he will be joining the course. I also joined the same institutes, and this way I keep around him all the time. He calmly listens to all my nonsense talk, always ready to help me. We often party at his place, and we also enjoy shopping together. I love selecting things for him. We both excel in exams, and I am the only one there to console him as a friend when Mrs. Mason died in a car accident. Aldi and Uncle Mason both were broken at that time. Indeed, we all mourned the sudden, unexpected demise of an angel. She was Aldi's strengthen and as I grew up observing her love and concern towards Aldi. I decided to support, Aldi till my last breath, I promised this to Aunt Mason's soul. It is my routine to walk to school with Aldi, this way I get to spend more time with him. These days I am on my low side because my parent wants me to get settled now. By settle they want me to get married, I have no boy in my life other than Aldi, but this stupid guy also refused my proposal of marriage last week saying he is not perfect for me, and I deserve a better man than him. In his definition, I deserve someone perfect. For me, he is the perfect match for an imperfect girl like me.   I don't know how on earth this man, get to know about my moods without seeing my face. In a span of seconds, he caught my sad mood. I deliberately ignored his question and demanded to hurry up for school. We locked his house and started treading towards the school clubbing my hand with him Whenever we are together, I never allowed him to use his cane to detect the way. I replace his cane with my hand as his mother used to do.  The school is a mile away from our place crossing the woods. I love walking down the woods with him, the sun rays sneaking down the ground through the tall pine trees always charms me. Today, I am in no mood to talk because my parent chose someone for me and tonight, I am going on my first-ever blind date with that boy. I didn't talk about that to Aldi. I don't why know but I cannot think of any other boy except Aldi. "Lea, Are you okay?" Aldi’s question brought me back from my trance "Yeah... I am good and this is the second time you are asking me the same question," I replied faking a chuckle "You didn't answer truly for once," He replied pulling my hand and we both paused at our place, He trailed his free hand towards my cheeks and palmed my cheek. Tears well up in my eyes feeling his warm touch on my cheek. I keep on pushing those tears back. "What happens?" I questioned palming his hand over my cheek "Lea, you know I can sense your sadness, no matter I can't see through my eyes!" he exclaimed "I know!" I affirmed, what else I can say, I know everything about him, so does he. "Then why are you lying?" he interrogatively asked, and a tear dribbled down my cheeks  See, this man is so understanding that without looking at my face he knew I am upset today. I told you, Aldid is perfect for me. I never regret that he can't see but today I want him to see, I want him to see how ugly I look, how selfish I am that I want to use his blindness to secure myself, to secure my future.  This is also a bitter truth of my life that deep inside I love him...I love him to the moon but if I didn't have Vitiligo, Will I ever befriend a blind guy? Will I ever have thought of getting married to him? Will I ever propose to him? I swiftly wiped the tear before it could reach his hand. "I am perfectly fine!" I said softly shoving his hand down my cheek. "It is just one of those days when I am not in a mood to talk, actually I have nothing to talk, today." I lied slowly moving back on our track. He didn't question anymore and silently keeps on walking with me hand in hand.
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