C017 Breaking Yet Into Another Song And Dance

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"You really had collected a lot of junk these past 2 days, silly boy... Are you going to fuse them later on when we come back to Camp Salvation?" "Yes, Matilda... I'm going to be busy between 3 to 5 days and I would want to add another 3 more pieces of armour for our addition." "3 more pieces of armour, Boss? That would be great... What it would be like then?" "Ah... JL, it's going to be a helm, a pair of gloves and a pair of boots." "What would you have in mind for those new pieces of armour, Robyn?" "Well, maybe I will install a Sigil of Commands where it will only transmit SHOUTS to everyone through the helm. Grunts, screams, curses would not be transmitted through and it would have an effect of the 50-meter radius." "The Sigil of Commands would also have a two way of communications between the Assassins and me so I would be able to access their situation upfront in the future." "Silly boy, that would be pretty cool like Delta Force... Hii Hii Hii..." "Yeah, granny's little cutie pie... And gloves would add armour and also make those one-handed and two-handed weapon wielder react faster." "Same goes to the boots, it would add armour and makes us move faster on foot." "I already have their names and the only thing now is to Mass Produce, then add steel interwoven mesh inside them and upgrade to Legendary Level. The gloves and helm that the necromancer and druids wore are unique in their own way. It accentuates their style and demeanour, right?" "Hahahah...Boss, The Druids with their helms alone looked mighty scary to me. Luckily they wore only during the battles and removed then afterwards. You made them look very scary and they themselves were terrified and ashamed to wear in public." "Just think of it as Halloween Masks. Hahahaha... Well, I've got a request for a group of 15 Monks who are interested in joining us. From what I recall, these Monks have two-handed weapons called Daibo, much like a quarterstaff." "They do have their own chants, shouts, spells as well and they are like spiritualist too. They are able to heal and offence as well... Much like Stef here. What do you guys think? These are free2play adventurers and all are Level 4." "They grouped up because they saw that we are equally numbered and have 9 classes all together. Adding another one makes our NVA equal at 150 members and its close to 2x the number we had before." "Let's invite them to lunch tomorrow and we would see about it. Having another melee group won't be too bad and also these monks have their own shouts and spells as well as attacks that interests me most," replied Stef as she walked away and Jean Lethal followed her from behind silently. "Errr... Matilda, what's wrong with Stef? Dies she feels threatened by the arrival of the Monk's on our side tomorrow at Camp Salvation?" "Why should I tell you, Silly boy... It is a girl's secret lah... You boys don't have any secrets so you won't know lah..." Matilda showed her fingers at me that was not only adorned with steel rings, but the ends were adorned with CHEESE CHEEZELS...!!! "What are you DOING??? " "Relax lah silly boy, you know you are so cute when you start panicking. These are roller Coaster chips that I made into an amulet. Do you want one? Hii Hii Hii... This is a novel... So no one sees what I'm snacking and believe me, I'm not getting rounder but sleeker you know. Hii Hii Hii... " I sighed at her when an offscreen crew came up with a piping hot coffee and some doughnuts for me and places it on the table. I thanked him and slowly sip up the refreshing cup of coffee and dipped the doughnuts in it.   =*= After we had gathered up our stuff and had breakfast, we mingled in the crowd near the arena and asked how the Super Enhanced Ginseng Hee Ling Pills and the Spirulina Mana Enhancement Pills as we informed those who are interested to add us as friends. We intend to return in about 7 days time after we had completed and done with the junk which is inside my collection right now. We looked at the ratings and so far our NVA had made it to Top 5 in all sizes of party raids across the board right till Level 101-110 demons. "What an achievement, huh Boss? We made it to Top 5 and we just leave it as it this for the time being." "Yeah, I agree with you JL, there's nothing like party raids just to upgrade our personal level and also the skills." "It is sad, don't you think, Robyn... 5 bands just disbanded and vanish into thin air. Just like that... All because of boss raids" "That's right, Stef. I wonder what happened to Hugo right after he removed himself as Leader from Flaming Arrows." "Silly boy, I'm going to say goodbye to granny first and see you at the Camp by lunchtime ok?" "Ah... Alright, granny's little cutie pie..." I replied as I gave her a punch at her cheeks that grew chubbier like a chipmunk after snacking for so many months. "Alright, get the sergeants to move out when they are ready after their shopping spree. Did you or Matilda gave the men some money for their shopping as well?" "Matilda did Boss, she gave the men 10 gold coins each to spend at the Drapery, the ornamental seller and other merchants and the marketplace too. Since they heard that we won't be moving, they had gathered those rotten fruits and vegetables and let the support staff help grow them." "Oh, that's mighty generous of Matilda to do that. I guess you won't know where to channel your money to and it is better for you to keep it for yourself during rainy seasons?" "During rainy seasons, Boss? Don't you mean a raincoat or an umbrella?" "I mean if one day you wanted to have your own squidder fleet after all this, in a new town perhaps." "Ohhhh...I'm going to when I'm 35, Boss. It is going to be another 21 years more to go... Hoo Hoo Hoo..." "Really, JL... I thought one day you're going to be SC...Santa Claus. Hahahaha." ... "Welcome back Sir Robyn, Sir JL, Ma'am Stef... Where's Ma'am Matilda...? Isn't she with you?" Will.I.Am greeted us when we had entered the Camp Salvation and everything looked very orderly. Will.I.Am handed me the pouches of shards and I set it in my storage bag and I told the support guys to open up their commlink as I handed 3k gold coins to Will.I.Am, 2k gold coins each for Alleicea and Aventina. "These are for your harvest in the Ginseng and Spirulina. There's more I suppose?" "Yes, Sir... Tina and I had discovered a new cave and a new harvest of Spirulina but there are some demons staying around there and we moved in only when they had left the cave." "Tell me more about the cave, Ally..." I asked in surprise that demons could be at close proximity with us here in the Camp. "It's a cave about 30 minutes from here, near Spottiswood, there's a disused mine shaft actually and we used this eyeglass that we had bought from a travelling merchant to view over great distances." "Hmmm... A telescope from the 16th century that emerges right here in the 12th century... How intriguing. I wonder who is the one that sells them." I thought to myself as I listened about the discovery of demons just 30 minutes of here. "Come, show me on this map where exactly is the mineshaft you saw the demons." I gestured to Ally and she thought that I'm angry at her for disclosing such matters. After I had the location, I called for the sergeants of Assassins and to arrange a recon squad to go to this mineshaft here and investigate and report back with the findings. "This would be a night recon, do not create any disturbances yet. Find out who they are and how many of them and the types of weapons they carry. Use stealth at all times and move out after dinner, alright? First and foremost, please be careful and return back safely. That is all... " I dismissed the sergeant and he quickly arranged a 3 man recon team. I informed Stef and Jean Lethal of my course of actions." Why should demons be at this mineshaft that the girls had found Spirulina there." I can only find out the answers when the Assassins come back with the report. At the meantime, I sent an urgent message to Matilda to report on the findings of the demons nearby just 30 mins away from Camp Salvation and told her to be careful. I mentioned about the recon that would take place after dinner and we need to check if there's any news or notifications that we need to take heed. "Boss, only some notifications from the Sheriff to inform them of demons activity around here." "Its a good idea to have the Assassins to organise a recon to make sure that we are still safe within a kilometre range." "It is too close for comfort, it is good we had training runs earlier on with the party raids in both Leeds and York. The Monk's would be here any minute so I'd access them and you two would make the decisions." "Yes, Robyn." "Aye, Boss..." ..... "Good 'noon, leader of the Band of Vagabonds, and I represent the group of 14 monks that had been assembled based on free2play adventures and all of us are Level 4 Revolving Chakra. We understand that there is a missing piece in the band and we sincerely wish to complete that missing jigsaw piece." "We understand the criteria and here are the shouts, chants, spells and attack skills tomes that we had purchased through our grindings and sales from the drops and spoils that we don't need. Our desire is one, to be able to support the band with our skills and to our best capabilities." "Good afternoon to you too... Yes, we have 9 classes here and made up of 15 members for each class. We had recently added Paragon to our team and you might be the answer to the completion of the whole NVA." "May I take a look at those tomes, please. And you are using a Daibo just like our friend here, Jean Lethal, a quarterstaff before it was upgraded to become a Disemboweler, with a twisted spearhead and a serrated circular part here to act as a drill when driven through someone's belly." I portray the gruesome image of the Disemboweler when it was used to stab and twists around that gorged a big hole in someone's fat tummy, that all the intestines would spill out immediately when the spear was removed from the entry point. "What do you say, JL? They would be taking centre stage when every time the battle starts so they could shout, chant, heal, spells, twerk, sing and dance? We sure going to be like the Village People when we dance to the beats of NYVA... Or the New Young Vagabond Army. Hahahahahah. Just figuratively speaking... " Suddenly the offscreen crew broke into a song and dance... "Young man, there's a place you can go I said, young man, when you're short on your dough You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find Many ways to have a good time It's fun to stay at the NYVA It's fun to stay at the NYVA They have everything for you men to enjoy You can hang out with all the boys It's fun to stay at the NYVA It's fun to stay at the NYVA" "Well, the offscreen crew has decided already for all of us, and welcome to NVA, the New Vagabonds Army," I said as I welcomed them and proceeded to introduce them to the whole team.
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