C013 So Many Tomes To Learn. MC TOO OP Oready...!!!

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The support staffs also prepared boiled sweet corns with its ears intact in boiling water with a heap of salt to accentuate the taste. It was a welcome for the adventurers as seconds helping of the vegetable gruel failed to satiate their hunger after the last 3 battles they had. "Tell us Hugo about your boss raid, you can either progress and regress from it right now?" I asked emphatically since we are all adventurers alike as we put aside our differences. "I was actually enticed to do it as we have the overwhelming numbers to tackle it at first but after partying with other bands and combining forces, we weren't able to even subdue the small little opening where these demons from Hades emerges from." "Their numbers are incomparable to the men that held their positions and a single demon could take down as many as 5 men with one s***h and their simple weapons could slice apart the army like a hot knife through butter." "We had suffered losses from Day One till now and there's no way from us to back down from it. We can't abandon the boss raid and move to a party raid or even grind normal monsters at all and we seemed to be stuck at that stage until we overcome it, or simply everyone dies from the battle." Hugo explained as he looked down at his gruel and poked it around with his spoon. Probably looking for answers on how to overcome the dilemma. "You said that you were enticed by it, what makes you drawn to organise a boss raid?" asked Matilda as she pondered on with the tale that Hugo had spun. "There will be some mythical items that will be dropped every boss raid and this would drop after each successful run, and these items are considered as epic to legendary grades that could boost someone's level higher, add an enormous amount of attributes by adding equipment or accessories." "That sounds rather enticing already to me," replied Jean Lethal as he listened on. "The criteria is this, it's a pyramid system, beat one boss and level up to the next one and so on so forth until you hit the mega boss on the topmost level of the pyramid." "So it's something like a party raid, we start from the lowest level and advance when we had the confidence to beat those at other levels?" Stef asked in comparison. "No, in party raids we get to choose our sets of demons in whichever level we are comfortable with. In boss raids, we can't choose and we won't even know their levels even." "On boss raids, if anyone gets killed, they would drop all their equipment, wait for 6 hours before respawn at their location where they placed the hearthstone. Whatever inside the storage also would be dropped and ends with 75% less money in the pouch. But items left in the guild's storage won't be affected." "Hmm, very harsh rules. Now you are not able to exit from the boss raid and go anywhere else either to quit or replay back the scenario?" I asked with raised eyebrows that looked like Hiko Seijuro with a permanent frown on his face. "That's right, the moment I exit from the raid, everyone would exit from there automatically. Once I participate back in another boss raid it would be automatically rejected. I can only be an observer in party raids like the one I had just done with you." "Please...tell me what is the next course of actions that I need to do right now... I'm in dire need to get out of there and I'm either stuck with getting myself killed or disband everyone to save them." "It sure looks that it would be a very difficult decision to make. Disbanding your team doesn't kill them right? It's a way to release them from the hole that they are stuck in right now. Disbanding them means they would not be in the boss raid as well as in Flaming Arrows, right?" "That's right, and there's a penalty. They won't be able to access for the next 48 hours. The members get disbanded and became new adventurers and I get booted out and restart too when we quit the boss raid prematurely." "Guess Flaming Arrows would be Smouldering Arrows soon... It is pretty sad to hear that, whatever your decisions you make is for the best of your team members and yourself. Talk to them and find out their ultimatum, place your hearthstone together and regroup. That's the only way now. I would do the same if I were you." I replied emphatically and gave Hugo some assurance of me duplicating what he would do. In fact, it is just a saying since we would be ensuring that we do not fall into this type of trap in the future. Boss raid reaps the most benefits, drops and spoils but in the end, it would failure once you step inside that s**t hole. After having a lengthy chat with Hugo, he decided to summon everyone and have a chat with them and discuss the next course of action. He excused himself and heads back to Leeds alone. .... "Time to upgrade the NVA... The last battle that we had mainly focuses on brute force and physical capabilities and its AntiMagic. So we need more tomes on those. What do you think?" I proposed as I took out the sales book on all passive skills and shouts. I looked at the Archers Patriot skill and found that it could be enhanced with a few more skills that made it truly formidable. Same goes to the rest of the classes. A few class names had been changed and Amazonian Fighters had been obsolete except the ones still active and wish to remain as they are. "Silly boy, you never returned the book to the Peddler? How is he going to sell his Tomes to other people?" "Haiya... I asked for the books and he never responded so I take them la... If he said cannot take then I return to him, silence means OK you can go ahead and take and buy the tomes and duplicate them, granny's little cutie pie." "It is a good idea that you had this book, Robyn. The last battle made the Mages, Druids and Necromancer useless as we are into sorcery and magic and wished we could be of some help in the future." "There's a class restriction and also you will not be allowed to wield any other ranged weapon. Your staff could be used as a weapon but all of you are not melee class. If we equip you with a bow, then it's going to be an overkill and it's a prohibition. Not everyone is a mastery of weapons like the Barbarians which are now called Berserker." "Even as Archers now known as Rangers, they had with them a small dagger in case they need to face melee which is rarely the case, except for the battle at the graveyards earlier. They cannot equip with a long sword or shield or any other type of weapon since their primary class is archery and bowmanship." "How about other classes, would there be any changes at all?" asked Stef full of curiosity and was relieved when I told here her class remained unchanged but with newly added spells, chants and other stuff. "Alright, let's get to work then," I said as I gathered the sergeants of all classes and passed around the copy of the sales book which I had recently duplicated so everyone will have an exact copy and I drew the whiteboard closer for the meeting. Hahahahha.   =*= "Let me congratulate everyone that had successfully upgraded their Levels and also their skill levels too and have maintained zero casualties despite the last battle that we had. It was truly one-sided and had to depend on melee combatants and I nearly lost my head if not for your Captain JL here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and let's begin this meeting. H O O A H H... " "H O O A H H..." responded the sergeants. "The last battle had us battling those demons using brute force as well as our very own capabilities. In front of you now are the sales book from the Peddler in Leeds and please turn to the page in accordance with your class." "Archers and Amazonian Fighters.. Will no longer be called as what you are but are grouped together as Rangers from today onwards. Swordsman would be referred to as Warriors and Barbarians as Berserker now. Assassins remain as their own class." "Please turn to the relevant classes shout page and refer to all the shout tomes that are available and put a tick on those that you already possess and we will go through each one and we will make a purchase right after this." At last, after a long discussion and weeding those shouts and skills that aren't relevant and does little damage, we had concluded the following for the Warriors, Berserker, Rangers, Assassin and Amazonian Fighters. Shouts Feel No Pain- For W, B, A Affects ally within a 5-meter radius +250 armour for 20 seconds Cool down 180 seconds Charge - For W, B, R, A 15 seconds move 33% faster Dodge This - For W, B, A +25 damage for 5 seconds Unblockable Cool down period 60 seconds Finish Him - For W, B, A +80 damage for 20 seconds Unblockable Cool down period 180 seconds I Am The Strongest - For W, B, A +25 damage for 20 seconds Cool down 180 seconds Move Like A Snail - For W, B, A Enemies within earshot slow reaction. +60 damage for 15 seconds. Cool down 180 seconds Coward - For W, B, A Knocks down the target within a 3-meter radius 10 seconds affect Cool down 60 seconds For Great Justice - For W, B, R, A 20 seconds. Gain 100% adrenaline On Your Knees - For W, B, A Knocks down the target within a 3-meter radius 10 seconds affect Cool down 60 seconds Watch Yourself - W, B, R, A 10 seconds +25 armour I made a written note that we need to get 10 tomes for the shouts alone. The Rangers and Amazonian Fighters made the following request to add to their skills as well and I made a written note for the following requests. Barbed Arrows +30 damage Barrage +25 damage Hits 5 adjacent enemies Cool down period 60 seconds Body Shot +25 damage Called Shot +35 damage 3x faster Unleashing arrows Determined Shot +25 damage Dual Shot +18 damage Shoots 2 Arrows one time Focused Shot +25 damage for 5 seconds Cool down period of 60 seconds Point Blank Shot Passive +45 damage within 5 meters. Screaming Arrows +25 damage bleeding effect within 5 adjacent enemies Cool down period 60 seconds Next came the skills attacks for Warriors, Berserker and Assassins. There was a mix of passive and active skills with a cooling down period of between 60 to 180 seconds but these could be coupled with one another and make a series of a deadly combo. Body Blow Passive- for W, B +30 damage 20 seconds Deep Wound Blades of Steel Dagger - for A +25 damage for 5 consecutive strikes Cool down period 60 seconds Critical Strike Dagger - for A +30 damage for 3 seconds Cool down period 60 seconds Dancing Daggers - for A +35 damage for 3 seconds Cool down period 60 seconds Death Blossom - for A +45 damage Cool down 60 seconds Falling Lotus - for A +40 damage Cool down 60 seconds Falling Spider - for A +40 damage Cool down 60 seconds Bull Strike Passive - for W, B +20 damage Cleave Axe Passive - for B +20 damage Counterattack Passive - for W, B, A +25 damage Decapitate Passive - for W, B, A +50 damage for 20 seconds Deep Wound Desperation Blow Passive - for W, B, A +40 damage for 25 seconds Bleeding Dragon s***h - for W, B, A +40 damage for 3 consecutive strikes Cool down period 60 seconds Hundred Blades - for W, B, A +100 damage for 3 seconds Unblockable Cool down period 60 seconds Hitokiri Strike - for W, B, A +45 damage for 3 consecutive strikes Unblockable Cool down period 60 seconds Power Attack - for W, B, A +50 damage for 5 seconds Unblockable Cool down period 60 seconds Pure Strike Sword and Axe - for W, B, A +45 damage for 5 seconds Unblockable Cool down period 60 seconds Quivering Balde - for W, B, A +40 damage for 5 seconds Cool down period 60 seconds Savage s***h - for W, B, A +40 damage for 5 seconds Cool down period 60 seconds Silverwing s***h - for W, B, A +45 damage for 3 seconds Cool down period 60 seconds Soldier's Strike Passive - for W, B, A +30 damage SteelFang's Strike Passive - for W, B, A +35 damage Victory s***h Passive - for W, B, A +25 damage "Phew...!!! 23 tomes for Warriors, Berserker and Assassins. Some are specially catered for them while the rest are equally distributed between the other 3 classes. We are really into business this time." I said as I finished writing down what we need to buy for the next trip to Leeds.
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