C012 Mummy...I Want To Go Home And Be A Good Boy...

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"250k gold coins? Where the hell I'm going to dig this money from, Robyn...? You are not a pay2win sonofabitch, and does the rest of your army... All of you are free2play adventurers and yet you have so much money to splurge...! How do you do it?!?! "Simple, build up your fortune being a trader first, skimp on spending unnecessarily and battle your own battles and once you are ok, start small and upgrade them as you go along." "I have about 180 or more men than you... Most are pay2win and no one is willing to sacrifice for the band. Should I restart from scratch? Disband everyone and then restart back to a noobie Level 1?" "It sure looks that way, discuss with the rest since you will lose everything, not sure if you would lose those inside the storage spaces. Ask the Game Master, who is also the announcer for the arrangement for this party and boss raids. He will give you the best solution." I advised and felt sad to lose a friend who had made a wrong path in the way of an adventurer. If only there's a guideline on how to properly form a band and party, then these people won't be in such a mess they can't get out from.   =*= The third and final wave of the party raid on these Level 81-100 demons based on the large scale attack had finally been arranged and we picked ourselves up and entered the teleportal for the last time. Everyone was pumped with adrenaline as we had arrived in a dark winding path ahead of us, open area with several trees and houses that were half-ruined and was smouldering. "TRAPS AHEAD..." I shouted and Doppelganger ran up ahead and was almost immediately brought down by a wall of invisible force field that disintegrates them almost instantly. A group of Orcs soon came forward from their hiding places, wielding a Warhammer and a shield and each of them were thumping their shields with it. "Zon Zon... Whatcha want me to do?" I heard one of the Orc said as the 10 standing Orcs were being hit by a beam of energy that gave them 200% more brute force, strength and hit points. From a distance of 600 meters, their voice alone was piercing through the night. "FALL BACK SHIELDS UP WAIT FOR MY ORDERS..." I hollered and soon shouts of spells were heard and all the men took cover behind ice walls that had been summoned the Mages, Druids and Necromancer. "ONE PATRIOT..." I commanded and soon someone fired an arrow and it sailed through the air and was automatically disintegrated even before it reached the Orcs. "Oh shit... Oh shit... Oh shit... We all going to die out here, Robyn...!!!" hollered Hugo in a very frightening manner as the 10 Orcs even though they had been imbued with a buff, didn't leave their positions but began to thump their shields with their Warhammer. "ONE SHADOW..." and a Doppelganger ran forward and as soon it aimed to strike its sword down on the Orcs, it disintegrated while the Orcs didn't even raise its arms to scratch its armpit even...!!! I used my blunt arrow and infused it with Kamehameha energy and shot straight at the Orcs and it failed to penetrate the forcefield. "MAGIC DEFY MAGIC... Prepare for physical attacks. FORM UP..." I commanded as we all take positions to face these Orcs in old school battle, brute force and no magic involved. The damn 10 Orcs didn't move from their formation at the invisible forcefield as if waiting for us to knock on their doors and let us into battle with them. We planned our strategies and had enough broadhead Arrows and for at least a barrage of 5 attacks. The Assassins would be alright they don't use any magic or sorcery or spells except for passive skills that would be alright against antiMagic. "Look, guys, whatever you do, be careful. Kite and Tank them. These Orcs are damn gondoo and a bit dim-witted. Once they see an opportunity, they will go after it and threw caution in the air." "Mages, Druids and Necromancer, too bad you are not able to involve in this battle against antiMagic. Archers and Amazonian flank here and here. Swordsman and Barbarians to flank here and here." "Assassins break into 2 to support this place and that place. Don't worry about the 3 of us here. Stef, I think you can try to cast healing for the rest of them, Matilda, Jean Lethal and I will kite and tank them over to these swordsmen and Barbarians." I showed the strategy that had to be made up in an instant while a young Orc peered over and nodded in agreement and gave a thumbs up before returning back to his Comrades. "ADVANCE 3 STEPS... H O O A H..." I hollered and everyone scrambled and formed a right formation as we took every 3 steps forward and chorused 'H O O A H' until we had reached just a little over 2 swords length when the Orcs surged forward, free from their defensive, invisible force field. The Archers were having trouble in getting to have a clear shot while the Amazonian Fighters rely on their long spears to ward off the incoming attacks from getting close to the Archers. Up close it's the sound of heavy armour clashing together which overpowers all other sounds. The roar of the Orcs can be heard and the groans of the swordsman and Barbarians as they slashed and hacked forward are all but drowned out completely. Not a word is spoken among the adventurers, except for the shout spells and the constant blast of healing from Stef and the other Mages. Some are simply too exhausted from the physical brute force they have to put up with, others are still focused on the inevitable battle. The New Vagabond Army is a kaleidoscope of sorcery, ranged and melee combatants, but they'll work together as they share the same goal: Destroy the enemy and make it back home. "HUUUUUAAAAARRRGGGHHH..."I let out a roar as I struck, slashed, hacked, stabbed, sliced with Heaven and Earth Splitting Divine Sword and I find that we might not get through this ordeal. Just 10 Orcs gave us so much of a headache and we have 150 more to go. "BLADE..." I hollered to a Barbarian who was hacking an Orc with his axe and he threw his sword at me. I caught hold of the sword and held those 2 in my hands as I dropped my quiver and bow to increase my agility. "DANCING SWORDS....." I hollered as I held the two swords and I spin around making a 360 threat for shorter weapons as I stretch my arms and spin like a top, slashing my way through 10 and then 20 Orcs, injuring some with bleeding effect, gashing wounds and lacerations and have to sit down a while offscreen as I was dizzy from all that spinning. Seeing it was a rather successful attack, the Barbarians also followed my tactic as they used their Whirling Elite Axe Attack to do the same like me but with a few turns than a short leap forward and then a few more twirls. I watched them and noticed it is like a ballet dance for them as they perform high jumps and splits in midair. Hahahah... "DANCING SWORDS....." as I made a few more spins and cut some of the stupid Orcs who happened to stand too close for both of the blades. Seeing an opening, the Archers shot their Arrows right though the Orcs' throats after someone shouted 'GO FOR THEIR EYES'. "HEAVENLY SPLIT...." as I jumped in midair and brought a finishing move on an Orc that was impaled with an arrow on its neck. The borrowed blade slices clean through the top of the skull and lodged itself near the spine of the neck before I pulled it off and gave a front kick as it fell forward. 150.... 120..... 85..... 55.... 25.... We are down to only 24 Orcs and I was exhausted that I fell to the ground in my knees, 2 bloodied swords in my hands, dropping till its pommel with the blue Orcish blood when I saw a glint heading towards me... I'm just too tired and I want to lie down... I hung my head low waiting for the final blow... *KLAAAANNNGGG* *BOOOOOMMM* "Get up Boss, this is no place to fall asleep now. No casualties yet... And you are NOT going to be the first one....!!!" shouted Jean Lethal as knocked the incoming axe attack from an Orc and spin to give a Gotham strike in the head of the Orc that made it spin and collapse in the ground with a big baluku on its cranium. Matilda ran beside me as she gave cover while I slowly picked myself up from the ground, the two swords acting like a crutch as I stood with wobbly feet. An offscreen crew came up to me and popped a few mentos in my mouth as I chewed down on the candy mint. A surge of energy passed through me as I can feel the sugar rush. I thanked the crew and he slinked back offscreen. With a sense of renewed energy, I rushed forward with Matilda, as we performed a combo of blocks, parry and slashes and soon the number of Orcs diminishes until a while later... Someone shouted, "We've made it, Sir Robyn...!!! Its finally over and we can go home now...!!!" A small teleport gate opened up and all weapons and armours were immediately stored in my storage while the spoils were all distributed among those involved... Hugo was sitting on the floor, tear-stained and was rocking back and forth saying," Mummy... I want to go home. I'm a good boy, mummy..." I kicked at his feet and he looked up while he slowly stood up when I said to him, "It's finally over... Let's head for some ale..." and everyone trudged on through the teleport gate and I returned the blade to the Barbarian. It was a hellish 63 minutes battle based on 50 men against a horde of 160 Level 81 to 100 demons. When we finally emerged in town, the adventurers had gained to Level 8 Golden Blossoms and had 96 attribute points to allocate and their skills, even though unused had risen to Level 32. The captains all had reached Level 9 Elemental Crown and had 108 attribute points to allocate and had risen all their skills to Level 58. Hugo of the Flaming Arrows went to discuss disbanding and resetting and was told he could retrieve his things inside the storage but unable to use them because his Level would be too low to be able to use the weapons and Armor except for the accessories. All of us sat down at the tavern for a round of ale and dumplings to fill our stomachs as well as gain back some physical energy. No casualty. Very good. I looked around and congratulated everyone. Just that battle alone had earned them 198 gold coins and I distributed evenly and everyone received 2 gold coins and 4 shillings. "Sir Robyn, money is important. The important part is we came out alive, in one piece and no one gets hurt." "That's right, Sir Robyn... With your leadership and the captain's as well, we manage to scrape through even though that Level monsters were 20 levels higher than what we should be grinding." "Long live, Sir Robyn...!!! LONG LIVE NEW VAGABONDS ARMY..." someone hollered and it started a chain reaction and the thunderous cheers roared through the whole city of Leeds. "My friend Hugo, stay awhile and let me hear your plan."   =*= It was slightly after 6 pm when we had reached back to our Camp Salvation and seen us returned early, Will.I.Am and the two support staffs went about to prepare a hurried dinner for the hungry and weary 85 adventurers while 1 being a visitor from The Flaming Arrows, Boss Hugo himself. The support staffs initially thought that we would not be back so he had prepared dinner just for the Dwarves and themselves. Seeing the conditions of the adventurers, Will.I.Am immediately prepared thick vegetable gruel and accompanied with scrambled eggs with tomatoes. In just 30 minutes, everything was whipped up and all of us settled down to eat our simple meal.
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