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Payton walked into the cafeteria with Tina by her side exchanging words as they walked up to her usual table. All her friends where there having their breakfasts. “I brought a guest!” Payton announced as she and Tina sat down beside eachother. Everyone around the table gave her a friendly bright smile. “Hey guys!” Tina greeted them, in return she got a couple of hellos back, even from the only person she didn’t want to hear from. “Payton how was your night. Slept well.” Amber asked with a smile on her face, the fork in her hand dancing around in her plate. She was just doing it to annoy Payton, she knew how well her night went because it did not go all that well. Payton cussed under her breath not tearing her eyes away from the plate, she wasn’t in the mood to revise what had happened. Everyone knew except the guys, they looked at the girls trying to hold back their laughter to that one stabbing her meat. “Are we missing something?” Jaan asked pointing towards Payton, she was really killing the killed off meat. Dixie shook her head, “A lot. You’re missing so much guys.” she looked over at Dahlia then Amber both the girls gave her an innocent smile, Dixie simply chuckled. Keelin looked impatient we'll both the boys did, they wanted to know what was making Payton tick. “Well then inform us about the matter.” Payton violently stabbed her meat loudly causing almost everyone to flinch. She looked up the fork standing in her meat, narrowing her eyes she looked at her friends. “We’re not talking about yesterday or today morning twice, okay?” Dahlia ignored her looking over to Amber she raised her eyebrows. “What else happened today morning?” Amber smiled mischievous as though she had won an award. “I threw water at her in her sleep.” pride filled her tone. Dixie nudged her girlfriend rolling her eyes. “Out of thin air.” she pointed out. Ralph looked puzzled and so did Jaan and Keelin. “Why did you sleep at their room.” the boys asked in union all their attention on Payton. But before Payton could answer them both a dramatic gasp came from Ralph. He placed his hand over his chest, “Did you guys have a thr—” “No!” Payton quickly interrupted, glaring at Ralph. Everyone else bursted out in laughter, Ralph looked beyond terrified even if he was smirking at her. Tina threw her arm over Payton’s shoulder squeezing her lightly she took her attention over to the boys. “Dahlia was having s*x while she slept that’s why she’s cranky.” Dahlia shook her head, “I was about to.” she corrected looking at Tina then everyone else. “No wonder Payton is so ... More than usual.” Ralph spoke looking at Payton with caution he didn’t want all the frustration on him. “This doesn’t explain what else happened today though.” Jaan asked looking at Amber for answers. Amber looked at him with the exact same face, confusion she too didn’t know anything neither did Dixie. They all looked at the three girls, Dahlia smiling down to her hands, Payton uncomfortable and Tina trying her best not to laugh. “Come on guys tell us we are dying here!” Keelin groaned, the luck of information was killing him and everyone else. Tina cleared her throat, “We sort of caught them in the act. She heard the unimaginable.” Tina held back her laughter. Payton simply dropped her head looking down while Dahlia actually blushed, from remembering her morning with Hayley. “Horny b***h!” Dixie squealed looking at Dahlia with an open mouth, her friends beside her chuckled they knew Dahlia too well. “Like you’re any better.” Payton snorted looking at both the girls, Amber and Dixie immediately stopped laughing looking at eachother with a nervous smile. “Horny bitches!” Jaan squealed looking at the girls with his mouth slightly ajar. Ralph narrowed his eyes at Jaan with a slight smirk on his face. “You’re not even supposed to comment. You are horny bitches.” the couple looked at eachother from the corner of their eyes, the rest of the group just shook their heads. “Yeah you ain’t supposed to horny bitches us. You are the CEO.” Keelin pointed out patting Ralph on the back. “Facts!” Tina commented while giggling, everyone shook their heads in agreement. “Says my right hand?” Ralph asked raising his eyebrows. Tina pressed her lips together avoiding all their gazes. Payton shook her head how could she not have seen it all this time, she was surrounded by horny teens very horny. “Horny bitches.” she spoke gaining all their attention, they all glared at her. Payton sat up in defence, “I have the right to say that don’t horny b***h me. Ya’ll nasty.. nasty!” she hissed eyeing each one of them shaking her head. “Sexually frustrated.” Amber coughed not meeting Payton’s eyes at all, Payton sighed looking down to her plate. “I’m not.” she murmured to herself only Tina heard, who ended up laughing. “We could help you with that, tonight.” Ralph stated wiggling his eyebrows, no one was against him only Payton was. Looking at him in disgust Payton spoke, “By hooking me up with a random girl just for a one night thing then we never meet again. Thank you but no thanks I am not interested at all.” through out she held a stern face, she wasn’t going to allow a thing. Ralph clicked his tongue looking at Payton in disapproval or disappointment. “Why don’t you want to anyway?” he asked. “Because I am literally not that person. I don’t find it comforting.” she explained herself and they stopped pestering her about it, they fully understood not everyone was okay with hookups. They finally continued eating their cold breakfast still talking a bit. That’s when the door opened to the cafeteria exposing Cade, Zelda and their gang. Payton looked over to the door her eyes locked Zelda for a few seconds before she broke it off with a faint smile, then held onto her boyfriend. Disappointment fell on her face at the unpleasing sight she witnessed first hand. Tina out of curiousity looked to the direction where her eyes where fixed, with a smug she looked back at everyone. “Because she is whipped.” Payton snapped her neck to Tina, with a nod she disapproved then took her undivided attention back to Zelda. That’s when everyone noticed that the cafeteria was almost empty, only their group and Zelda’s with a few more where in there everyone was already at their business. “We didn’t even notice everyone left guys, wow.” Jaan spoke looking at his group of friends, if it wasn’t for it being a Sunday they would have been toast. “We are just too lit. What you say we go to our little place and have fun!” Dixie suggested not even hiding her excitement, they whole group was with the idea. Rising from their seats Payton took one last glance at Zelda. She rested her head on his shoulder laughing at something someone said in their group. A smile creeped on Payton’s face, she truly thought her laugh was mesmerising, it did mesmerise her. Dahlia patted her on the back getting her back to reality. “Let’s go lover girl before you make a fool of yourself.” Payton agreed with a nod following her friends of the cafeteria. Zelda’s laugh rang one more time in the cafeteria, stealing a glance Payton walked out a bit disappointed.
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