
1515 Words
The sun shone way up high upon the students, others cheering on the two fighting. Not one of them wanted to lose at all they just kept fighting. Sweat dripped from Payton’s body the clothes on her body drenched in sweat. With her forearm Payton wiped away the stream of sweat rolling down her face. Taking a footing she once more faced Wade with smirk. Both the students panting from shortage of breath. Mr. Derek would be lying if he said he wasn’t at all impressed at the moment, he was beyond the level of being impressed, he was proud. They had the spirit of the fighter, the one that never gives up. And so did all their classmates, they knew this fight would be the talk of the school for the week, with who ever won. Payton finally threw another punch his way with all her strength. Wade stumbled back a bit trying to defend himself he threw punches her way, some she received but most she ducked. With one last punch from Payton, Wade fell powerless to the hard ground. If it wasn’t for their fast ability to heal they all would be crying in pain, but all their bodies could show was the sweat and dried out blood. Students cheered the ones who had their hopes set on the girl, the ones on Wade’s side were amused as well was Wade. Not one of his classmates bet him before her, guess there is always a time for everything. The happily lifted Payton off the ground she was still trying to regain her strength but she could clearly hear their chants. She just giggled faintly still wore out from everything. “Let the girl rest students!” Mr. Derek shouted gesturing for them to drop Payton. With groans they lowered her to the ground again, patting her on the back they gave her some room to breath. Mr. Derek patted her back with a full grown smirk of admiration and pride. “That was fantastic, keep that spirit up.” with that said he walked away from her to his other students. Tina, Jaan and Ralph came running in towards Payton, all of them were at full speed. With one huge leap they landed on Payton. She lost her footing instantly came crushing down with three bodies on top of her. “You are unbeatable my friend.” one of them spoke no even bothering to move from her. Payton tried escaping their massive bodies but nothing, they held on to her like bubble gum. She sighed looking down on them, “Ouch!” she shouted sarcastically. She wiggled like a worm on the ground but they never moved at all. “We’re not letting go. Teach us your ways master!” Ralph remarked tightening his grip on her. She sighed looking up to the sky, it was a clear blue sky with the burning sun looking down on them. “What ways are you talking about.” she asked them still looking at the sky. It seemed for a moment they had forgotten they weren’t actually alone on the fields, all their classmates watched the four with amusement but neither did they or Mr. Derek scold them. Tina looked up locking eyes with Payton. “Your ways the ones you used to defeat the undefeatable. No one has ever done that, you my girl are the first.” she spoke with pride as the rest agreed with head nods. “So teach us?” Jaan pleaded with a pout which Payton could hardly see. Payton clenched her jaw looking back to the sky. “Get off you out grown children. Move!” she pushed them off with all her strength. The first was Ralph he was shoved off her rolling away on the ground, then Jaan came off with a kick of her foot. The most difficult part was getting Tina off, she had a strong grip on Payton’s neck she wasn’t letting go anytime. Tina locked eyes with Payton smirking she spoke. “Say please...” Payton looked at her confused with narrowed eyes. “Why should I do that?” she asked still trying to push Tina off. Tina smirked making herself comfortable on top of Payton she shook her head in disapproval. “For me to get off say please.” she pouted slightly. Payton groaned frustrated. “Please get off.” she tried her best not to sound sarcastic but once more her voice failed her. Tina light patted her on the head before returning her grip around her neck. Lowering herself she brought her face inches from Payton’s, “No!” she said firmly and mock full. “Oh f**k you!” Payton hissed pushing Tina off. But with her grip they ended up rolling on the ground. Payton ended up on top Tina. She tried pushing her off but she wouldn’t budge instead she began lowering herself towards Tina’s lips. Tina panic with all her strength she shoved Payton off as far as possible. “You little pervert. Ask me out to dinner first at least.” Tina hissed looking at her friend on the ground. All Payton did was begin laughing uncontrollably, the face Tina had on was priceless. “Guys look who’s here!” Ralph squealed pointing towards the direction of the open field. Everyone followed his finger looking. In front of them stood Amber and Dixie’s class in sports wear as well. Mr. Derek walked up to their teacher Dr. Macklemore as the students scattered. “Guys!” Amber shouted as she and Dixie began running towards the four hand in hand. Their friends sat there patiently anticipating them. But when the arrived they did the unexpected, they wanted to jump on all four of them but the three of the caught on leaving Payton. The two jumped on Payton both fell on the ground. “Why are you all jumping me?” Payton asked pushing them aside to sit up. The girls grinned looking at Payton, “We were planning on all four of you but they ditched you.” Dixie explained. Amber looked at her face a bit longer with one eyebrow raised she questioned. “What happened to you.” with those words Dixie also looked at Payton, noticing the same dried blood. “She eliminated Wade after fifteen rounds of boxing.” Ralph told them rubbing her shoulder friendly. “Fifteen rounds?” Amber asked looking at Dixie with a raised brow like she was suggesting something, Dixie just shyly blushed then looked away, Amber snickered pressing her lips together. Payton shook her head glaring at Amber. “Don’t make this a dirty conversation.” she hissed looking between the two of them, Amber simply gave her a side smirk. Mr. Derek clapped his hands gaining their attention. “Alright students listen up. Dr. Macklemore’s class will train with us so everyone partner up with someone in his class.” he instructed looking at each one of the students. Amber tore her attention back to Payton, patting her shoulder she tilted her head. “I love you Payton but I don’t want to be eliminated, I’m going with Tina.” she got off the floor then hooked her arm around Tina’s. Dixie nodded, “Same, come on Ralph.” she held out her hand for him to help her up. Ralph did that and the two hooked arms standing. Like Tina and Amber they also left the two partner less friends on the ground. Jaan shoved Payton with his shoulder playfully before getting off the ground. “Let’s go find partners.” he suggested looking around the field, it didn’t take him long before he left Payton to get a partner. While groaning she got off the ground all her friends not near her at all. Untill two familiar pairs of shoes stood in front of her with an additional pair. Looking up Payton carried a huge smile untill her face came in sight, her smile completely fade. Amber cleared her throat looking at Payton with a huge smile so was Tina. “We found you one. There you go.” they pushed Zelda towards Payton, she too seemed uncomfortable with the situation since yesterday. Payton broke out of her shocked state, she looked over at her friends as they began slowly walking away backwards. “I’m going to kill you one day!” Payton hissed through his teeth, Amber and Tina playfully waved their fingers to her. Payton sighed looking back at Zelda. “Ugh do you have a partner.” she asked, maybe they just stole her away from her partner she was more than welcome to return. “Nop!” Zelda answered popping the p, Payton just nodded. “Right, everyone partnered up right?” Mr. Derek asked looking at his students they all agreed with a nod. “Good so we’ll do a bit of combat, if you want you can do boxing.” he continued speaking explaining to them what needed to be done. Payton looked at Zelda with raised eyebrows telling her choose. “Combat seems more useful.” Zelda answered not bothering to look her in the eyes, neither did Payton. She shoved her hands in her pockets looking at her feet. “Cool..” she murmured nodding her head. They both knew it would be a very uncomfortable class for both of them, still looking at the ground they walked to the mats.
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