
1562 Words
Ashna's POV The overpowering scent of mint filled the whole place. Faces covered with masks interact with each other. Darkness filled the whole room and the only light that illuminated came from the moon. Today is the grandiose grand ball that happens once a year. In this event, everyone is a stranger to each other. Werewolves have no trace of their pack. No rivalry. This event is held to unite all the werewolves in honouring the Moon Goddess. Before the clock reaches twelve everyone is allowed to party and do everything they want. The whole place is now filled with loud music and laughter. Everyone is having fun while I look like a lost puppy roaming my eyes around the crowd. While I was busy watching everyone I could feel blazing red eyes directed at me watching my every movement intently but I ignored it. I took a glass filled with liquor and drank it straight. Blazing red eyes didn't leave me and after a few minutes, I felt a hot breath on my neck. "Your scent is addicting my mate, you made my wolf go crazy," a baritone voice whispered in my ear. I turned around to see who it was. When my eyes met the pair of blazing red eyes a smile appeared on my lips. Without even thinking I encircled my arms around the stranger's nape and claimed his lips. "Now, my wolf is also addicted," I seductively whispered. I can no longer control my wolf's desire so I let him carry me and take me wherever he wants to ignoring the fact that I barely knew him but my wolf recognizes his scent...he is my mate maybe that's enough for me to trust him. I was thrown on the soft mattress and without removing the masks that covered our eyes we showered each other with kisses. "Will you mark me tonight?" I asked panting while the stranger was inside me. A soft chuckle enveloped my ear. "My wolf wants to," the man responded while he showered my neck with kisses. I breathed heavily when I felt a fang on my neck. He didn't bite me though all he did was tease my wolf. Instead of digging his fang into my neck, he decided to plant a soft kiss on it. "Let's start with each other's name first," he uttered while looking at my eyes intently. "Alpha Tobias Wagner of Wild Midnight Claw," he introduced himself and upon hearing that name I froze in place. It feels like someone splashed cold water on me. "What's your name mate?" he softly asked as he continued to shower me with soft kisses. Before I could even answer, the clock struck twelve. I pushed Tobias on top of me and then started picking up my dress. When I was fully dressed I turned around and looked at Tobias. "I'll show up in your territory, you will accept me right?" I asked hopefully. "My pack will welcome their future Luna," he responded. A bitter smile appeared on my lips. 'Would his answer be the same once he found out that I am the daughter of Alpha Remus Refia of Crimson Claw, the rival of Wild Midnight Claw?' **** A week after the grandiose ball I kept on dreaming about that night, and how he claimed me. I always wake up in the middle of the night panting as if he is inside me. I don't know how long I can resist my wolf's desire but I know if I keep on refusing to see my mate I will lose my sanity. "Is something bothering you?" I flinch when I hear my mother's voice. She sat beside me and stared at my face intently. "You look different," she uttered which made my forehead crease. "What do you mean Mom?" "You're pregnant," I swallowed hard and let out a nervous laugh trying to hide my fear upon hearing my mother's words. "W-What are you talking about Mom?" I nervously asked while holding my tummy, as if I were protecting something inside. "I can smell the rival's scent in you. You are carrying his pups," Fear enveloped me while looking at my mother's eyes filled with rage. "M-Mom," I called almost pleading. "M-Mom please don't tell this to Dad," I thought she would listen to me but instead, she forcefully removed my hold and then held my face tightly. "Kill that thing inside you Ashna," she ruthlessly uttered as if my child's life meant nothing to her. "Kill that thing inside you before your father kills you". I fell silent and contented myself by staring at her trying to find the loving mother I once knew. After a while, she let out a deep breath and her hold slowly loosened. "You will see a doctor and tomorrow morning I want the blood of our enemy out of your body," After stating her plan she left me in the garden filled with fear not for myself but for my child. Silence enveloped the place but I didn't feel alone. I caressed my tummy and held the precious thing inside me, "Mommy will protect you," I promised holding on to the hope that if I abandoned my pack Tobias would accept us. I spent my day planning how to escape our territory and when I finally gathered my courage I decided to leave but before I could fully cross the border my father learned about my plan. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked with his voice full of authority. "I will leave our pack. I, Ashna Refia-" Before I could even finish my words a hard slap landed on my face. I fell to the ground and I could taste blood in my mouth. "You will stay in Crimson Claw whether you like it or not," his thunderous voice echoed in the woods. "I won't let you kill my child, Dad," I uttered bravely then stood up and faced him. "And you think that asshole will accept you and that thing inside you?" he sarcastically asked. I swallowed hard and without any hesitation, I nodded my head. "He will. He is my mate and I am carrying his pups. Tobias will accept me. " I answered confidently but my father just laughed at me. After a while, he mind-linked Ruid, his beta. "Lock her in her room," he commanded. Ruid obediently nodded his head and then held me firmly. I fought back but I guess I wasn't strong enough to beat him. Ruid forcefully pushed me inside my room and locked it from the outside. "Let me out!" I shouted and kept on banging on the door but it seemed like everyone became deaf to my plea. When I got tired I sat near the window and watched the sunset. When everything became dark, my door swung open and I saw Melissa, one of our best doctors step inside. "How are you feeling Ashna?" I glared at her and didn't bother to answer. I saw Lydia behind her back and her presence gave me hope. "Don't make this hard for us Ashna, lie in bed and we will start the procedure," "No," I stubbornly uttered. Melissa smiled at me before her gaze drifted to Lydia. "Pin her on her bed," she commanded. I looked at Lydia pleadingly. "Don't do this Lydia," I beg with tears falling from my eyes. "Please Lydia," I kept on begging but just like the others Lydia acted like she heard nothing. My fang and claws came out when she started walking closer. "I will kill all of you!" I shouted filled with anger. Before I could even attack Lydia she shouted. "Cover your nose Ashna!" she shouted and after that yellow wolfsbane powder was thrown on Melissa. Lydia immediately held my hand and pulled me out of my room. We ran through the backdoors and she didn't leave until we reached the boundary of Crimson Claw territory. When we stopped running she held both of my shoulders and smiled at me as if her life won't be put at risk after betraying Melissa. "Save yourself and save your pups," "They will kill you," Instead of showing fear she gave me an assuring smile. "I can handle myself. Be happy Ashna," she said then wrapped me around her arms and gave me a tight hug. Lydia and I grew up together. We treat each other as sisters even though we aren't related by blood. She is a daughter of an omega the lowest rank in the pack. Lydia is assigned to serve me but I never treat her differently. Our ranking isn't a barrier for us to be close. "I will come back for you. Once Tobias allows me to join his pack I will convince him to take you. Stay alive until then," I told her. Lydia smiled at me and then nodded her head. "I will wait for you," she responded then handed me a white tablet. "Drink this. It's a special medicine invented by Melissa that removes our smell so we will be undetected by our enemy," I stared at the pill and without any hesitation, I swallowed it. "Stay safe Ashna you will enter the enemy's den. Don't get caught," I nodded my head and gave her one last hug before running away from our territory...from my pack.
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