Half Dead

1645 Words
Present Kiara What if Mr. Carter told Dominic? What if Mrs. Carter did? One look at Damien and they both knew the truth of his father. But, like Mr. Carter, Mrs. Carter had also given me a long look and hadn't said anything else leaving me to wonder what they will do next. But, on the other hand something told me that they weren't going to intervene til it was necessary to do so. If they told him.. They told Dominic then... He would be angry and I wouldn’t even get a shred of his tortured soul the way he had tortured me. I wanted to see him hurting with this kind of pain, pain of betrayal, just the way I had suffered when I had seen him walking all over my heart. Shaking my head, I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed the changes these all months had brought. I was no longer a lost girl. I was no longer a girl who had been broken and then put together with gentle and kind hands. I was no longer a girl who had fallen in love. And, I was no longer a girl who had left everything behind just to escape the heartache. Now, I was a woman hell-bent on getting my revenge, a mother who wanted nothing but to give her son everything he deserves even a family with his asshole of a father. I splashed some water on my face, my dark eyes looked bigger on my pale face. I had always hated my eyes, they had seemed odd in middle of the people with blue and green eyes, but someone had made me realise that they were unique… I love your eyes, Kitten. They are mysterious and all I want to do is dive down in there and reveal all your secrets. I took the small towel from the rack to pat my face dry. Halfway into and I felt every fibre in my body coming alive as goosebumps rose everywhere on my body. Without turning around I knew he was there. I knew if I turned around I’d find myself looking into his handsome face and beautiful blue eyes. But then I did a mistake of looking up in the mirror and not for the last time I found his beautiful face bruised. “Oh….” The saying that old habits don’t die… let me tell you, is perfectly true. I turned around, rushing to his side. In the face of his pain and hurt, I forgot my vengeance and only thing that was left in my mind was how could I make him hurt less. Of course, I wanted to hurt him but it surprised me that after everything, still I can’t see him in pain. “What did you do?” I asked, my fingers hovering over his face as I made to touch the corner of his left eye where it was starting to swell and corner of his lips which was dotted with blood. He grabbed my wrist, halting me. The pressure of his fingers hurting me. I gasped in pain but his blue eyes were blank not showing even the hint of that he heard me. “Don’t.” He bit out, the word filled with iciness. I swallowed looking into his eyes and for the second time seeing the cold and soulless man that I had seen only once before. This was the real him. The one he had always hid behind his senseless smiles and stupid bets and pranks. This was the real Dominic, capable of hurting and killing anyone with just his words. I had been afraid of this version of him and still was, but apparently not as much as I said, “I was just going to punch the other one.” I jerked my hand free from his hold or at least I tried to, but his grip only tightened to the point that it felt like my wrist was going to snap in two. Instead of loosening his hold on me, he twisted my hand behind my back and pushed me inside the bathroom, shutting the door behind us. “Dom, what— Ouch!!” He twisted my arm harder at an awkward angle and I felt worried that it would break off. I was breathing heavily with pain, but I knew what had prompted this so I amended. “Dominic.” The grip loosened slightly on my arm, enough that I didn’t feel it was going to break off. “What the f**k are you doing?!” I gritted out, furious. He pushed me harder in the direction of the washbasin and I whimpered in pain when the counter dug into my stomach. “What—!!” “Language, kitten, or do I need to teach you an another lesson on it.” He growled, coming near to my ear. I wrestled to try to get my arm free, but compared to him I was no match in strength as he pushed me down on the sink. Not accepting defeat, I kicked with my legs trying to catch where it’d hurt the most but my attempts were futile, I only met air, nothing else. Then, I heard him chuckle, deep and cruel. “Oh, kitten, when will you learn…” I felt my heart racing, felt my blood turning cold. I knew that tone. I had thrived and taken pleasure from that tone. And I had been scared of it too. But right f*****g now, I was terrified, because now he wasn’t just angry with me, he was filled with rage and was furious with me. Even before I could device another plan to get free, I was turned around, with my back to the sink, the hard edge of the marble digging into my skin as he bent me backward. A cruel tilt to his lips was my only warning, before he stepped forward, over me so that my legs were between his as his knees tightened around mine, holding me in place. His long, lean and strong fingers grabbed both my wrists, making me immobile. I tried everything, flailing my legs, my arms and trying to butthead him, but it only made me weaker by the second as I stood there in his captivity. No matter how hard I struggled, I couldn’t do anything to get myself free. My heels slipped uselessly on the bathroom floor, my neck muscles burned from trying to hold up my head. By the time I realised that my attempts were futile and were only making me weak, it was too f*****g late. “Now… you just have to answer my few questions and I will leave you alone… for a while, at least.” Dominic said from above me. “A, why did you run away?” “If I have to answer that then you are not just an asshole but a dumb asshole.” I replied back. Tsking, he shook his head. “I was hoping for a response like that and you don’t disappoint, kitten.” A second later, the hand towel I had been using to dry my face was draped over my face. “Wha—” “B, how many men have you f****d?” There was a hint of desperation in that question and despite my condition, I barked out a laugh as I said, “Wouldn’t you want to know..” Pressing down on me, he removed his hand from my wrists but still I wasn’t in any condition to do anything as they were trapped between my back and the counter from above the elbow, he leaned over me and the fingers of his free hand wrapped around my throat. “Answer my f*****g questions, Kitten, I am losing my patience.” It was kind of getting difficult to breathe in such a position with a towel on my face, but still with the hatred I had for this man, I replied, “I can give you the answers for all your questions in just two words. f**k you.” I heard a long sigh and then, “This time I was truly hoping for an answer, I really didn’t want to do this…” His tone suggested otherwise, that he was truly hoping to do that. “But, just to let you know that I gave you a fair chance one last question, Kitten, just tell me who’s the father.” “None of your business.” I felt his breath against the shell of my ear as he said, “Tell me, and I would try not to kill him.” I couldn’t help it, I laughed, if he only knew. And, said, “You wish, Dominic, but I won’t be telling you anything. You have to die a hundred deaths thinking that someone else f****d me, not knowing who but only the fact that I enjoyed it so much so that now I have a living, breathing, proof of that.” His fingers tightened around my throat, digging in deeper, as he snarled, “Let’s see how much far you can go to save that bastard who dared to touch you.” He took me far… so much so that by the time he was done, I was half dead… To Be Continued… Comments... Daily Updates... Keep Reading and Keep Smiling!! And, Wish You All A Very Happy New Year... Please Be With Me And Support Me like You All Did The Last Year... Thank you so very much, love you!!! Note- I am gonna feature some of my favourite Comments from you guys, so let me know I'll update my Insta username in the next chapter!!!! Happy New year once again... ;)
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