Tell Me Everything

1353 Words

Present Kiara I woke up feeling warm and comfortable between the soft sheets. When I sat up in the bed, I realised I wasn’t in my own room. I was in Dominic’s bedroom. Last night we had sat side by side on the sofa, our eyes on TV but not watching it and after sometime I had shed all my reservations just so he could make me feel better and I had scooted over close to him, with my head on his shoulder, his hand holding mine under the blanket, I had closed my eyes in peace. And now here I was. He must’ve brought me up here after I had fallen asleep and the fact that I did spoke volumes, because it had been really impossible for me to fall back asleep after such a nightmare but once again he did it. He made me feel safe enough that I was able to close my eyes without any second thoughts.

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