Chapter 5: The warning

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Heaven POV As we enter, the room was dark. Nothing can be seen. "You should've taken the warning seriously, Miss," he said in a serious tone. It is as if I did something wrong that is prohibited by the law. "A.. w...What warning?" he turns on the light beside the table. "I know you heard rumors about mina right?" Nothing's processing on inside my brain but the thought of, I should have taken seriously the warning that spread inside the university. I think mina planned all of this. Is this the end? Is this my last day? I should tell Tinker earlier or even leave her a code so that they can help me or find me in case they are planning to throw my dead body far away. "I know... uh.. yeah... I.. uh--" "Then why are you here?" the tone of his voice increased. It is more like, he's angry that I came here. "I came here because Sky asked me to? She said she wants to get the game?" I answer him politely. I feel like I am being interrogated by the police officer and asks me questions about the sin I have made. "Oh, I see... HAHAHA," he laughs. What's so funny? He walks near the cabinet and gets something. Wait. is that a! "Scared?" My knees were trembling. I don't have the power to run. I am really scared! Gosh, I don't want to die yet! but I don't know. My mind cannot process anything. So this is the feeling when everything happens so suddenly. Your mind cannot process easily He slowly walks near me. "What are you thinking, Mr.?" "Ya! don't come near me." I positioned myself for self-defense. I learned karate when I was in grade 6. I think I can survive. "HAHAHAHA!" he laughs at me and keeps walking near me. I think I peed a little because of fear. I need to pee! Damn it! "Wanna know what I am planning to do?..…" Kill me? Is that what he is going to say? I feel something hot below me. I slowly look at my pants, they are wet. I just peed. "HAHAHA HAHAHA" the guy laugh his ass out. "that was… hahaha that wa..was hahaha funny!" he slowly lies down while touching his stomach. Okay? I just embarrassed myself. But it's fine, right? At least all I need to do is find my way out to escape. As I open the door, it reveals Sky. "Are you done?" she asks me slowly looking at my wet pants. And that guy? Well, he is still laughing while lying on the floor. "What happened to you? Is the coffee spilled on your pants?" " hahaha she.. pfft j..j…just.. hahaha!" Aish~ I think my face was red as a tomato now ugh! Anyway, I need to escape. As I am about to run but that person got up from lying and put his arms on my shoulder while wiping his tears. "Where do you think you're going??" he asked. "What happened inside, Billy?" Mina asked, out of curiosity. "I think this girl thinks that I will kill her and peed her pants because of fear." Then he laughs again. "W..what?" Sky look at me with a shocked face. As the information processed to her, she smiles, she was about to laugh but she's holding it on. Her hands were in her mouth preventing her from laughing out loud. "This girl is funny Mina. Hahaha, bro, I was just kidding. Sorry. I am about to open the package. It was a new game and I am the one who should display it outside." "YAH!!!" I shouted at him. He scares me out. I felt like I was kidnapped and I started thinking about the days I should have told Mom that I love her. They laughed at me. When I say they, it includes Sky. Wait, she's laughing? I hear her laugh! I looked at her, she is indeed laughing while covering her mouth. "Her laughs sound a melody right?" the guy whispers to me. Indeed. It's like a melody. the first verse of a song. "Anyway, man, I ask you to follow me to that room to help me in the games. I did not know I could scare you easily. Mina, you did not tell me earlier that you'd bring a baby tiger here. hahaha," He walks inside the room and gives me a box. "That box is for you. Hahaha, install it on your laptop. It's been a long time since I have a partner on that game. Be my partner. Let's survive that battle." I look at the box. It was similar to a counter strike game on a computer before. "What is this for?" I asked him. "For making me laugh this day. It is funny bro. and it's free for you, Not because you made me laugh but because you made her laugh. It's been a long time since I saw and heard her laugh." "Wait. What about the game that Sky is looking for?" I asked "Play that game first. If we win, I'll give you what you want." The guy said. Why is it that there is always an exchange in everything that I do? Can I just get what I need and leave? Aish. First is the bet. I am forced to do the bet just to get what I want. Now, the game? Do I need to play with him just to get what Sky wanted? Really? "Play with me. Saturday night. 8 pm. Once we win, I'll give you that thing on Sunday morning." We were about to leave the game shop. Sky, who is on my side, stop laughing but I can still feel that she's smiling. Aishh! Can't she forget about that "pee incident"? "Wait, can you spare her some pants?" she asks. With her low tone of voice and that scary aura, Well, I must say, she's still scary even though I see her laugh. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Here." That guy handed me short pants. "Next time don't let yourself pee on your pants okay? You can ask me where the CR is if you can't control it" he said then laughs. "Let's go." Sky said. After I change my pants, we were walking home now. Oh, I forgot. "I'm sorry, because of me, we didn't get the game." I look up to the Sky. Weird. I'm talking to Sky and yet looking up in the sky. Haha! "I know this will happen. Anyway, It will be your first match. He let you play away. Then if you win, I know he'll play with you on the video game center. And that's what we need to prepare. For the first game, I'll play it on your laptop. Saturday night, at 8 pm. I'll go to your house." Okay? Now I just realized, the more I get closer to her, the more I just embarrassed myself in front of others. "I'll take you home. Where do you live?" I asked her. "No need. I can take care of myself. You might get peed on yourself again once something bad happens." Then she smirks. I'm not that kind of person. Ugh! she might think I am a scared cat. "I was not aware that I just brought a baby tiger rather than a tiger, huh?" after she said that, she rides a bus. So that's how she says her goodbye huh?
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