Chapter 4: Sky

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Heaven's POV I was waiting for Sky outside the school. Did she really mean what she said earlier? Is she really not mad or something? Usually when people learn that they were getting bet on, they will get mad or worst they will react violently, but her? Err… I don't know. Maybe she really just wants that game so much or she's probably really have a screw loose. I mean who in their right mind will view this crazy situation as beneficial? "Rain. Are you waiting for someone?" Tinker asked as she approached me. Tinker is also one of my closest friend, while Axel is the only guy and our big bro in our group, tinker was the sweet and jokester one. Despite that she was still apparently considered as the most beautiful girl at the university, and despite being famous for her said title, she's still the sweetest and down to earth girl I've ever known. She's also used to calling me Rain rather than Heaven. "Yeah. I am waiting for someone." I replied. "Ohh~Is that som—" But before Tinker could even complete her sentence, I suddenly felt a dark aura looming behind me. It felt creepy and weird. When I looked at Tinker, she looks like she just saw a ghost. She's suddenly looks pale and was now pointing at my back, so I slowly turn around… now I know. That familiar straight hair that covers half of her face, and that ever so present death stare. If looks could kill, I'd probably be 6ft under. It felt like I was being fetched by the grim reaper herself. "Faster!" She said as she passed through between Tinker and me. Yup that's right, It's Sky everyone. "Who is she talking to?" Tinker asked. "Eerr… I think I have to go? Hehe I promise I'll explain everything to you next time." I said and went to run after Sky. "I think this is the right time to tell you this, Good luck Heaven!!" I heard Tinker shout. "I hope you'll come back alive! If I didn't see you by tomorrow, I'll file a missing person report" she shouted jokingly. Ugh! I am already scared of the devil as it is, she didn't have to scare me more than I already have. If Tinker thought that I'll die today, then she's wrong. Though I really am scared of sky. I mean who wouldn't be? Even the bullies are afraid of her. It's like she has a curse. I remember one time, a group of seven boys are trying to look cool by making fun of her, but then one day we just heard the news that they've all been kicked out of the school. Not just that, they also have bruises and black eyes on theri face, as if they just survived a riot, they even keep saying, "don't get near her. She's a curse!". Even though they did not drop a name, everyone on their right mind would automatically think that it was Sky they were talking about, because she was the only one they targeted before they got those bruises and the only person who'll probably want to take revenge on them. But hey, if I die today, I'll make sure that I won't go down without putting up a fight, It doesn't matter how scared I was of her, I'll do my best to give her a punch or two if I have to. "....after you get the game today, tomorrow morning we'll be putting up a show for Axel to see that you are slowly making a progress with me." She told me in a cold tone. What? Is she saying something before she told me about putting up a show for Axel? I haven't really been completely paying attention. Nevermind, I guess. "Uhm, Where are we going?" I asked. "I told you that already. You didn't just bother to listen." "No, it's not like that. I listened. We're going to your brother's friend. But, where exactly is it? Where does he live?" She stops and turned around. Finally, she faced me . "I don't know." "What? What doyou mean you don't know? "Where are we going now then?" unbelievable. She doesn't know where it is but keeps on dragging me to wherever?! "You see that?" she said while pointing at a flowerpot located at the 3rd-floor building of an apartment where we are aactually heading at the moment. "Is that his house?" I asked. "No, but I'll make that flowerpot fall and make sure that it will land perfectly at the top of your head, so you'll stop asking me nonsense questions." "What part of the question 'where are we going' sounds nonsense to you?" "It's all nonsense, because you just told me that you are listening to what I have said, when in fact you're not." "I am." "You're not, because if you are then you should've known the address of that place because I've just told you earlier. What were you even thinking before?" woud? When?" She gives me a death glare and then looks up at the pot on the 3rd-floor apartment. I cautiously moved away from her just in case she really did decided to make that pot fall, which I think is impossible by the way, but for the sake of me, I decided to discreetly move away to ensure my safety. If there were anyway a miracle would happen, and that pot really did fall, it'll be landing on the ground and not on my precious head. "S…sorry if I am not completely listening. I was kind of out of it." I said sincerely. "Just follow me," she just said. It sounded more like a command than a suggestion. She's too scary. We went into a video game shop. Well, if you want me to describe it. I must say it has a lot of video games hahaha! Kidding aside, just imagine an ordinary video game shop. There was a guy that welcomed us upon entering the premises. I must say, he's kind of handsome. "Good morning Mina! It's been a long time since your last visit here." The guy said. Mina? Who the heck is Mina? I looked at them confusedly. "Where's the game?" Sky asks. "And here I thought you've missed me. Hahaha! This visit was only for the game huh?" "I can pay you." "I've already told you that it is not all about the money, Minari. You know that." I don't understand what's happening. Mina? Minari? Are they close? "Stop calling me that. I did not come here alone." Sky replied. Is she Minari or Mina? Huh? I don't get it. "Hmm. So you're with this err, elementary student? Hahaha! Follow me then." What the!? Did he just called me a grade schooler? I glared at him. Does he want to have a purple tattoo drawn on his face to match up the color of her hair? I felt someone holds my wrist and then dragged me somewhere. I looked at whoever it was, and yeah it was Sky. "We need to get the game," she uttered. "Wait, Who is Mina? Minari?" I asked. "My second old name. but I removed it before I went into high school." She replied. Ahh, now I know. I observed the guy. He has a slim figure, more like a figure of a girl. He also has violet hair. We went upstairs and entered a room. "Hep hep hep" the guy said. "No girls allowed." he said while pointing at the warning sign posted on the door. "Stay here, Mina. And you, follow me" he said pointing at me. "Do I look like a guy to you?" I sarcastically asked and rolled my eyes. "Unfortunately, Yes." He smiled sheepishly. What the?! He just called me a grade schooler earlier, and now he's saying that I look like a guy?! I so badly wanted to punch the crap out of him right now, but I have to reign my anger in, so I just rolled my eyes. I have no choice but to follow him inside. I am silently praying to whoever was out there, to give me more patient for this guy, because if he said something offending again, I might murder him on the spot. I am also hoping that he wouldn't do something stupid that might tick me off. I know I can trust Sky but with this guy? I don't know, he's a complete stranger, he didn't even bother to give me his name. Sky looks like she has a little bit of kindness in her body despite her dark aura and her normal scary looks, but with this guy, despite having good looks he still appears like bad news in all aspects. He looked like he's someone who loves to fool around and play pranks on anyone. In short, he looks like someone who cannot be trusted completely. Let's just hope I come out of here unscathed.
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