1093 Words
Zoe's POV... “... YOU BELONG TO ME.” I let out a soft laugh, freeing myself from his grip. “You must be delusional. Or, better yet, stupid if you think I belong to you? Or anyone else, for that matter. And this…,” pointing to my stomach “... was a mistake and I would rather it remains that way. ''So, you don't have to worry about it, because I'm getting rid of it as soon as possible," I yelled and his face fell into a frown. “NO! Never! You wouldn't dare!" Blake yelled back and pulled me forcefully towards him. The anger in his eyes made me shiver in fear, as his icy grey eyes became dark and hooded. “You’re... hurting... me," I expressed in between words as his grip on my arm became tighter and I rasped as I was slowly starting to lose any feeling I had in my arm. He started to loosen his grip maybe when he saw the fear in my eyes and tears that started to form. So as he loosened his grip, I fell to my couch in pain. “If you dare do anything to my child, I will have you arrested and jailed for the rest of your already miserable life," he threatened and turned his back on me. I could see the tension in his body, as all the muscles in his back were stiff and heavy. I didn’t understand his reaction. ‘I thought he would be glad to finally get rid of me because I was not of his status or calibre... But I didn't care whatever his reasons were. He wasn't going to force me to have this child against my will.’ I mentally said to myself, as I looked at him with much scorn and confusion. “You can't force me to have this child. You don't even f*****g remember me," I said, still scared out of my mind, but I tried my best to keep a brave demeanour. “f**k!” I heard him say, as he turned around to look at me. “I do remember you. Okay?" he said softly, looking at me and his eyes returned to their normal icy grey form. “Then, why did you pretend not to know me when I was at your office?" I asked and chuckled softly because I wasn't buying his act. “Sweetie...listen carefully, because I won't repeat myself. Why I do what I do is none of your freaking business, so just keep your little options to yourself and obey what you have been told," he smirked as he bent down to look at me. “So, I need you to be the good girl that I know you are and get your things. We are leaving right now," he commanded in a cool but scary tone. Looking at him, I was frightened by the look in his eyes. But I wouldn't let him push me around and dictate how I would live my life. I don't care that he is Blake-FREAKING-Shelton! “I’ve told you, I'm not going anywhere with you. Not now. Not ever. You can't make me," I said, folding my hands and glaring at him. “Sweetie… sweetie… sweetie," he chuckled softly. He brought his hands to my face gently and cupped my cheeks, as he forced me to look at him. “Then, we would just have to do this the hard way." He let out, picked up his phone and made a call to God knows who. A few minutes later, two muscular men burst through my door. “Sir, you called for us?" I heard one of the men say, as my heart thumped uncontrollably and I waited, dreading their next move. “Take her! She will be coming with us, but do it gently. She is precious cargo." Blake waved his hand in my direction. “Wait… what?" I said. but before I could protest any further, I was lifted by the men and taken to the car. (*) I shivered in fear, as we drove quietly for a while. We, soon, entered a gate and went into a big and beautiful mansion with lights all around. The mansion shined brightly even as it was still daytime. We soon stopped near the entrance of the house and I saw that guards were surrounding I was forced and removed from the car. Dragging me into the mansion with Blake leading in front of us. Inside. The place was magnificent and I couldn't stop myself from staring at the amount of luxury these rich and famous people live in. “Sweetie, this will be your home for the next 6 to 7 months if my calculations are correct.” He smirked at the last part. “So, get comfortable," he finished and sat on one of the lounge chairs. I couldn't move my legs, I didn't understand what was going on, or why he had brought me here. '' I want to go home, I can not stay here,'' I said softly. “Zoe! SIT!” he ordered as his eyes blazed with anger. I sat, still trembling in fear and wondering why this asshole had taken me against my will. “So, sweetie, this is how it’ll go down." He smiled, saying. “You are going to have my baby here, give him/ her to me, and then, you will disappear forever. But, don't worry, you will be very well compensated," he finished, getting up to pour himself a glass of whiskey. “Blake, don't I get a say in all this," I asked softly. “Oh, no. Sweetie, you don't," he chuckled softly as he sipped his drink. “You can't lock me up here and force me to have your child. This is not right," I said as the tears rolled down my cheeks. He walked up to me, bent down and wiped the tears away from my cheeks. “Hey," he whispered as he cupped my face in his hands and I raised my face to look at him. The look in his eyes was so soft and calm, that it made me think, for a second, that he might be human after all, then he said those words that made me rethink my thoughts. “Sweetie, I know what's right and this is so right," he said, smirking, standing up and walking away from me. "Argh! I hate you!” I screamed at him. '' I know!'' He screamed back.
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