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Blake's POV I never thought I would see her again. I knew it was one night of passion and I left before she could even wake up. I knew she was going to hate me because I left without a word, but my life was already complicated as it is, and I didn't want to complicate hers as well, because I knew that all we could be was nothing else but a one-night stand. But I guess the universe had other plans for me because here she was standing in front of me, looking as stunning as I remembered. Her beautiful chestnut brown hair and her enchanting eyes, her lips gracefully coated with a pink shiny gloss. God... I could give anything just to taste those lips again. I recognised her from the very moment she stepped into my office. ''who could ever forget such a beauty? She is a goddess sent from heaven to walk among men.'' I said, smiling to myself. '' Snap out of it Blake,'' the voices in my head scolded me and I knew they were right because I couldn't get carried away by her beauty, it was just meant to be a one-time thing. I have a girlfriend and I could complicate her life like that. So I had to act like I didn't know her. But with her fidgeting so nervously and looking down at her feet, I knew something was wrong. ''Miss Campbell, if you don't have anything to say, I will have to ask you to leave right now," I let out, gesturing to the door. She was acting strangely as my mind wondered how she even found me in the first place. She still didn't say a word, and I was slowly getting irritated by her content silence. “Miss Campbell! Do I need to call security?" I asked, picking up my phone, then she said those words and I froze as I didn't know what to think. “I was going to be a father” But the only reaction that could come to my mouth was that of laughter. “She couldn't be serious, right? Pregnant? This must be the biggest joke of the century! I'm sure she has found out who I am and is just here for the money like they all are. And I am willing to give it to her, only if she drops this little act of hers. Pregnant, No... she can't be." I continued to laugh to myself. Even though I was denying what was right in front of me, I knew the truth. '' f**k!'' I internally screamed. Zoe's POV... “I'm pregnant and it's yours," I said out of the blue, looking at him and waiting for his reaction, as the uncertainty was currently killing me. “Please say something," I said in a low tone. But when he didn't, the only thing he could do was look at me as if I had committed an offence. I looked down at my feet as my heart was beating so loudly in my chest, as I expected him to say something soon. All of a sudden, he busted into a fit of laughter that made me look at him. “You can't be serious!.... Pregnant?!" He said, still laughing. “This must be the biggest joke of the century!” He let out laughing even more, then he went cold. And after a while, he glared at me with an intimidating look in his eyes. “Who the hell put you up to this? Did my mom put you up to this... to get my attention? Or is it about money? ''So, tell me, how much do you need to end this sick joke?” I gaped at his remark. “Five million? Ten million? Name your price and it's yours," he continued, looking all serious now. My blood ran cold after hearing his statement. The desire and want I once felt for him turned into hate and despair. I, angrily, got up and glared at him with so much hate and disdain. “You know what, you are just a goddamned f*****g asshole! I f*****g regret ever meeting you that night! I regret listening to my friend and coming here to disgrace myself. So, I know exactly what you can do with all that money. You can shove it up your goddamn ass! JERK!" I yelled at him. And I stormed out of his office, slamming the door on my way out. (*) Getting into my apartment, I was angry as hell. Anna was already at my place, and I knew she was here to find out how it all went. “So... How did it go?" Anna asked, eager to hear all about it. I guess she didn’t notice my angry demeanour or she just chose to ignore it. “Is he going to buy you a luxurious mansion, like the ones on TV? Or a Lamborghini? or maybe a Bentley?” Anna chirped happily, spouting nonsense. I ignored her and went straight to my bed, closing the door. I curled myself up into a ball and allowed the tears to flow freely down my face. ‘I hate him! I hate him!’ I ranted to myself. ‘What right does he have to call me a gold digger… f**k him and his money!” My tears continue to roll down my eyes. Slowly, my room door opened. “Zoe?... what happened? why are you crying?” Anna asked, walking in and sitting by me on the bed. She slowly started to rub circles around my back as she looked at me with concern. “Anna, I have decided... I'm going to have an abortion," I retorted. “Wait, what, no... you can't do that. Remember, the baby is our ticket to a good life," she let out, which made me look at her in absolute shock. “Anna, I'm not going to have that appalling, self-absorbed man's child. No, I won’t carry his child!" I yelled, looking away from her. “Babe?... love?... please don't make any irrational decisions. Think about it first.” She pleaded. “Anna, he f*****g humiliated me. Saying, I was a big joke and I was just there for his money. And he offered me,10 million to leave. Can you believe the insolent fool?" I said angrily. “So did you take it?" Anna asked. “Take what?” I replied, confused. “The money… Did you take it?” She replied. “God, no! I told him to shove it up his ass." I said. And Anna shook her head at me. “You stupid, motherfucking girl! It looks like you are allergic to good things. You are so in love with your current life and your tiny small apartment, that you do not want anything better," She yelled, gesturing around the apartment. “But he…,” I tried to object. “No!” She cut me off, raising her hand to my face. ''I don't feel like talking to you anymore.” She said as she got up angrily and left my room and the apartment. (*) I didn't sleep well last night, with the thought of Blake still hovering around in my mind. ‘Why am I still thinking about him so much? Am I not supposed to hate him?’ I asked myself, as I tried to shake off his face from my mind. I went to the kitchen. I made myself a quick breakfast of bacon, eggs, and waffles with a glass of milk. I couldn't drink coffee anymore because I was pregnant and I hated it, but I was happy that it wouldn't be for long, as I had decided to go through with the abortion. I picked up my phone and booked an appointment at the nearby hospital. Suddenly, I heard a knock at my door. I stilled for a moment because I know I wasn't expecting anyone. And Anna was still mad at me or, maybe, she had come back to her senses and realized she couldn't do without me. I laughed in my mind at the latter. But why was she knocking? She had a key or maybe she had lost it again.''I thought to myself as I walked towards the door to open it. “Anna, did you lose your key again?" I asked happily, as I opened the door. But I was shocked to see the person looking at me was none other than Blake himself. I stood there, staring at him surprised, as to why he was outside my apartment. “It's not nice to stare, sweetie," he said, smirking, and walked into my apartment. ''How did you find me?" I managed to, let out, but immediately I knew it was a stupid question, remembering he was here before and all I could see was the amusement in his eyes. He moved closer to me, bringing his hand to my chin and lifting it softly, maybe so that he could have a better look at me. “It breaks my heart, that you are quick to forget our little rendezvous when the product of that night is sitting pretty in your belly," he said, as his hand slowly made its way to my tummy. I quickly stepped away from him, as his closeness was giving me goosebumps and making me unable to breathe. “Blake, why are you here?” I asked, eagerly wanting nothing more than for him to leave, so that I would be able to breathe comfortably again. “I'm here for you, Zoe. Pack up your things, we are leaving," he commanded. “What?!... No, I'm not going anywhere with you. So, please leave!” I let out back and motioned towards the door. Before I could get to the door, he caught my arm and pulled me closer to him again. “Sweetie, I don't think you understood me. You don't have a choice here," he said, smirking. “As long as you are carrying my child. YOU BELONG TO ME."
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