Chapter Six- Unwelcome Inhabitants

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It was nearly three in the morning by the time they were able to leave the club without the fear of having been spotted by Spanish police. They were now both sweaty from the dancing they both convinced themselves had been done to ‘blend in’, unaware that their feelings were growing more lustful on this night instead of what was mandatory for their jobs to reach equal completion. Still unaware the exact reason the other was present in this country, they became weary of what the other person was capable of. It became clear in the short time that they had been together that Declan had been the kind of man that thought after an event took place; such as a body-and making sure to destroy all evidence that linked back to him. Whereas Autumn would be the kind of person to try and find an alternative to try and keep someone alive and discover an alternative way that would allow less bloodshed. But up until this moment, it had been what allowed them to work together and stay alive-even if they convinced themselves that they were both lonewolves.  “We need to find somewhere to sleep…” He spoke, his attention focusing upon the buildings around them that had been darkened from their residents decided to already turn in for the night. Without any money to rest within a hotel or ability to make their way into one, Declan and Autumn were forced to find an incredibly unconventional location to sleep.  “There is no way in hell I am going in there!” She spoke, crossing her arms upon her chest, as he held his hand out as half of his body had made its way down a set of stairs in a Mausoleum. It was clear that this mausoleum had been heavily vandalized with paint brought to life in both brush and spray had been used to ‘decorate’ the exterior. However, the sound of steps and the sight of a fire flashing upon the nearby wall had allowed Autumn to feel off. Perhaps Declan had been a serial killer and this had been his lair where he kept those he kidnapped.  “You can either freeze out here or come down where there is a fire…” He commented, finding her to not even budge to breathe as he threw his hands up, and made his way down to the flame that flickered upon the wall. She lingered above ground for a little while, until a bizarre chill made its way down her spine and into her veins-seemingly replacing her blood. Because of this, she finally descended down the steps before finding a set of seemingly homeless people taking refuge in this underground sanctuary. Upon entering, she could see how those within the room had seemed on edge, before Declan spoke something in Spanish that made them greet her with kindness. Her heart broke for a moment as she saw how some people had been forced to live. Some were nearly skin and bones from having been unable to pay for food as others had been clearly strung out on drugs that put them in this very position to begin with. A few people seemed to be present within the underground section for privacy and then there had been Declan and Autumn. “This is just for the night…” He spoke as he made his way down a corridor that split off into multiple different sections. Portions of the floor had been covered with wood and others dropped off cliffs that would lead to someone’s demise if they were not careful. In a way, it as similar to that of the Paris catacombs made infamous for its danger and legend that remains to this day. “Cuidado!” Declan called out as he took hold of Autumn right as her foot gave way to the end of a board that fell a few hundred feet. Her heart began to race as she realized how close she had come to having her life end then and there. Luckily, Declan’s grip had caught her, doing so in such a way, that he would have to pull her close to his lips to bring her back upright. The strength he possessed in his upper body was to credit for her not falling to her death-validating the point that he wanted her alive-for whatever reason.  He continued with her through another hall, until coming to a room that had been littered with items left, forgotten, or abandoned. Blankets, bottles, wrappers, and glass had remained on the floor-allowing them uncomfortable accommodations that had been made useful for the night. Declan searched through the blankets, forcing them to be rid of dust and bugs, before allowing her the larger of the two set present. A portion of her had been touched, but she wasn’t willing to trust him with her deepest and darkest secrets just yet. In fact, still only trusted him as far as she could throw him. This continued throughout the night as she would awaken to any sound-even that of dripping water from the surface.  “Do you have an idea as to why these catacombs are here?” His voice echoed in the room they had been lying in. She wondered how he knew she wasn’t asleep, but answered him-in realizing he had saved her more than harmed her-and that merited a response, if nothing else.  “No…” Her voice then echoed back to her.  “It was from World War two…” he began to explain. “Although Spain wasn’t involved officially, people were afraid they might be, and so eighty years ago, they made themselves a way to hide beneath the enemy-it was blocked off for about seventy of those eighty years..and for the last decade, it has been used for those who are afraid to be above ground.” “Oh…” She commented, unsure if she should comment further in fear of giving away too much of herself. But then her curiosity broke that voice in her mind that told her to remain silent. “Do you live here?” He shrugged, unable to do so with a point as it was pitch black and impossible to see, and so he answered outright with a verbal response, “I get around.” He confessed. “And you, do you live under a mausoleum in America?” he asked upon trying to make her more comfortable with him.  “No.” She answered sternly. “In an apartment.” She softened her speech upon feeling as though she had been harsh with him. Technically the words she had told him had been the truth, given the fact that she was always present in an apartment-but neglected to confess how the apartment she spoke of had been paid for by the United States government. Declan attempted to make small talk with Autumn in the dark, only hearing one worded responses or questions turned back to him. Although several questions had been asked, very little had been learned about either of them in this instance. Instead, they focused upon the solace that the darkness brought as it covered them.  “It seems as though we will be stuck together for a while…” He spoke. “Perhaps we should learn to trust each other…” “I don’t know you!” She snapped back at him, sitting in an upright position. “How can I trust you?” “Because for some reason you and I keep finding moral reasons to help each other…I could have left you for dead and you could have abandoned me as well-but we have remained loyal to each other-” “How do I know you weren’t sent to kill me?” “For being an American tourist, you sure think a lot of yourself. Perhaps I am just a good guy.” “There is no such thing. A guy either wants money, s*x, or blood.” “Perhaps American guys…” She couldn’t dispute this as the majority of the guys she encountered had been holding the same nationality as her. But that being said, the fact that they first met with him pointing a gun at her forehead wasn’t exactly a meet cute.  “I am not saying we need to tell each other our life stories, but we can at least be more open than we are. For about a name?” He asked, silence filling the space between them.  “I thought you said there wasn’t a point.” “I did not intend on being stuck with you, but since I will be-It is best...unless you prefer me to call you Americana or amore-” “Fine…” She paused. “Autumn.” He smiled in the dark before then giving his own.  “Declan.” He allowed her a moment to remember his name before then continuing to speak. “Perhaps that will rest your mind enough so you can sleep. I know you are afraid of me, Autumn-but if this were for a reason, I would not have saved you earlier in the cavern-I could have disposed of you and nobody would have found you. Now goodnight.” The rather nerve wracking thought of how easily she put her trust in him had allowed her to understand his words; if not forever, at least for a small while so she could get some rest. 
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