
1180 Words
“Well, you both are great at what you guys do, I just hope you will also be good to each other since I am sure you guys will be working a lot together and even how big our hospital is, I am sure you would guys run to each other every hour.” Their boss, Dr. Bailey said to both of them smiling and giving both of them a light pat on their shoulders. “No worries chief, I am pretty sure we will get along just fine, who knows, we might even be best of friends.” Henry said reassuring his boss, giving him a clever smile that the other part took quickly while leaving Catherine clueless looking at them. “If that so, what you both say about going out for a drink tonight?” Dr. Bailey said. “Oh! I would love to! They used to say that drinking could make people get closer to each other.” Henry said agreeing to Dr. Bailey. “Is that not right Dr. Altman?” Dr. Bailey said agreeing to what Henry said without even knowing if it is true as he is already old enough not to know some new saying with young people. Catherine continues watching them, their exchange of words and even the fists bump they did, not really know what they are talking about even what are they planning for when she has not said even one letter from yes word. “So?” Dr. Bailey said turning his head switching his attention towards Catherine who look at him lost. “I guess you could not since you have a kid to look out for.” Henry blurted out, interrupting when Catherine is about to say something. Dr. Bailey and Catherine look at him confuse, but Catherine is doing more and suddenly said “That is right! Ryu, I promised him I will go home early and sleep with him so, gentlemen, I am sorry but I could not.” Remembering or more like realizing the kid Henry is talking about. “Oh, I guess he misses you that much in just such a short time.” Dr. Bailey said finally getting the kid who suddenly entered the conversation. “Well, I guess he loves her that much.” Henry said. “He does aside from looking just like her, I heard from his father that they are also have the same character.” Dr. Bailey said agreeing with Henry. “He really does resemble her but I doubt that they have the same character.” Henry said looking, staring to Catherine’s face who is also looking straight to his with asking gaze. “He did not tell you that the whole time you were looking for him, we were having a lot of fun talking. You do not get my jokes, but he is even though it is only our of courtesy.” Henry said answering the questioning look Catherine is giving him. “So, are you saying that I am not courteous enough when I was frantically looking for him that I did not have enough time to guess that whatever would have come out of your mouth earlier is a joke?” Catherine said with frustration. “I am not…” Henry said only to be cut off by Dr. Bailey who lift up his hand in between them and tell them to stop. “You guys need to figure out how to get along.” Dr. Bailey added. “I might tomorrow. I will be saying goodbye to the both of you if you excuse me because I still need to look out for the patients that are left to be under my care.” Catherine said giving Dr. Bailey a smile and a glare towards Henry before she completely marched exiting her own office room. “Did you see that Chief?” Henry said stunned by how scary Catherine’s glares. “What? You scared of her?” Dr. Bailey said. “Scared? Why would I? or should I?” Henry said. “Do you really want to know?” Dr. Bailey said with something in his tone and his expression making Henry gulp down whatever is in his throat before he nods. The next thing Dr. Bailey did made Henry take one step back while he follows Dr. Bailey’s hand until it landed on Henry’s shoulder which gave him two light pats and said “The fact that she could make you feel that way should be luck. Because I was once in your place and to think that a three-year-old girl could scare the hell out of me whose age is same with her parents.” “Then I should be scare.” Henry said to Dr. Bailey. “No, you should be not. Her being like that means she could be comfortable with, means that there is a possibility that you guys will get along, along enough that she will join us drinking anytime soon.” Dr. Bailey said with a smile as he gives Henry’s shoulder a little squeeze and walk out of Catherine’s office. Henry watches him, and kept his gaze while he zones out until Dr. Bailey vanishes from his sight and the door made a low bang as it closes.  He stayed like that for fifteen minutes more or less until his eyes finally gave up making him blink that brought him back to reality and decided to leave the room as well so he walks few steps towards the door and reach for the door knob that made him caught glimpse of something, a reflection of something on the glass of the door. He turned his head and look towards the reflection is, he could not make a clear view so he took a back step and turn to walks towards it to get a full clear view. Walking towards the drawers behind the chair, he slowly getting a clear view of two picture frames that is beside each other. Both of them have a pair of a woman and a man, with Catherine being the woman on both picture frames making the only difference is the man in each photo. One is a man who looks older than Catherine clearly but still the resemblance to this man and Catherine’s facial features are clear that it made Henry smile as it is so easy to tell who is the man with his arm around Catherine’s shoulder in this photo. The other man in the other photo is someone Henry met already, the young man he met earlier. It is Ryu the kid who looks exactly Catherine just a boy version. He got her eyes, her nose and her lips that made them look like they were carved from the same stone. Henry smiled seeing the photo and said “I could imagine her looks at this age.” While holding the photo frame in his hand.
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