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“I can’t believe this is happening.” She said to herself as she runs around her new work place frantically and desperate, looking for something or someone in this crowd of people. With her sweat starting to roll down her face that thankfully is not really that loaded with make up as she did not have enough time this morning to do so aside from putting face powder and lipstick and putting her hair into simple yet neat bun on top of her head. “Where are you?” she said as she keeps looking around wishing that any minute, she would catch a glimpse of a familiar face while breathing heavily, catching one after another walking through people. After a few minutes she finally found and caught the sight she has been wishing to for the past half hour already. Raven black hair that is cut into half on the top of his head which is pretty visible by his given height, two pinkish chubby cheeks with his white complexion as he seems smiling big enough to make a bump out of his cheeks.  Thinking that she could not afford to lose another sight of it, she runs towards it like her life depends on it, not wasting another second despite wearing the kind of shoe she hates the most, the two inches high heels that she decided to wear today as she was told that it will only be a public announcement of her coming here to work with the people in this place and to introduce her to everyone. Which meant she needs to be presentable enough and put on a good first impression towards everyone although even just a little bit, a doubt is in her specially that first good impression is something could be gain by being presentable but by her ability in this field of work she has chosen to. And the fact that it is not her first time, or a first day in this kind of work but a few years of experience. But still, she is grateful and feeling blessed because she is capable enough to gain respect from everyone, she has been working with from her previous work place. “There you are!” she said finally reaching the spot of where a small kid who seems to be five years old standing in the middle of the lobby. “Mama!” the kid said back as he finally sees her standing before sitting in front of him and take him into a tight hug. “I have been so worried Ryu!” she said, exclaiming the feelings she has been bearing for half hour while she desperately searches for him. “I am so sorry.” The kid said apologetically while hugging her back as tight as she does to him. “I told you to not run around specially in this unknown place for the both of us.” She said as she did not receive yet her official tour in this place. “I just followed papa but suddenly lost sight of him.” The kid said, explaining his reason from running off while she took her eyes off of him for a moment as she searches for something she needs. “Papa needed to take a phone call so I am sure he stepped outside because he will not be able to hear anything in here.” She said as she pulls away from their hug and look at him straight into his big black eyes explaining him the reason. “I am so sorry.” He said once again. “It is fine. Your appointment is about to start and thankfully I found you. I am sure papa is also on his way back to where he left the both of us.” She said with a smile, consoling the little man who feels bad already for doing something for the first time. “I told him I could bring him back and we are just about to when you suddenly came out of nowhere.” A man’s voice came around from her behind. “I am so sorry; it is his first time here and I guess was afraid when his father suddenly left him.” She said before turning so she could take a look at the source of the so manly voice that already made her felt somehow good by her ear. “It is fine. I am also so glad that he did not need to go to the information desk and got his name to be announce and let everyone hear the reason that is not really a good one for sure.” The man said that ticked something in her making her feel furious. “Well, I am so sorry. I myself is new here and for sure would take a long time before I could get a hang of this place. And sorry for letting him run off by himself when in fact is he is just a kid whose nature is to run around in all kinds of reasons.” She said furiously and turn to get a good look of the man who seems to be implying something bad by the incident that she herself did not expect to happen. “Do not get me wrong, I do not mean anything by stating a fact in my statement. But now that you found him and he found you, it would be great if this will not happen again. Do not lose your son again specially in this kind of place where a lot of people are entering and exiting in a span of a minute.” He said to her face having the same furious expression. She looks at him while thinking “You will know when you have one yourself and I guess you would even wet yourself when that time comes.” And keep it to herself by letting out a sigh and put on a smile on her face and said “Thank you.” “Let’s go Ryu.” She said as soon as she turns her head and took the little man’s hand and turn to walk away. “See you around Dr. Stevens.” The man said before she takes another step away from him that surprised her and made her look back with confusion in her head. But sadly, the man whose the source of voice is nowhere to find, or to be precise she is not sure anymore since she did not take a good look, good enough to remember his face that after turning her head with a frown to look back, she quickly turn it again and walk while holding the little man’s hand tightly making sure she will not lose him again. “Where have you been?” another man’s voice came around once again, but it is different because she knows very well this voice, she knows it more than anybody else’s. “Sorry, I lost sight of Ryu.” She said apologetically. “No, no, no, I am sure he runs off because of me, so why do you need to apologize when it is clearly my fault?” the man said with a smile before he gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek. “Do not do that again ok?” the man said facing the little man beside her and pick him up to his arms. “I will not papa.” The little man said promising to the man. The man returned it with just a smile before he landed a peck on the little man’s chubby cheek. “By the way, how is it going so far?” the man said towards Catherine. “It started great but just now I encountered someone so rude and said that we would be seeing each other around and so I guess he also works here.” Catherine said. “You are a great person and what more is you are also great at what you do so I know that rudeness towards you would not last long. Just be yourself and I am sure you will be loved in no time.” The man said rubbing Catherine’s arm while reassuring her, pushing her worries away. Catherine smiled warmly, returning the favor that the man is doing and nods her head. “But are you still fine with time? Ryu’s appointment is in five minutes. Are you sure you will go with him? I could if you could not.” Catherine said with worried expression on her face. “I will be fine, I made a call to push something in my schedule and thankfully it could, plus you still have a lot of things to do to settle yourself in this new place.” The man said reassuring her once again. “The tour would not be after the introduction which will be held later, in two hours and so I am free until then. I do not have that much of things too to.” Catherine said. “If you say so, then why do not we just go together?” the man said that made everyone happy as smiles started to form on their faces, both Catherine and Ryu. “Please people, let us welcome the new attending of our cardiothoracic department, Dr. Catherine stevens.” The chief said introducing me to everyone which she heard is rarely to happen unless the person to be welcomed is really great and well known from the staff as she went around and went on Ryu’s appointment. She stood beside the chief, give her biggest smile to everyone as her eyes roam around getting a sight of everyone with their smiles as they clap their hands to welcome her. But while everyone seems to be happy to welcome her, someone seems not as its eyes are staring at her in different ways with a though in its head saying “This is not true. It is just a dream.”  
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