Chapter 2

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As the rest of the week came and gone, it was friday; the football game and the homecoming dance. Oh boy! I thought. School has been a drag, until this day. Everyone was running around like a damn chicken with their head cut off. I thought it was quite funny. As I went home after dropping off Sarah, I done some of my homework that I could do before I had to get ready for the game. But when the clock had read 4:30 pm, I had stopped doing my homework and got into the shower. As I let the hot water hit me, it felt great. But once I was all clean, I got out and wrapped a towel around me and head back into my room and got ready for the game. As I put on my oily lotion to make me look like I'm all sweaty already then slid on my bootie shorts then my skirt then my sports bra and shirt. Once I was all dressed, I brushed my hair and done a high ponytail and done my makeup. After I was done, I had grabbed my gym bag and ran down the stairs to go to the garage where my car was sitting. As I got in, I headed over to Sarah's house again to pick her up. When I pulled up, I had honked my horn and she came running out. When she got in the car, she leaned over the driver side and kissed me on the lips. I was still kinda shocked, that she was into me as well. As she pulled away from me, she put her seat belt on and we waved at her parents. Sarah came out to her parents a few days after we kissed and they wasn't shocked. They had a feeling since she was young. She never wanted to go out with guys and she was always up my ass. I laughed when she told me that was what her parents told her. My parents knew from day one as well and told me as long as I am happy then they are fine with it. My mother thought I would be dating, Ethan since he was part of her pack but said it was fine. Once we got to the school, we parted somewhat. We kept us hush hush from our friends and people at school. We was kinda glad that Sarah's sister Elektra didn't go to the school anymore. Sarah wanted to keep us a secret until the right moment. Which I thought it was a little silly but it was fine with me as long as she was happy. When we got out and went to the gym, we saw the rest of our team and some of the football stars. As we got to the others, Ethan and Caleb came running over to us. They hugged us from behind making us jump well more Sarah. I heard them coming. "Hey gorgeous friends." Ethan said. "Hey, so is the other team here yet?" Sarah asked. "No, not yet." Caleb said. "They'll be here in about 20 minutes. That's what coach says." "Well we need to kick their ass tonight. And if you have to use your "powers" do it." I said. "Woah, are you serious? Coach will kill us." Caleb said. "Yea, he told us not to use our powers." Ethan said. The coach was a werewolf, and he doesn't like those whom are wolves or vampires to use their "powers" but me I am gonna convince him. "Well if I got something to do with it, he'll let y'all." I said as I walked over to the coaches office. As I walked over there, coach was coming out heading towards the locker room. I followed him in there. As he went into the stalls, I made sure no one else was in there and locked the door. When he came out, he saw me was leaning against the lockers with my arms crossed. "Hope, what are you doing in here in the boys locker room." "We need to talk." I said. "About what?" "You need to let them use their powers for this game." "No, we can't." "Yes you can. We've never won a game against the ravens and we need to win tonight." I told him. "I know we never win a game. But I can't." He said as he looked the other way. I walked over to him and forced him to look at me. "Well I'm sorry for your making me have to do this." I said as I stared into his eyes. "Your gonna let the team use their powers to kick ass tonight against the Raven's. So after you leave this locker room call a meeting for those who have gifts." I said then let him go. I walked towards the door and unlocked it and walked out of the locker room before someone saw me. As I walked over to the guys I smiled at them. "What did you do?" Ethan asked. "You'll find out." I said as I looked at my watch then looked back towards the locker room. Coach came out and called for a meeting with the football them. I listened in as I sat down on the bleachers. "We have to win tonight. Do whatever you have to do, to help us win. The Raven's has to be put down!!" The coach yells the last part. "Hell yeah!!" Everyone cheered. My friends looked at me from where they were and smiled. I winked at them and faced Sarah. She was on her phone going through f******k. I rolled my eyes then got up to stretch a little. As I was doing that, I heard the gym doors open then heard the other team coming in. I looked up just as their coach walked over to our coach. They shook hands and talked but I didn't listen this time. I was to busy working my body out for tonight. As it was close to kick off, the Tiger's was getting ready in the boy's locker room while the Raven's was getting ready in the girl's locker room. So since they were using our locker room we had to use the spare bathrooms out in the hall. As we were all ready, I heard the band playing outside then heard our principal talking. It was game time. I looked at the girls and clapped my hands at them. "Game time ladies! Let's do this!" I said as I put my hand in the middle. All the girls put their hands in the middle and on 3 weeks broke cheering. "Go Tigress." We cheered. We head out to the doors to get ready to be called out. As well stood there, I heard the boys coming out of their locker rooms. Ethan came over to me and patted me on the shoulder. "Have fun." He said. "Kick ass." I smirked at him. "Sure will. Maybe a little kiss will help." He said puckering up his lips. I rolled my eyes and looked at Sarah. She nodded at me for the good so I turned to face him again and leaned in and kissed him. All the girls and guys cheered and whistled at us. "Let's hear it for our cheerleaders; The Tigress!" The principal called out. "Let's go ladies!" I yelled out. We ran out the doors and headed towards the football field/track. As we ran out there in front of the others, we hollered and cheered. Getting the crowd all pumped up for the tigers. Some of the girls done a few flips on the track. "Let's go tigers! Mighty mighty tigers!" We cheered. "We mean, we fast, we love to kick ass. Let's hear it for our tigers!" As we said that the boys came running out the gym onto the field. Everyone in the stands were cheering, hollering, clapping, and whistling for them. "And our visiting team, that is hard to beat, the ravens!" The principal called out. As the ravens ran out, the crowed booed them. And we done the same. "God I hope we win this." Sarah told me. "We will." I said. "Sure about that girls. We never win against them. Every year we lose." Calie, one of the girls said. She was a wolf. "This year we will. I feel it." I said. 'If you got a spell to give them luck, you better do it now. Because we all know coach ain't gonna let them use their powers." Jessica, another girl said. She was a vampire. "Nope, but if something happens close to the end I'll think of something." I had said. They both nodded at me. I mean them using their gifts should help us win but I always have a backup plan. As the referee looked at each captains to call the coin. Ethan had said; heads and the other captain had said; tails. Then the referee threw the coin up in the air and me moving my finger around a little to make the coin land on tails so that the ravens kick it off so we get the ball. I know it's cheating but I want us to have the ball. As the coin landed on tails, the ravens captain was handed the ball and they got into positions. It was time for kick off and I was excited. As they kicked the ball, we caught it and ran to the the 30 yard line before getting tackled. Everyone cheered. So far so good. About 6 minutes left of the first quarter, the score was 12 to 6. We were in the lead, about good enough points to be fair. As ravens have the ball, they were almost to the end zone, when Caleb ran into the one with the ball hard. I jumped then looked away for a moment. I looked back seeing everyone was hovering over him. Oh s**t, please tell me Caleb didn't hurt him to bad. I thought. Then the guy got up, put his arm up to let everyone know he was good. I let out the breathe I had sucked in when I saw how hard he got hit. But since they were so close to the field goal, they got the chance to kick the ball to make a touch down. As they got ready, the girls looked at me. I rolled my eyes and they circled around me so no one could see my eyes. As I clothes for a second then opened them and mouth some words, the window started to pick up a little but not much. As it was close to the end zone, it had hit the bar making them miss it. It was the end of the first quarter. Everyone took a few minutes to rest up or get a drink then it was off again for the second quarter. We kicked off and they caught it. But were tackled as soon as they caught the ball and tried to run for it. "Okay, girls let's do it." I said. We got in our spots and started to cheer. "Let's go tigers let's go!!" We cheered then the band started playing "We got the beat" and we were doing some moves. Getting the crowd all pumped and excited. They were cheering for both us and the team. Just right then the team got a touchdown making everyone in the stands and us go crazy. Caleb and some of the other supernatural creatures jump one of the players that done the touchdown. That was the end of the first quarter. Letting all the players go to their locker rooms and us in the gym. Some of the girls flipped in the gym when we entered first with our boys behind us. Ethan picking me up and putting me on his shoulder making me laugh. "Let's go tigers, mighty mighty tigers!" I cheered on his shoulder. After I said that, Ethan put me down on the floor so he could go inside the locker rooms. When was on the floor, I went over to Sarah and sat next to her. I put my head on her shoulder as she was on her phone doing whatever. That's when I got mine out and went on Snapchat. I took a picture of us where she wasn't paying any attention to. When she heard the snap, she looked up and saw what I did then smiled. Letting me take another picture of us. Then took a couple of me kissing her cheek and the same with her kissing my cheek. I was gonna do one of us kissing but I didn't want the girls to know. As the boys came back out the principal called for us again. We ran out behind the boys hollering and cheering. As the game started back up again, it was getting a little crazy. The ravens were kicking ass and they shouldn't be doing that. Expressly since the tigers are using their powers. Some of the girls looked at me, worried. I hooked my head no to let them know not to worry just yet. As I turned around to look at the crowd, to see if I can see anything strange or even feel anything strange. But nothing. I looked down a little and said a little spell to see if I could get a jiff of what's going on. When I did, it brought me down to a knee. Some of the girls freaked out and came over to me. "Hope, what's wrong?" Sarah asked. I hissed a little making those who were human backed away a little but stayed close to me. "Hope?" Calie said. "What's wrong?" Jessica asked. "Someone's using magic. I feel it and it's strong." "Where?" Sarah asked. "I don't know. I have to get away from here to find it." I said. "Go, we'll take it from here." Calie said. I nodded and they helped me up. I looked at Sarah then kissed her on the lips not thinking about the others or even thinking at all. I ran behind the bleachers close to the football shack to do my work. I sat down in a chair and crossed my legs then started chanting a spell. As it got stronger, I took my sight and let it take me to who it was. As it took me to the little woods by the football field, I took off my uniform and shifted into my wolf form and ran over there fast. As I got there, I found a woman sitting in the trees facing the game, moving her hands around a little. She was jinxing the team. I growled a little bit then jumped up in the air to tackle her down. When I knocked her on the ground, she was shocked to see me or it was because it was a wolf that was on her. She tried to push me with some of her powers but it didn't work. I growled at her then ripped out her throat with my teeth. After I done that, I started to dig my claws into her skin and rip her clothes to make it look like it was a random animal attack. As I was done, I ran back to the shack and shifted back into my human form and got dressed. Once I was dressed, I walked out and saw the girls and the team walking back. The girls looked at me when I came out. Those who were supernatural walked to me and those who were human went inside. "Halftime." Sarah told me as she got to me. I nodded and leaned my head on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" Cali asked me. "Yes, I just used a lot of magic to find a woman jinxing the team. Then changed into my wolf and well lets just say my wolf didn't like what she was doing." I said as well walked inside the gym. "Please tell me you didn't kill her?" Sarah asked. I looked at her with guilt. "Sorry." "No, you did the right thing, Hope. She was doing s**t to the team." Jessica said. "Least say you f****d her up?" Amber another wolf had asked. I nodded. "I made it look like it was an animal attack." I felt bad at what I did, but it had to be done. As I leaned against Sarah, the girls were talking to themselves as I laid there to recover. Sara was playing a game on Snapchat with a friend of hers that I saw until I closed my eyes then heard a snap of a camera. When I reopened them I had saw she took a picture of us. I kissed her on her neck and she giggled. "I love you." I whispered. She stiffen up a little bit then relaxed like she was shocked for a moment. I saw on the upper corner of my eyes smiling. After the game was finish we won, 43 to 25 and it would have been more than that of that f*****g witch didn't do what she did. As we all ran in the gym cheering, Caleb and Ethan holding Sarah and me on their shoulders, cheering and hollering from our win. "Good job boys. Now enjoy the rest of y'all night with the dance." The coach told us all. Sarah and I went home to get ready and the boys went home to get ready as well. As I was laying on my bed taking a small nap as Sarah was taking a shower when she got out, she walked over to me and kissed my lips. I opened my eyes and looked at her smiling. I grabbed ahold of her and pushed her on the bed and started kissing her. I made her feel good while I could but we were kinda interrupted by my aunts. "Hey do y'all need help?" Carrie asked then stopped where she was. I looked up at them and growled. "Sorry, we'll come back." Carrie said as she went to walk back out. "No, y'all can help her while I take a shower." I told them as I got off of Sarah. "p***y blockers." I said as I went into the bathroom. "Sorry!" They both yelled as I shut the door. I rolled my eyes as I started the shower back up and took off my clothes and got in the shower and done what I had to do. Once I was done, I got out and went to my closet to get my dress. Sarah was already in hers as they were doing her hair and makeup. As I put on my underwear and slide on my dress and shoes as I picked my hair. Then Chloe started working on my makeup as Carrie finished Sarah's hair. Once she was done, she started on me. When they both were done with me, the door bell rung and my mother had came into the room and told me that the boys were here. I nodded at her before looking into the mirror one last time. As Sarah and I came downstairs, the boys looked up at us, from my father and uncle, with their mouths open. I bought my finger up closing their mouths shut. "Close your mouths so flies won't fly in." I said chuckling. They boys chuckled and looked at each other then back towards us. I looked at Sarah then back to them. "What? Is there something wrong?" I asked. "N-no, yo-you guys look f*****g great." Ethan had stuttered. "Yea, like y'all came out of a f*****g magazine, type shit." Caleb said. "Language, boys." My mother said. "Sorry, ma'am." They both said. "That is my daughter your talking about there." My father has said. "Dad, chillaxed. Its fine, I get we're hot. Now let's get this dance done and over with." I said as I kissed my family's cheeks and hugged them goodbye as us four went to Ethan's car and went to the school. As we were driving there, I leaned against Sarah shoulder. She smiled up at me and grabbed my hand. The boys didn't know just yet but after what I did earlier, the whole school is gonna know. The whole cheer squad saw me do what I did to her. I kissed her in front of them. I broke one of our rules but to me Sarah didn't care. She was more worried about me on what happened. Nor did we talk about it. As we got to the school, we got out of the car and we all walked towards the gym. Ethan was in my arms and Caleb wasn't Sarah's arms on the other side of her where me and her were locked in arms. We all walked in and everyone stared at us then clapped. "Our game savior is here with our last minute runner winner." Someone had yelled out. I started blushing. "Wait savior? What happened." Ethan asked me. "Well a witch was messing with the game making all lose but I took care of it." I told him. "How?" He asked. "How do you think?" I said at first. "Just forget about it for tonight. Let's enjoy tonight's dance while we can." He nodded and we went onto the dance floor. I danced with Ethan while Sarah danced with Caleb for a while then we switched sides. As the dance was going great and I was loving it. I was here with my girl and my friends. I danced a slow dance with Sarah for a little bit until someone had stopped the music. "As tonight the game was a little rocky, but we won against the ravens for once. As someone tries to f**k us over but one of our friends had stopped and helped. And I would like y'all to turn and look at the one and only Hope Carmichael for making us win tonight's game." It was one of the girls from my team. Everyone cheered and clapped for me. I started blushing as I smiled at them. I bored my head to show them all thank you. "Hope, at first some of us didn't like you because of what you are. Me as a human, and like all the other humans were scared of you or hated you. But as time came along, and we see one of our own humans, grew attached to you as your friend and we see y'all together tonight makes us all happy and glad your one of the good ones. Your one of a kind. So thank you, for all you have done for us. To keep us safe from when we don't even need it." I nodded my head at her. Then someone else came on stage with a remote control. "As I stood in the stands, to watch the game, I took off photos for the yearbook and this is what I had token tonight. This goes out to you Hope for y'all you have done." As she hit some buttons a large screen came down from the stage and a slideshow started from tonight's game with music playing in the background. And the song that was playing was I've heard it once or twice but it was from Carrie Underwood and Ludacris, champion. I started to cry a little, they were doing this for me kinda. They had pictures from the game when they won each time, from when they took down someone or even the someone took them down. Even had some of the cheerleaders; us doing our cheers to us standing there talking to them hovering over me. Then a few of when I had kissed Sarah. I let go of Sarah and froze. I made myself stiffen up. I was afraid what was about to happen next. Everyone looked towards me and Sarah. I looked at everyone even my own friends then last Sarah. Ethan and Caleb looked confused and a little hurt. Caleb looked from Sarah to me then took off. Ethan done the same and I felt bad. I started to tear up a little bit but Sarah she was the calm one about it. She grabbed my hand and I jerked from her and took off. I ran out the gym into the hall, screamed inside my head making all the lockers bust open. I was losing my mind on what just happened. As I was running down the hall, someone had came out of nowhere and attacked me. Sending me flying out the floor to ceiling wall like windows. When I was a few feet away from the school in the woods, I tried to get up to see who it was but before I could, I was kicked in the side sending me flying into a tree, breaking the tree in half. I took a sharp deep breath from the pain. "Well, well, well, someone doesn't look to happy." A man had said. "Or is that just because I had f****d your little homecoming dance party up." I looked up to see who it was and it was a man that I've never seen before. Not does he go to school here. "What's the matter, don't remember me?" He said. I shook my head. I don't remember who he is. I don't remember ever seeing him. "Hmm, let's break it down for you. 25 some years ago, you took something from me and I would like to take revenge." What, I thought I wasn't even alive 25 years ago. I'm only like 17. "I don't know what your talking about. I'm only 17 years old. You have the wrong person." "Oh no I don't. Your Hope Carmichael ain't you?" "Yes, but I'm telling you the truth." Then he vamped over to me grabbing me by my hair. "You were 8 years old then. I bet your family done a spell on you to make you forget or something." I screamed from the pain of him lifting me up off the ground by my hair. And when I screamed all the windows in the school busted. Some of the kids came running out of the school and they all looked towards us. I saw Sarah looked worried and scared all over her face. Ethan and Calie had shifted while Caleb and Jessica vamped over to us to help me. Some of the witches that were there started chanting to hurt the vampire that was hurting me. As Jessica and Caleb helped me up, I fell down again crying from the pain was in. "Sarah call her family now!" Caleb yelled at her. I looked up threw tears and saw Sarah take off in the school to do just that. When I went to get back up again, my friends helped me back to the school. The witches made a barrier to keep the humans safe until time for back up. Just then I heard howls. I saw my mother and father in their wolf form, running over to us then saw, Ethan and Calie get thrown a few feet from where the man was standing. They yelped when they hit the ground hard. I pushed myself up off the ground and ran to the man just as he had kicked my mother in the side. As I vamped over there I grabbed him by his throat and pushed him into a tree. "I didn't take s**t from you. But your not gonna hurt my family and friends either." I told him. He grabbed ahold of my hands tried to get free but couldn't. I was too strong for him. "I should, since you took what was mine." "I didn't," "You took my daughter from me." He yelled. "She was only, 4 years old." I looked at him like he lost his mind. More like glared at him. "I don't know what your talking about." "She had the longest black hair, the cutest dimple, green eyes. You two played all the time til you killed her. I've been looking for you ever since. And now I have found you." He said as he took his free hand and reached into my chest. I gasped as he had my heart in his hand. "Stop!" My father screamed as he helped my mother up. I looked around and saw my friends and family all around us. Ethan and Caleb on one side of us looked hurt and pissed at the same time. And Calie and Jessica on the other side on me looking the same. My family surrounded us, with my aunts and uncle in front of us and my parents behind us. I started to tear up from the pain. "You killed her and I'm gonna do the same." "I didn't kill her." I tried to say but it was hard. "She didn't kill her." My mother said. "Least she didn't mean to, Hope was very young and lost control of her powers. Your daughter just happened to get in the way when it happened. It was an accident." "And the reason she don't remember is that, we had put a spell on her to forget those years she was friends with her." My father said. "So please let her go. It's all an miss understanding." After a few minutes of all of this sneaking in our minds, I felt him let go of my heart for a moment then grabbed it again. My eyes got big as it felt like he took out of my chest then I saw my uncle come out way and snapped the guys neck and me falling down on the ground with someone catching me as I blacked out. "Hope!" I heard someone scream my name but I couldn't tell who or where it was coming from.
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