Chapter 2

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Lily We reached the boutique that Cathy had chosen for us. The inside was amazing. There were many stunning dresses all screamed expensive. So not Cathy at all but it seemed for the sake of her wedding, she wanted to spend some of her fortunes for her big day. Including the dress for us, her bridesmaid. I wonder what she would choose. Cathy had never paid attention too much to fashion, unlike me and Linda. She had always liked the simple style. But it got me thinking, her wedding would be held in less than two months and she just asked us the dress now? How was that possible? “Lily, do you like this one?” she asked. “Everyone chooses this model but I want to hear your opinion.” She pointed to the dress on the lady clerk’s hold. A long peach blue dress. Very simple yet gorgeous. This was Cathy’s style. But I liked it. “That’s nice. I like it. But are you sure the dresses will be ready before your wedding?” “Oh, that’s okay. Actually, I had this feeling that you will agree with this one so I’ve asked the store to make it for you. And Ricardo got everything so he has made sure the dresses will be ready before our big day. I’ll call you again for the fitting process,” she explained. As expected from Ricardo. There was no way he would let his big day with Cathy be ruined. He would make sure nothing was going to ruin their memorable days. If Cathy was unsatisfied, he would throw tantrums everywhere. After we were done with the dress, we went to a nearby café for lunch. I ordered penne ala vodka while Cathy ordered lasagna. “Just one more month, huh?” Cathy commented. I immediately knew what she meant. “Yeah. The graduation. Time flows so fast, isn’t it? I remember I was so excited on my first day and then I met you. We clicked instantly.” I recalled how I met Cathy for the first time. She was so nervous on her first day and she couldn’t bring herself into a certain group. I greeted her and then accompanied her. We met at the cafeteria and I couldn’t help to say hi to her. We had different majors but whenever our classes were finished, we met up. We quickly became best friends. “I’m so happy to meet you, Lily. You are my precious friend,” Cathy suddenly said, making me blush. “Oh, jeez. Stop that. I’m on fire.” We laughed. This made me wonder if we still could have this kind of quality time together. Girls’ talk. We were grown-up adults now. We chose a different path. We would be busy with the road we were taking. We knew this, but I was certain our friendship would continue even when we became a grandmother. “What are you planning to do after the graduation?” she asked. “Well, I’m applying for a job now. Maybe as an HR since I have psychology as my background. But, well… Just like you said before, finding the right job is extremely stressful.” “Tell me about it. Oh, do you want to try one of Ricardo’s companies? Or maybe James’?” she offered. That was a lovely offer but I couldn’t take it. “Thanks, babe. But I want to try on my own first.” She smiled at my answer. It seemed she already knew what my answer would be from the beginning. “Okay. Let me know if you have any problem.” “Of course.” “Oh! Do you hear anything from Zack?” she innocently asked. Clearly had no idea what that name did to me. I couldn’t exactly blame her because she had zero ideas of what was going on between me and Zack. “No. Why?” “He called me a few days ago. Said that he found a job as a Laboratory Assistant. I’m so happy for him,” she explained. “I see.” A Laboratory Assistant, huh? That nerd had a job already? Lucky him. But listening to her saying Zack had a job already totally pissed me off. He told Cathy and didn’t bother to tell me? Well, it was not like we were friends but still…he told Cathy. And why the hell I was mad anyway? Because how easy for him to get a job? Or just because he didn’t bother to tell me? Well, Zack was smart even since high school. He was the combination of a good look with Einstein’s brain. Even the professors were fond of him. I never heard anything bad about him, except his women problem. He already found a job while I hadn’t. This…made me tick off. Why did it have to be me only? No. I refused to lose with him. I wouldn’t let myself drown in this situation. I would find myself a job before he found out that I hadn’t found one. I didn’t want him to laugh at my pitiful situation. I knew him. He would find a weakness within me and used it. He did it once. I wouldn’t let him do it again. No. Freaking. Way. “Lily? You’re okay?” Cathy asked worriedly. I looked back at her. Come to think of it, Zack had feelings toward her. He loved her. He acted so differently with me while he was so kind and gentle with Cathy. The way he looked at her was so loving and caring. When was the last time he looked at me with those eyes? With those gentle blue-green irises? Never. Zack never considered me anything. Not even once. He was just playing with me because I was a rare laboratory animal he wanted to experiment on. Gosh, I need to get this out of my system. “I’m fine. Are you free tonight?” “Yes, why?” “Good. We’re going to a club tonight,” I decided on the spot. “What? Why so sudden? I don’t even have—” “You can wear my clothes. Please, Cathy. I need you with me tonight and I’m not going to let you refuse me. You’re coming with me. Don’t worry, I won’t tell Ricardo about this,” I convinced her. I knew I was using her kindness and her inability to say no. But I think it would be dangerous if I went to a bar alone. By the time our lunches arrived, I began to eat my pasta when Cathy asked, “Are you sure you’re okay, Lily?” I turned back to her before I could push the ball of pasta into my mouth. Still looking at me in worry. “I am. Why?” “Well, you usually invite me to the club because you’re thinking of something. So…” she paused. I forgot about this. Cathy was my best friend, after all. She could read me easily. We’d been together for almost five years now. No wonder she could ask me that. I knew she was worried but I couldn’t tell her. Not now. Or maybe never. I don’t know. Maybe when I’d found the only one. Someone I could trust. Someone who could hold my heart and take care of it. Preciously and lovingly. Unlike him. Cathy was right. This was my habit. Go to the club. Have some drinks to forget everything which in the end… I couldn’t. I could forget about him for six hours and then he would reappear again, as usual. Almost like my mind and heart refused to forget about him. “Lily?” “Sorry. It’s just… I want some refreshing and I really appreciate it if you can come with me. You know, just in case I got drunk and I will have you by my side,” I reasoned. What a lame excuse. Cathy didn’t drive and if I got drunk stupid, I would drive silly. Cathy wasn’t that stupid to see there was something I was hiding from her. But being the good friend she was, she would always let me be. What a cruel friend I was to her. “If you say so then,” she finally gave up.” “Thanks, babe.” “No problem. But,” she paused as she smiled at me. “If you have something you need to talk about, I’m here, okay?” “Okay.” After we were done with our lunch, we returned to my house. At that time, I hadn’t realized that I would regret my decision to go to the club.
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