PROLOGUE - The girl in my dreams

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The room is loud, and full of crowd. The most influential people of New York City were gathered at a prestigious resort for a victorious party. Upon hearing enough of the noises of people talking, Felipe Marcellus Griffin, a powerful billionaire went to the balcony at the back of the big room to take some fresh air. As he got there he was awed by the beautiful scenery of the sea in front of him . It was the first time he took a look at the backside of the resort, even after coming to the place oftentimes. He stood there, watching the moonlight touch the sea while listening to the calming sound of the waves hitting the shore, setting a fire to his soul. Until he noticed someone standing at the shore facing the ocean. Felipe’s POV I never knew that such beauty existed in this place. Only if I found out sooner, I would have come all the time. The night seemed perfect; the moon did well in giving minimal light enough for the ocean to standout. The breeze is refreshing, along with the calming sound of the waves. I decided to just stay outside as it is peaceful compared to the unending noise of the music and people murmuring inside. I’d rather stay here than go back in. Out here I can process thoughts well with this breathtaking view. As I continued looking around, appreciating the place, I noticed something rather strange, someone standing not far from the shore. She was wearing a beautiful dress, matching gracefully with her body and long wavy hair. She completely caught my attention as she was just standing there facing the ocean with the wind brushing her hair. As I stared at her from behind, I suddenly had the feeling that this moment seemed familiar. It feels like something like this has already happened. Yes, it did happen. I vividly remember that once I dreamt of myself standing and staring at a girl. In the dream I never saw her face; it was all a blur. But she looks like someone I know. Who is she? Why does she seemed very important, as it brings pain to my heart seeing her……… My thoughts stopped as she began to move and slowly turned in my direction. I saw her face and then realized who she was. You! Of all the women I know, why am I seeing her. How dare she steal the girl that I only like in my dreams, destroying the image with her face. I was about to burst with anger when I noticed a tear coming down her cheeks. The world around me stopped, the anger I felt turned into something unusual, just like the girl in the dream... my heart was filled with heavy pain. Just like in the dream, I felt the sudden fear that I was about to lose something very dear. Being brought back to reality, I realized that she couldn’t cry. This person in front of is not capable of crying. She was always naïve and considered no feelings, having a heart built like stones. But right now. Why is she crying in the middle of the night, alone. I couldn’t move, as I was just blankly staring at her. Then she stopped and looked at me. Our eyes met and I could see that she was not expecting me. It was the very first time I’ve held my eyes to look at hers. Until then, I could not get my eyes off of her. So is my heart.
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