Chapter 1

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“So you're my--” “Don't” Valen barked his face quick to turn in Kaia’s direction. “What do you mean don't?” Kaia frowned at his attitude. It wasn't as though the pair got along but he was her mate that had to be for something. “This isn't... You're meant to be Luna, Luna of all Luna’s the Lycan Queen some would say... You're meant to be with my cousin” Valen explained but he seemed to be confused a little hesitant almost seeming to try and piece things together in his mind. “Are you saying there has been a mistake?” Kaia stared at him wide-eyed it was hard not to be offended. “Yes,” Valen spoke his face contorting face to stone. Unreadable for any sort of emotion. “I'm a mistake to you?” she sneered “I am not meant to be with your cousin, Valen. If you are my mate that means you're meant to be Alp--” she didn't get to finish the words when his large hand covered her mouth. “Don't... Saying things like that is treasonous” Valen warned. His eyes stared down at her they were so intense she could barely understand the emotions that seemed to want to rise to the surface. “What do you want from me, Valen? Do you want me to lie?” she spoke as soon as he removed his hand and didn't respond for a while just simply stared that very serious look across his face which probably was unsettling to some. “We should leave. We can’t be late” he suddenly straightened up getting back his more composure. “What about—“ “My loyalty and duty are to my Alpha, Kaia” his voice was firm frankly his words were hurtful. His loyalty rested with his Alpha? What did that mean for her? :: “Kaia? Kaia, we are here” Peter spoke shaking her from thought as the car pulled to a stop. Even when they landed in Greece his words repeated over and over in Kaia’s head, she struggled every step of the way especially with Valen so guarded and distant the whole time. Kaia attempted to get herself together as they were escorted to greet the Lycan Alpha. Peter who stood beside her a look of concern was written all over his face at every glance he shot her way. Her eyes continued to flicker to Valen who had gone to his uncle's side at the end of the grand hall like the loyal soldier he was still seeming to avoid her gaze. “Miss Laurent, it’s lovely to see you again” the Alpha smiled from his large imposing seat. Intricate carvings of wolves lined the top of the chair. He was such a large man the seat itself seemed too small for such an imposing figure but despite this the warm friendly demeanour about him was undeniable. “You too, Alpha” she bowed in politeness not of obligation. There was nothing inside Kaia to feel a compulsion to submit to the large man before her but that was just another sign of the born leader she was. “Please call me Damone” he greeted with a smile “after all you’re my future daughter in law” the words alone almost made her lose face and for a moment she couldn’t help her eyes draw to Valen who stood stoically by the chair she couldn’t feel how he felt properly yet but she was desperate to know how he felt. Kaia may have grown up privileged with everything she could have wanted but deep down Kaia always longed for her mate, she hid it and dismissed it when Acteon said he wanted to delay their official ceremony but deep down it hurt but not as much as what was happening with Valen. Now she was forced to face the smug look on Acteon’s face however as he leisurely laid across the chair beside the Lycan Alpha’s seat in the grand hall as if he already owned the place attitude of a lazy prince. A Cheshire Cat smile spread across his perfect mouth however as Kaia stood across from Acteon it was pretty obvious the boy pretending to be a man wasn’t fit to be Alpha in his informal behaviour alone gave that away. She assumed she would have felt different if they were mates and deep down she was thankful they weren’t just from the feeling deep within her gut she was unsettled by him. She had never really seen Valen and Acteon together before the family resemblance was their dark hair though Valen’s was practically shaved and Acteon was perfectly styled with his dark curls, the sharp well-shaped features of their face was similar it was more how they conducted themselves they proved the polar opposite of one another “what are you waiting for Acteon, come greet your stunning mate” In the long wait Acteon decided to get up lazily he held that smile as his father the Alpha watched him for a moment but he didn’t give anything away even though Kaia knew that he knew they weren’t mates but he seemed as though he would keep the front but thankfully he stopped in his tracks before he even got to Kaia when the large wooden doors of the entrance opened to reveal three large figures, the Skodati. He froze in place the smile slipping with each step the large Russian wolves took, sure they were the Lycan Alpha’s but the Skodati were their own and ran by their own rules out in the deep woods of Russia where her poor cousin Luca had spent the last few years. Everyone stood a little taller in an attempt to not seem intimidated by them as though that would be successful. The man in the middle stepped forward clearly the Alpha a middle-aged man with a twisted grin gracing his lips “seems we are just in time.”
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