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“I almost did not agree to this,” I exclaimed dramatically, as I watched Elijah position himself in the driver’s seat and proceed to start the engine. A few minutes ago, I tried to make it obvious to him that he was not really welcome to accompany me on this task. It was when we were coming down the stairs that I asked him to load my luggage for me. He then gave me a look whilst raising his left eyebrow, but decided not to say a word after I gave him a sweet, rather sickening smile in return. Although, it was not just that. I casually walked up ahead of him and picked up one of my bags, which I purposely unzipped, making it fully open, and my items tumbled down the floor. I then shot him a pained look and made him pick up my things as I happily strolled towards the car and got in. Hence, we are here right now. Elijah gave me a look but decided to remain silent. A few minutes later, he handed me a folder. “Read this; it will give you an idea of whom we are dealing with.” I took it and proceeded to open the long, brown folder. Inside was a file for a man named Henry Bentwood. At the top right corner of the page was a picture of him, athletically built and dark-haired, wearing a steady frown and looking to be in his late 40s. I let my eyes wander over the paper and came to find out that he lost his wife in a car accident seventeen years ago and has a son named Max, who is in his early 20s. He owns most of the local shops, restaurants, and a bar that he has built from scratch; the locals practically adore him, which gave him the upper hand and enabled him to hold immense power among the people. He practically owns the town. I was just about to flip to the next page when the vehicle came to a halt. “What are you doing?” I probed, my eyes following Elijah as he moved to roll down the window of the driver’s seat. Again, no words were spared for an answer. Typical. I rolled my eyes and looked at our surroundings, saying, “Seriously?” Before he could say anything else, a voice echoed from outside, “Hello, and welcome to McDonald's; how can I help you?” He opened his mouth to say, “Can I get a Happy Meal?” He took a glance at me and said, "Add a cheeseburger as well.” I looked at him, gaping at the whole interaction, as we turned around the corner—that is when I lost it. I burst out laughing. “A happy meal? Really?" I echoed, “And to think that I thought that was for me.” I continued on as I looked at his unamused face. “It got everything I needed,” he began to reason out, but I was not done. I smirked, “Oh yeah? And a toy?” “See this cheeseburger?” He raised the burger to my face, and to my horror, in a second, he flanked it out the open car window and said, “Now it is gone.” I watched, devastated, as the wind took what was supposed to be my cheeseburger away from me in a haste. Angry, I looked back at his smirking face. Wow, I never thought he was still capable of having other expressions. “Turn the car around and get me a new one,” I proclaimed, crossing my shoulders. “Absolutely no-” “Okay, I will just take this instead,” I said nonchalantly as I snatched the nuggets from him and threw a piece into my mouth. This will be a long ride. After that, Elijah refused to speak with me, and I was more than happy munching on my nuggets, and in the process, I tried to rub it on his face from time to time, but he remained composed, already back to his usual facade. Bluebell, California. What a rather cute name for a town. Located along the Pacific coast, in the state of California, there exists a town named Bluebell. It is known to be a valley surrounded by hills with suburban homes, high-rise urban areas, and forested wilderness. As we went past the sign that welcomes us from this town, I felt my insides twist into knots, I, suddenly don’t feel good. I shrugged it off as fast as it got to me and decided to distract myself from my surroundings. I looked straight ahead as I witnessed the scenery before me. Everything was green: the trees, their trunks covered in moss, their branches hanging with a canopy of it, and the ground covered in ferns. Even the air was filtered green by the leaves. Strangely, it rarely rains in California, and these surroundings were just a sign that it rains here rather frequently. “Duncan,” I froze, “is still out there, we assumed that he is still hunting you down,” Elijah spoke. Well, of course, he is. “So he is still alive then?” Elijah nodded. “Unfortunately, we did not manage to get to him; he fled before we got the chance.” Such a coward. This just made me feel excited, and so over the course of this mission, I just want to hunt him down and make him pay for everything. But, it is wiser to get this done with first, and I just want to be out of this mission as fast as I can. “You will go by any name you want, aside from your own, and might have to change a little about your appearance.” I snorted, “You are forgetting the part that the Enigmas are also werewolves; they will be able to track down my scent from a mile away.” This is another reason why I should not have a mission at this instant. I should still be keeping a low profile; the attack just happened the other day, since it will be natural that they are still on the lookout for me, and probably the Lycans are involved too. But I could not care less; truthfully, I just want them to find them. I am itching to see Duncan, and not for the good reasons you might think. There was a long pause, then finally Elijah turned to look at me, his face forming an evil grin. I raised my brow. Strangely, this is the first time I have seen him smile. I have a bad feeling about this. “Well, we will have to do something to mask your scent too.” Oh boy.
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