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Spencer! A happy, successful and healthy retired young man with his whole life ahead of him, crosses the path of Asia an his life may never be the same. Asia! also a young successful graduate, Believes Spencer has the power to transform her purpose in life and is really happy she has met him. Sharing like minded interests, the two begin romanticly developing and grow closer with every passing hour. As the seasons change and there emotional relationships develops, they both give in to there fear emotion and accept each other as they are with no worries. Both parties being a lover of the outdoors, a lover of friends and a lover of pets now feels as if this is the perfect moment to let go of all fear and to move forward with life and a new love in life. Both Spencer and Asia being creative enough to make changes and to see the larger picture in life, makes room for the other in their own life for creation. As they spend time and grow together they both begin to discover a new aspect of themselves, new ways of thinking and new purposes for being. With these new and improved emotions and ways of viewing themselves and the world, they begin a new life with a new and elightend perspective.

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