WEEK 6 + Course Name/the name you like.

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                                                                                     Chapter 10 The following week Asia wakes to the sound of lightning striking in the distance, Merlin and Spencer lye still as she creeps her way to the window to see what outside looked like. As she crept by the bed she disturbed Merlin a bit, witch led him to getting up and following her to the kitchen as Spencer remained asleep in bed. Asia already feeling like she's home, she takes the liberty of filling Merlins food bowl as she's preparing there coffee. She makes her way to the front porch where she sits with her coffee, just watching the rain, thinking about her life and thinking about her purpose for Spencer and life this morning as she sits sheltered from the rain on the front porch. In the past she experienced a moment in life that left her feeling as if she has lost her purpose and now it's been restored through the purposes of Spencer and deep down she hopes she is right. She sits there for a while enjoying her coffee as she collects her thoughts before she hears Merlin at the door wanting to get outside. When she opens the door to let Merlin out she see's Spencer standing inside the foyer rubbing his eyes with a smile on his face. Just as she begins to greet him lightning strikes nearby, creating the bright flash and loud boom. She hurries in quickly, away from the fear of the thunder and lightning, smiling the whole way, then asks Spencer if he would like some coffee; Spencer just smiles and nods his head yes. A few hours later there just relaxing on the couch enjoying the day and as it continues to rain outside: Spencer gets the idea to prepare a quality meal once more, follows by striking up a conversation with Asia and asking her for her opinion on what will great for dinner tonight. He begins to explain to her a recipe that has been passed down from his mother's mother and how it's a special tradition and he wonders if he should wait to share it or not. He often thanks the dish loses its power when he prepare it outside of holidays or reunions, but he's actually beginning to desire the dish more often and wonders to himself if he should incorporate the dish into his lifestyle more often. He decides to go with something very extravagant witch will require them to return to town to gather the supplies; he wants to impress Asia once more. They find themselves back uptown in a shopping center a few hours later after a long midday of lounging around the house; Asia and Spencer enjoying a long day around the house, after all that is the reason for working so hard, to achieve freedom and everlasting love in life. They spend a few hours laying around the house watching movies and sipping on hot coca. The Summertime thunderstorm alone with the kool brisk air flowing from the home air unit provided that perfect counterbalance temperature. The coca is good they both thought. As the day begins to close and after the trip was complete, dinner was prepared and everyone nestled into there area for the night, Spencer receives the last confirmation for the reunion and nearly everyone will be attending just like before, even some new faces and possibly family not ever met before. Spencer prepare in his mind for Asia to meet his family. As the night drew to a close Spencer prepared in his mind for next week's reunion.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Chapter 11 The following month Spencer and Asia awaken to a mighty charged state of mind, ready to start the day because today was the day of the reunion. They flew out to Portland 3 days ago after securing Merin with a dog sitter, now thinking to himself that next year he should drive out with his dog as well, he thinks it could make a great story someday in the future perhaps. Asia loves everything that Spencer's family has offered her life so far, and she fills blessed to be apart of there creation and hopes the best for them as well. At the reunion, his parents chose a great location by the sea; a place that everyone thought was perfect. They spent hours getting to know everyone and Spencer was really happy that Asia and his past dynamic was working our so well. His mother was also thrilled about this dynamic and how well she believed it was working for Spencer. After checking the log book Spencer realizes that more people has attended than he thought would. Relatives reproducing, new members to the family being added and marriages occurring all throughout the family. Future possibilities, future potential and neither one of them could hardly wait. The reunion for next year is already being planned. Asia meets the entire family and even better than that not only is she being accepted by the family she also feels in her heart the acceptance. They both begin to imagine what the future will be like; his mother also mentions the possibilities of children just to throw in them dynamics to get all attention on them. The laugh was good and everyone shared the moment with them as the laughter created potential for the future. The reunion lasted for 3 days and throughout the visitation it felt more like a holiday than a reunion. To Asia it was a serious vacation that was apart of an amazing adventure, she got the wonderful opportunity to meet every single person on the list and it just made her year that much more thrilling. The reunion was  conducted successful. Some time has passed now and they can begin to notice the change in the seasons. The temperature beginning to drop more and more with every passing day. A few leaves are beginning their yearly color transition before the'll release and begin the decent to earth. Back home Asia and Spencer hanging out on the back porch enjoying the weather and a sweet cup of coca, watching the remaining birds glide in to feed up before heading down south seeking the protection from the winter: Spencer pulls up his camera, zooms in and snaps a photo. They create another camping plan for the near future and Spencer begins to dream of a vacation in the spring. Spencer says we have a few more opportunities to enjoy the beautiful weather before the temperature drops, becoming to cold to endure or less comfortable to them. The coca is amazing, I love you and look forward to you decisions: Asia leans in and kiss's Spencer on his cheek and say's 'i'm going to get more coca'                                                                                                                                                                           Chapter 12  They take advantage of the day and autumn weather, they change their mind about the river and change the location to the lake: they take out the kayke's for a very creative day before storing the kayke's away for the winter. They caught some amazing fish on their adventure. Fish worthy of photos, memories that will last many more trips to come. Asia returns to her grandparents for a few days. Witch gives Spencer some time to think about the time to come. Merlin is the most happiest dog on earth and Spencer is right behind him; Asia is a large influence on Spencer and he now believes he is even more lucky now than ever. By himself once more he has the time to set down and work on his hobbies after preparing the pool for winter. The work only takes a few hours and he finds himself nestled back in his office with coca all alone working on his writing. Spencer actually landed a part time job, writing a column for his hometown paper one sunday a month. He hasnt had to mow the lawn lately witch is usually the sign of the season changes to come, remembering the slower growth during the cooler temperature. He spends hours working on his crafts, preparing the green house, preparing the writing; just fulfilling his dreams while he has the opportunity. His drive to power through the tough times or moments of stagnantions seems to be inspired and actually overcome by writing and journaling alone with working on his hobbies. He has noticed the connection long ago, noticing the before, during and after emotional effects while working with his journaling; the moments inspire moments witch inspire life. Spencer has projects in motion with his authorship, journaling and now columing as well. He believes these are the keys of happiness, needing the future goals and achieving them. He goes for a run, often running because it fulfills his soul and heels his mind and body. Out with merlin this evening enjoying a run, he enjoys the evening on runners high; noticing the finer things in life while breathing in the fresh air as his heart pounds deep within his chest. He often takes a different route while out running, the path taken this afternoon is 2 miles longer witch requires Spencer to dig just a little deeper with every trip taken in this direction. The sun has begin to fall below the horizon, there's a crisp chill to the evening air and Spencer can hear the deep breaths taken by Merlin as they dig ever so deeper into the asphalt with the palms of there feet. Never quitting, never even thinking of slacking halfway home, only thinking about the finish line while digging deeper and deeper into the run. Over the hill and around the curve and back through the neighborhood and we'll be where we begin, another successful day and another successful run; thinking to himself in his head as the sweat dripped down his face to saturate his shirt as he drew closer to the end of the run. Back home again Spencer finds himself on the couch looking for new and improved purposes for his life. Successful however unfulfilled in his day to day existence. Asia helping him to discover this. He believes it's her effects, Asia and her presence and abilities that contribute to his life in many more ways than he thought. The evening settles on him, again and he finds himself in a state of blissful awareness just roaming around home, enjoying the milk and coca in peace. Merlin exhausted from the run, now nestled on the couch with his eyes closed, breathing deeply as if he's exhausted from the run this evening, Spencer saw this to be a great, walks over and sits with Merlin for a few moments, petting an hugging him like a good old boy would. Merlin just loves the attention he gets from Spencer, he's also really interested in the conversation that hes gonna have with the people, maybe next everyone can bring their pets to the reunion, he thought it would make for great memories and photos at least. Many things to think about as his stomach begins to growl and hunger sets in on during the early hours of the night.                                                                                    Chapter 13 The next morning Spencer awakens to another beautiful morning. Himself and Merlin has another long day of lounging around the house, only working in his office, working on the computer and maybe do some editing he thought to himself. Gets up like every morning and makes his way the the coffee followed by making his way to the couch where he fires up the TV, sits and pounders the delicious coffee and surfs the networking channels for a while. Like always after Merlin finishes up his breakfast and makes his way to the living room to Spencer, where they sit enjoying their coffee till the mid morning hours of the day. The time ticks by as he scrolls through channels listening to this for a moment then listening to that. Merlin just sits in love, being loved and adored by his owner an living the stereotypical perfect pet life. In these moments Spencer is immersed in success, immersed in love and immersed in tranquility. Loving the successful life and living his fantasy; living life as he enjoys it, loving every breath, loving every day and loving the peace. Around midday he remembers how hungry he was last night, he gets up gets dressed, looking his best for the moment, a pair of gym shorts, a t-shirt and his sandals he heads out the door. Uptown he picks the most busy restaurant to enjoy his lunch and to his luck it's full of his neighbors and people he knows from his hometown. He walks into the diner and there stood the mayor with a warm greeting and welcoming smile. 'Spencer! Hello!' the mayor shouted above the crowd, the smile told everything, he was happy to see him and now glad to be spending time with him. The mayor was one of many joyful and welcoming greetings received from the people 'his neighbors'. He knows a large majority of the citizens in his claimed town, a few neighbor and a few of the employees that man the registers and counters of the local business and restaurants in the town. Small towns and repetitive faces makes for a close community and family tie's or so it may seem. He enjoys the lunch surprise and fellowshiping with the community, picking a seat right in the middle of the crowd, he takes a seat and enjoys a lunch that transcends his mind, body and his day. He sits for a while just connecting with his friends and family then gets up for a tea refill, as soon as he stands up the waiter was walking right up behind him and before the knew they collided and empty cups and plates fell to the floor, sounding out with a loud crash as everything hit the floor; there was a moment of silence as the crowd looked to ensure they were ok. Not long after everything was cleaned up, everyone was looked over for scratches, all was fine and back to norman, Spencer had a full glass of tea back sitting with his friends and laughing the day away in happiness; everyone is ok and happy that a little mess could never keep them down. The lunch lasted a few hours and then the crowd begin to disperse. The people became less and less, less greetings and more farewells, lunch hour felt more like a late night out with all the people accounted for. He sure loves the attention he's getting and enjoys every moment of it. He is sure glad he decided to come out for lunch, he would have never enjoyed this moment had he never left his house. The day has been so exhilarating and spiritually fulfilling to him; he begins to make his way back home but then decides to take a detour. First he stops by the house to pick up Merlin and changes his footwear. He wants to go out for a walk in a really nice place not far from his house. A place that offers a really great viewpoint and a spiritual revitalization. Alone with a calming effect offered to the mind, Spencer believes himself and Merlin deserves this moment and believes they will be ready to take on the night by the time their recharged and finished enjoying the moment. The views are amazing, the air is fresh and full of vital oxygen and healing consciousness. The time slows and every breath is taken into consideration, considering his health, success and security; he takes into consideration his friends and neighbors he just spend time with. He realizes more and even more day by day, also enjoying the development thats occuring. Stopping by the grocery store on the way home, he decides to have a lite saltea; choosing a asian cuisine and some fresh vegetables will be the choice for tonight. A simple glass of wine, a radeo and olive oil will help him create the greatest environment that he could possibly think about tonight even if he is alone tonight. Tuning into the night and maybe surfing some radeo and sss platforms, he will find himself connecting to the world through a various of ways. The culinary energy he will focus on tonight while solo, becoming more and more creative with every degree in temperature that rises in the kitchen; the wine also play a role in his connection with the arts becoming one with the wine and loving the high. He puts his skills to work, and pulls off another great meal, sits down on the couch, pulls the center table closer to him and rests his plate on the table and turns on the TV once more. He finds himself on the hunt for a good documentary for tonight's meal, or perhaps a cartoon that hasn't been viewed since childhood. He chooses a documentary on Asian Cuisine just to be corresponding with with his chosen dish for tonight. Corresponding in multiple ways just to add that bit of extra attention to the night. This spice and that spice, olive and high heat and just like that it was all over with, the meal was done the moment of bliss enjoyed to the fullest. He finds himself out side all alone on his front porch, sitting and thinking of the time that's to come to pass and reflecting on his own self once again. Out front he sits in silence enjoying his coca and his time in silence, he also works with his phone for a moment then he switches his attention back to his coca then back to his journal. Sitting their he listens to the traffic in the distance behind the house near the main highway through the trees as the sounds echos through the trees. Another vehicle on the road in front passes slowly, the rubber could be heard making contact with the highway for a couple hundred yards as the vehicle drew further out of site. The traffic is calm, the night is peaceful and his heart is strong. He spends his time wisely sitting there looking out into the night, dreaming, wishing and thinking. He here's Merlins' wine coming from inside the foyer, he gets up and lets him come outside to sit with him, usually he would just sit there on the couch to sleep, more than likely full and lazy from the nice bowl food. Maybe he got worried or missed me he thought silently, happy now to have him outside with him now. His wine was so gentle and lonesome, never heard him sound like that before, he begin to assume while stroking his head that he may be growing soft like him in his growing older years. They make their way back in after a few more minutes of silence and peace, Merlin getting his  body rubbed in peace hops up and follows him inside, locking the door Spencer makes his way back to the bedroom where Merlin runs jumping on the bes, Spencer laid down with him an their is where they laid until the next morning while they slept.                                                                                             Chapter 14 A few days later he wakes up to the sound of a message on his phone; eventually hearing the reminder beep as he lie there. Merlin just waiting to repeat the same process as before. Spencer lay there wondering who it could be, what it could be and how he would be performing today. Will I be doing this or will I be doing that? He gets up totally ignoring his phone this morning and made his way to the coffee pot once more and Merlin was hot on his heels. Loving that pattern and loving that breakfast and loving the life he has with Spencer; Merlins a good old dog everyday. He makes his way to the office where he retrieves his phone to begin his day; his mind already active from the reminder he heard earlier this morning upon awakening. Asia has made contact and he sure is thrilled once more so his day changes slightly. She is returning today and he's excited about her arrival. Outside once more, lesser birds than earlier in the year and hasn't seen a squirrel in a few weeks. All the creatures will done for certain soon, and moved on; only to circle around next year for a new and exciting adventure. Here is where he'll be waiting with fresh food and water for their needed creation. He ventures into the greenroom with Merlin and his cup in hand where he sat silently pondering the preparation ahead. Not long after that, he heard some commotion coming from across the yard, it is John. He decides to engage, Spencer making his was to John to have a decent conversation. The greeting goes well and before long there already laughing and constructing a pool party; a specific autumn themed pool party, exclusive, vip, secret and free. John tells him that some of his friends have come down from up north and would like to hang out and party with them for a few days once more. Spencer was cool with this and it would only take a few hours to get the poole ready Spencer tells him. And just like that it was planned but not published you know. These events are for there own selfish pleasure. Spencer couldn't wait, he was ready to DJ and laugh the night away. John has a few musical instruments that he can put to work, also thrilled to be working with a new instrument and was really enthusiastic about showing it off to Spencer. A new guitar and amp that he just purchased. He's ready to express his creativity. John was more of the DJ and entertainer, however Spencer was experienced as well with the art. They both love meeting new people and are really looking forward. Spencer tells John that he will provide the pool and alcohol if he would provide the music entertainment and people. They spend some time talking and eventually begin to pull away from each other but by the time one would finish a topic the other party would begin a new conversation, almost in no hurry at all. Just enjoying the moment in time, eventually they say their farewells, John continues on with his morning after a few moments and Spencer makes his way back to the green house where he tidies up his area and secures all his garden instruments, makes his way back inside, down the hall and into the office where Asia's message awaits him. The message reads 'hello Spencer, call me when you have an extra moment'. He finds out that Asia's planning on coming over this evening and want's to know if he needs anything from uptown while she will be passing by. He is surely happy that she is even more happier than he about the situation. They talk for a moment and he tells her what his plans are for today. Spencer has the culinary craft in mind; maybe another wine and dine night, but he leaves out specifics so he may have room for a surprise. He replies to her 'no' that he has everything he needs and thanks her very much for her support. He spends a few minutes talking to her as they touch bases about the nature of the evening for a moment. They both say everything they need to say and continue on with there day as they wait. He makes his way to the living room where he sits again, firing up the TV to get a glimpse of the world while he waits and thinks about the surprise tonight. He begins to think open flames, darts and champagne; late night pubs, music and billiards. He ventures into town to get the items needed for the surprises tonight. He's thinking now spicy mixed drinks and exotic music for the back round; maybe violin or piano maybe the harp or some other majestic sound. He makes his way to the package shop where he gets the most pure alcohol he can find alone with some champagne, and a 6 pack of beer. He wants to char some fish in a new and improved way. Thinking of new ways to improve the dish. Then he thinks about the flame broiled steaks that are so delicious and how the liquor and beer goes very well with the open flame and back round music in his mind. He thinks about other options and other ways of enjoying the time spent with her tonight. He makes up his mind, tonight it will be the fish as originally thought. By the time he made it back from up town, he reciended a message from Asia saying she was on her way. He's back home in the kitchen, working the masterplan and getting everything, preparing this while preparing that getting it all organized for the performance. Standing at the refrigerator, door wide open and merlin in the same position as last. Him and I both respond to a sudden knock at the door. Knock! Knock! Knock! Asia has arrived just as she said. With excitement I shout,'the doors open' as merlin barks and  i'm reaching into the refrigerator; the sound of the door can be heard as I plunder through the  freezer to retrieve some wonderful fish, freshly harvested from our trip earlier in the week, Asia seems to love the outdoors, spending time with him outdoors and the delicious bounty we harvest often. Asia enters and is greeted by Merlin with loud barks and a very happy demeanor; she greets Spencer in the kitchen, bringing extra wine and a old but new recorded track. A a classic vinyl record of a very historic artist. Asia seems thrilled to be here with Spencer tonight and Spencer is super excited to be working with the record player tonight, it's really has the power to transform the night's energy. By the time the night sets in, the alcohol is flowing, emotions are running high and Spencer has moved the kitchen and changed his mind and the main course from fish to steak. The charbroiling flame was now nearly 3 feet tall as Spencer fed the liquor into the burning wood coals. The act was amazing, his smile would light up the moment the alcohol kicked in and the flame becoming engulfing was only icing on his cake so to speak.    
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