Chapter 7

1355 Words
Zayden As soon as she asked that Rye was going ballistic in my head. He was happy. I had to remind him that we had to go slow and take it easy because of her condition. He didn’t care. He was just glad she was going to be close to us. “Are you ready to go?” I asked her. “I think so.” She said nervously. I grab the bag that Dev brought for her, I grabbed her hand and we headed off back way to the Alpha wing. No one really uses this way so I can take her up without being spotted. Especially by my mother. We are about half way up the stairs when I notice she is struggling. Without saying anything I scoop her up and carry her bridal style. She is so tiny that carrying her feels like carrying a sack of feathers. We get to the top floor; I stop at the door and crack it a little bit to listen before going out in the hall. I don’t hear anything so we sneak down the hall way to the end where my bedroom is. We hurry inside and I shut and lock the door. I walk over and sit her down on the couch next to the fire place. “I’m sorry for being so weird just now coming up here. There is just some people I don’t want to run in to at the moment.” “It’s ok. I understand.” She said looking down at the floor. I kneel down, put my finger under her chin and raise her head so she is looking at me. “I just want you to know that I am not ashamed of you. There are just some people that would do anything to insult you and make you feel unwanted. They will probably make you think I don’t want you. But I do. You are my beautiful mate. My love. My everything. When you feel better and up to it, we will go out together and introduce you to the pack but until then just take the time to rest and get back on your feet. Okay?” She gives me a little smile. “Okay.” I lean over and give her a kiss on her head, then I pull back and give her a kiss on her nose. I feel her face getting hot. “What’s got you embarrassed sweetheart?” I ask her as I pull back to look at her face. She shakes her head and turns even redder. I chuckle. “Come on, you can tell me.” I try to coax it out of her. “You will laugh at me or something.” She whispers. “I will not. I promise.” She grabs my shirt and pulls me towards her and buries her face in my shirt. I hear her inhale my sent before asking, “What you were doing. Is that called affection?” I gasp. “Do you not know what affection is my love?” “I have a concept of it from reading but I’m not sure.” She whispered. “Yes, that is what considered affection. Do you want to know what else is affection?” I asked her seriously putting my cheek on her head. “Yes please. I’ve never had it before.” I grabbed her into a semi tight hug. “This here is considered affection, whether from a family member, spouse, friend, etc.” I pull back and put my hands on her cheeks and carefully raise her face. I swipe my thumb over her cheek. “This too.” I see her face going red again. I kiss her cheek. “and this.” I lower my head a little bit and place my lips on hers giving her a small kiss. “and this.” I pull back and look in to those stormy grey eyes. “But there are different meanings for that one depending on the situation.” I whispered to her before looking down at those perfectly shaped lips. “What do you mean?” She asked looking confused. “Well, the one we just shared is affection. It could mean anything to your spouse. Like good morning, good night, good bye, or just for the hell of it quick peck type thing.” “What about the other type?” She asked curiously. “I’m not trying to make you feel uncomfortable or anything when I ask this but has no one taught you anything about physical touches or anything?” “No. I was always by myself working unless I absolutely had to be around others.” She said shaking her head. Wow. Now that’s something I’ve never heard of. Normally they explain this stuff in school once you hit a certain age. “Did you graduate from school?” I asked her. She shook her head no. “I was only allowed to go until I could do simple math and know how to read.” “Well, that’s just not right. We can get you a great tutor to teach you if you want?” I offered. “I would love that. I always like school.” She said with a smile. “But can you tell me about the other types of affection? I’m really curious because sometimes I have these feelings and I don’t know what they are.” I give her a questioning look but answer her question. “Besides affection there is s****l affection. It’s some of the same stuff as affection just a little more intimate.” I don’t really know how to explain this stuff. My dad just handed me book and made me read it to explain s****l desires. “What’s that like?” “Would you like me show you a passionate kiss?” I asked wanting to feel those lips again. She shrugged her shoulders. “I guess. If you want to.” I nodded my head. I slowly leaned down and pressed my lips to hers again. My hand travels up her back to the nape of her neck and pulls her face closer. I move my body closer to hers, I wrap my arm around her waist and put my hand on her back. I put a little more pressure on her lips. I use my tongue and slide it across her bottom lip. She doesn’t open them. I slightly pull her hair a little bit. I hear her let out a tiny moan. Using that little opening I slide my tongue in and start moving mine around hers. I hear her heart rate pick up. I stop before I get out of control. I put a small peck on her lips and pull back. Her eyes are closed and her cheeks are so rosy, you would think she just came in from a snow storm. “That my dear is a passionate kiss.” I whispered into her ear. I felt her shiver in my arms. “The rest will have to wait until you are ready.” She nodded her head as she opened her eyes and looked at me. I could smell her arousal. It was making my d**k twitch so bad. “I’m going to go take a shower really quick. You can lay on the bed or sit here if you want. There is a tv remote on my bedside table if you would like to watch it or there are books on the shelf right by my closet.” I said pointing toward a set of shelves. All she did was nod at me with her finger touching her now swollen lips. I go to my closet and grab a new set of clothes, then head off to take the fastest shower of my life. I don’t want to be away from my mate. I mind-link Grey and ask him to bring up some food since it’s dinner time. He agreed and said he would be up in 30 minutes with it.
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