Chapter 9

1194 Words
Everleigh For the first time when I wake up, I’m not in any pain. My body isn’t stiff, my neck doesn’t hurt from sleeping wrong and I feel content. Why do I feel happy? I know I need to get up and get my chores started but for the first time I really don’t want to. Normally I get up and start moving around to loosen up these tense muscles. With my eyes not wanting to really open, I groan and go to move the blanket off of me when my hand grazes something firm but soft. I finally open my eyes to see what I touched. When I see that my head is laying on someone’s chest I start to freak out. Then all the memories over the last few days hit me like a mac truck. I start to calm down and slightly move my head to look at the handsome creature next to me. Why did the Moon Goddess grant me an amazing man like this? I don’t deserve him. I don’t deserve anyone. I sigh and start lightly tracing the muscle lines in his arm. I don’t know for sure when he woke up or how long he was watching but I looked up at him and he was staring at me with a smile on his lips. “Good morning, beautiful.” He said before putting a light kiss on top of my head. I leaned into more, embarrassed he caught me touching him. My face flamed. He chuckled at me. “I hope you slept well. I know I did for the first time in forever.” He said casually. “I did. Thank you.” I said lightly trying to move off of him. “Were do you think you are going? I was comfortable.” “Oh, I’m sorry Alpha.” I whispered going back to where I was. “Please don’t call me Alpha. You can call me Zayden.” “Zayden.” I whispered to myself seeing how it rolled off my tongue. I heard his heart skip a beat before he said in a husky voice. “Can you please say my name again?” “Zayden.” I said a voice a little above a whisper. I feel his mouth close to my head again when he sighs out. “I love how my name comes out of your mouth.” He whispers. I giggle. I’ve never heard anyone say that before. I look up to see Zayden just lying there will his eyes closed. “Are you ok?” I asked. “Yes baby. I just need to concentrate on not doing something I shouldn’t. I definitely don’t need to scare you off first thing.” I give him a questioning look. I wonder what he’s talking about. He opens his eyes a little before smirking at me. “When the time comes you will understand my little mate.” I shrug my shoulders and try to get up again but he won’t let me up. “I really need the bathroom.” I told him. He finally let me go. I get up and run to the bathroom. Now that I’m not toasty under the blankets anymore the urge hits me even more. I hurry and do my business and wash my hands before running back to the bed jumping in and covering myself with the blanket again. “Why is it so cold in here?” I asked shivering. “s**t. I didn’t even think of keeping the fire going last night. Normally I run so hot I don’t need it.” He told me as he got up. I tried to reach him to bring him warmth back but he is too fast. I watch as he goes over to the fireplace, places logs in it and proceeds to get the fire going. He puts the fire gate back and front and comes back to the bed. As soon as he is back under the covers, I curl up to him and put my ice-cold feet under his legs causing him to jump since he can feel it through the pants he has on. “Are your feet made of ice woman? Jeez they are freezing.” He commented trying to find a way to warm my feet faster. I giggled looking up at him. He stopped trying to cover my feet and brought his hand up to gentle trace the side of my face with his fingertips. “Your laugh is like music to my ears.” He told me. I blushed again. I can’t seem to stop doing that around this man. What is wrong with me? Nyx: It’s because you like him silly. Hearing her in my head made me jump a little. He looks a little taken back for my action. “Are you ok? Does something hurt?” I shook my head and smiled. “No, my wolf scared me for a minute.” “Mine does that too but usually when he is upset and just decides to yell at me out of the blue. Can I ask what your wolfs name is?” I nodded my head. “Her name is Nyx. She isn’t really chatty unless something really needs to be done or she needs me to know something important.” “Nyx? I like it. Did you know that the Moon Goddess has many names? Nyx is actually one of them. My wolfs name is Rye. He is a pain in the ass most days but then again so am I. That’s probably why we get along most days.” “Do you think I could see your wolf one of these days?” I asked him hopefully. “Yes! He loves to run and protect this place as much as I do.” He stated before adding, “You know, I may be 25 but for some reason being here with you right now I feel like I’m acting like a teenager again with no care in the world.” I giggle. “Well, I never really had those years and I’m not even sure what you mean by that.” “Do you think you will ever tell me what your life was like before we found each other?” He asked wrapping his arms around me and pulling me towards him again. I lightly put my hand on his chest before answering. “Maybe. I’m afraid if you know the truth that you will make me what I was before or even send me back.” “I promise I would never do that you. The Moon Goddess pairs us with our mates for a reason. No one should ever reject their mate just because of what they use to be. Unless that person was a killer. You’re not a killer, are you?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. “No, definitely not. I had to kill a spider one time and I cried for the rest of the day.” “Okay. Good. I don’t think I could handle it if you were.”
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