
Intimately Me

office/work place
small town
another world
childhood crush
friends with benefits

Steamy Requests for plots taken.


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Flat 64
"Lily, I'm so excited, I don't think you understand I never ever get the chance to be home alone!" I tell my best friend over the phone, giggling with excitement. For the last few months, I have been living with my brother and his friends in their flat. It definitely is not ideal, but when my grimy landlord decided to try it on with me, I had no choice but to move away. "Seriously, Mia, I don't see what the big deal is. If I had those sexy hunks running around the house, I for sure would not be complaining." Lily replied casually. She has always been enthusiastic about guys. When she found out my brother offered me the spare room in his flat, she said that I didn't realize how lucky I was to be 'shacking with 4 fuckable boys, well 3 for you'. Lily has this insane crush on my brother and has this idea that if she flirts with his friends he will realize what he's missing, but he has never really paid her any attention. "So where is Drew tonight then, I'm hoping to accidentally run into him tonight, if you catch my drift." she shamelessly giggles. "Nope, not happening. He's out with the guys, Lil, he won't appreciate you nosing about again. I don't want them to have any reason to come home early. This is the first night since I moved in where I can have proper 'me' time and just relax without the guys bugging me every second possible. There is always at least one of them home, so tonight is heaven to me. I won't have you scaring Drew or any of them home." I say, happy to tell her no for once. I listen to her ramble away and try to guilt-trip me into giving her the name of the club they are going to, while I look for some comfy pjs to change into after my shower. "Pleeaasee Mia, hey if I see Danny ill make him go home, I'll say you broke the heater or something. I know for a fact you wouldn't mind having him home. Everyone knows you have a major crush on him, and I'm sure he would be happy to keep you company...." Lily begs sneakily. A small blush covers my cheeks at the mention of my brother's friend, and I would be lying if I didn't like the sound of her idea... but the peacefulness of a night home alone wins over that thought. "Nope, now shoo, I have a nice warm shower to get to, then I will be watching twilight on the big tv and eating ice cream alone because I can. Bye, love you!" I rush out, and hang up before she can get another word in. Finally, it's quiet. I take my pink satin pjs into my bathroom, leaving them to hang over the door handle. Turning on the shower, I'm hit with freezing cold water. "s**t!" This is bad. I completely forgot the temperature gauge broke yesterday. Drew promised he would look for me, but he obviously forgot. Immediately, the idea of using the guys' shower comes to mind. They banned me from using their bathroom back when I moved here. It was one of their conditions for me moving in. I have my space and they have theirs. "Oh well, not like they will know I used it anyway." I bring my hairbrush and go to the boys' bathroom down the hall, it's alot nicer than mine, bigger too. Their shower is large enough for 2 people, maybe 3, and has multiple shower heads. Back at home, Drew called bathrooms like this unnecessary. Only for the girls and gays he would say. 'A guy needs a shitter and a small shower, anything else is for pampered pricks'. I can't help but chuckle at the memory. I'm definitely throwing this back in his face later. Turning the shower on, steam begins to fill the room and I connect my phone to their shower speaker. God, maybe they are girl divas, I don't even have one of those. Turning it up to the full volume, I strip off and jump into their shower. Humming along to Lana Del Rey, I let myself relax under the water. I won't lie, this is the best shower I have ever had. Eventually, after a 40 minute pamper, I force myself to get out after becoming all pruny. Only then do I realize I forgot to take my towel with me. Grabbing the first towel I see, I dry myself off, then tie my hair up with the towel. Not caring that I will be walking around naked, it's not like anyone is home to see me. I go to the kitchen, deciding to get some wine for my movie night. I grab a glass, then decide to take the bottle too. I take a seat on the sofa, turning on twilight and snuggling under one of our blankets that was left here. Without realizing I begin to fall asleep, I can feel the effects of the wine, and I let myself doze off. Hearing a cough, I jump awake at the unexpected noise. After letting my eyes adjust to the light of the TV, I see Jackson, my brother's obnoxious best friend sitting on the beanbag, at the side of me. He is staring at me intently, with a stern expression clouding his face. I can't move, frozen in my position on the sofa. "I...what are you doing here?" I barely manage to rasp out, shocked that he is home. He doesn't reply to me, he only leans forward and pulls the blanket to cover me which had moved and exposed my chest while I was sleeping. I release a gasp full of embarrassment. I completely forgot I was not wearing any clothes, and did not think about rearranging the blanket when I woke up. I feel a massive heat take over me, and my blush spreads from my cheeks, and down my neck, to below the blanket. I am not one to be proud of my naked body, so for someone to see me so intimately is a huge thing. "I'm so sorry, I didn't think anyone was going to be home tonight, and I forgot to take clothes and a towel into the shower and I just thought that no one would see me, so I..." Trailing off into silence, my shaky voice is barely audible by the end, and his intense stare has not weakened in the slightest. I watch as he lowers his eyes slowly over my barely covered body, and I can feel my breathing become heavy over this attention. "Hmm" is his only reply. Although his eyes have left me now, and a slight relief fills me. I have never liked attention, that's more Lili's thing. He spots the empty wine bottle, and looks at me with his eyebrows raised, "I didn't peg you for the drink alone type of person, Mia." He whispers disapprovingly, making me feel guilty all of a sudden. Why do I care what he thinks? He's Drew's friend, not mine. When I don't respond, he removes his shirt and gestures for me to take it. "Here, you can wear this," he says gruffly. Hesitantly, I reach out and take it from him. "Could you close your eyes please?" I ask meekly, still in shock over this whole situation. Jackson nods and looks away, and I quickly pull the shirt over my head. It's large, making it feel like I am just wearing another blanket, but the warmth and the slight smell of his soothing cologne reminds me that I actually am wearing his clothes. I rearrange myself so that I sit upright on the sofa, with the blanket now only covering my legs which are resting across the remaining space on the sofa. "Thank you, you can turn around now." I say, happy that at least my top half is now covered. Jackson turns to face me, and notices my legs have left no space on the sofa for him to sit. He stands up and moves towards me, picking up my legs and sitting down, then placing my legs on his lap. "Sorry, I have been sitting on that bag for the last 30 minutes. I don't think my back would thank me in the morning if I sat there for any longer," he says to me with a light smile. I go to move my legs off of him, but he gently holds them there while shaking his head at me. "It's okay, it's my fault for waking you up in the first place. I don't mind having them here." My lips part in surprise. He has never spoken to me so softly before, this is not the Jackson that I see when we are around the guys. "Are you sure? I can move them, I don't want to take up all the space." I suggest, although something in me hopes he will reject that offer. I'm not sure why, but I like this little contact between us, it's... different. He doesn't vocally respond to me, but I feel him place his hand on my lower leg and gently massage it with his thumb. He keeps his hand there, and quietly faces to watch the movie. Although there is a blanket between us, I am painfully aware of the gentle stokes, and I can't seem to look away from his hand. I don't think he realizes he is doing it. I can hear the movie nearing the end in the background, but I am not focused on it at all. I have this intense need to talk to him, which is something very new. I tend to steer clear of Jackson, and rather spend my time in the house with Danny instead. He's the nicest one of my brothers' friends. The other two (Jackson and Marley) usually spend their time chatting about disgusting things to do with girls, like their latest hook-ups and rating girls they saw at bars. Now though, this side of Jackson right now has me incredibly intrigued, and I can't help myself when I dive into a conversation.

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