Chapter 4: Part 2:

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PART 2: End of Suspended Animation: Present Day - June 15, 2249 Dallan and Emory walked towards the door marked (Redeem Stead Z plus) RS Z+ of the Hold Mold base carrying a new dictum and of course, with a new mission. Bolaski, the chief CMP, has gone to visit the DDecorum in Paramount P to indulge himself with a personalized meeting with the venerable Gaffer himself. Before leaving, he has passed on the latest dictum to Emory and Dallan, and directed them to go ahead with the process of resurrection as scheduled. The underground base totally had twenty seven big steads which hosted the cryopreserved bodies of thousands of twenty first century primitives. There were also the cryopreserved bodies of many animals that habituated with the primitive societies. Dogs, cats, cows, tiger, elephants, monkeys and other animal bodies were preserved in the RS 18th which was termed as Cryo-Anima. The RS 11th and RS 8th hosted the cryopreserved bodies of many primitive insects, mammals and vertebrate and non-vertebrate animals as well. The stead RS 5 and RS 6 hosted only the partial organs of primitives (majorly – human brains). The RS Z+ hosted the first batch of 100 cryopreserved bodies of twenty first century humans. The RS Z+ was dimly lit and exhibited an eerie feeling due to its own atmosphere. Dallan and Emory entered it clad in their protective suit. Emory silently lighted the whole room to glorify its hosts. Although it was a scary sight to the common eye of the digital world, it was like a holy place to the CMPs and Dallan. Dallan opened his palm h*******t to check the new digital dictum, which gave them permission to start the process of resurrection of the rest of the first batch (ninety five bodies) of primitive humans. Dallan and Emory recalled the event of four days before. In the honorable presence of Venerable Gaffer, they had successfully resurrected the five selected test subjects. Esq. Mayden, being all impressed gave them the dictum of resurrecting the rest of the first batch.    Now Emory and Dallan, started working on it. Just like the last time, both started removing the liquid nitrogen from the containers. It took nearly half of the day for them to complete the first and second stages of the process. By early evening, the two completed the first two stages on all the ninety-five subjects and started working on the last stage; that is, applying Voltaic Volt, to all the subjects.  Dallan and Emory, having been connected through the telepathic node again, started working exchanging their thoughts silently. Dallan‘s thought – Emory, do you think these primitives are lucky? Emory’s thought – On the contrary, I don‘t. They might just not acquaint to our advanced life. Dallan‘s thought – What made you think so? Emory’s thought – Wow! This subject is from Russia, he was - err rather he is really handsome. Ok, back to your question Dallan, these primitives are very much prone to emotive; they just might break-down. Dallan’s thought – Yes, I agree Emory, but then, we are going to change them by infusing Brainset. Oh! This subject is very old, probably ninety years and with an advanced carcinoma, I wonder how much this will help her? Emory’s thought – Brainset! No – I am not convinced Dallan. It would be difficult to withhold them until that, you know, perhaps it might bring chaos. Dallan’s thought – That is only if we resurrect all the ten thousand together. Recall, as of now, the dictum calls for only one batch of one hundred subjects. Emory’s thought - Let's see. This subject is so young; the digital tag calls her Mannar, what a strange name for an Indian girl of twenty first century primitive. The CMP and Globetrotter continued to work in tandem and arrived at their forty fifth subject - Mannar from India. Mannar’s body had reacted to the Nano-Con-malign well, just after two hours of internal action; her body had blossomed highlighting her brown skin. Dallan, recalling the details, took his Voltaic Volt and positioned himself in front of the subject and looked at Emory. Dallan’s thought - Here we are, resurrecting our 50th subjects. We are doing well, only one failure until now. Emory’s thought – I hope this will not be a failure; I would love to talk to this brown skinned girl. Dallan placed his palm-shaped Voltaic Volt on the subject tagged Mannar and tried twice, there was no reaction. He tried again, none. He looked up at Emory and exchanged his thought. Dallan’s thought – Here we go, the last touch – I am not sure about this subject at all. Dallan with utter concentration pressed it on her chest and left the voltaic volt for a long second – but nothing happened again – no signal of life from the 3D holographic screen - no beeps absolutely. Dallan’s thought – Emory, she is a failure. Disappointed? Emory’s thought - ?? Dallan’s thought – Emory, why are you blank? Let’s move ahead. Emory’s thought – Dallan, let's try one more time. Dallan’s thought – No Emory, protocol from dictum states only for four tries. Emory’s thought – Records off - I like an unofficial try – Do it Dallan, I need this one. Dallan’s thought – Records off – Your call Emory. Dallan smiled at Emory and pressed the Voltaic Volt for the last time. He held it down and observed no movement, no convulsions, but still pressed held it for longer than needed. Nothing happened. Dallan took off the Voltaic Volt and looked at Emory. Dallan’s thought – I tried Emory. Sorry to say, it seems a second failure of the day. Dallan and Emory walked to the next container and started looking at the digital tag. Just then, both heard a long screeching type of breath sound and looked up at the 3D holographic screen which began to display zigzag lines in front of the subject forty five. Both rushed back to Mannar and peeped down at her container. Mannar was breathing very feebly! And that marked the end of her suspended journey. ****
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