Chapter Sixteen: Comparing Notes

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"So how can you just go along with the fact that your husband is hiding his wives and sleeping with other women? Did you know that we had s*x together," Hannah pressed Allison for her true feelings? "I ah...I didn't know that," she put her head down. He told me that he wasn't going to be intimate with you until marriage!" Allison now began to cry a little. "I'm sorry, Allison, really! I had no idea at the time that he was married when we had s*x," Hannah admitted! "It's not your fault. Honestly, I should have known better. He slept with me before we were married, also! We got pregnant right away, got married, and then I realized that he was already married to Ellen," she sobbed harder. "I am so stupid!" "You're not stupid; you were just fooled and then convinced to lead this life," Hannah encouraged her. "Do you even want to live this way?" "Well if I have to be honest with you, it is not the life that I wanted for myself, for sure...but I love my kids and I don't necessarily want to give up my family either. He has so much power, you have no idea," Allison explained herself as she tried to control her tears! "He owns so many business, rentals, and plus to top it off, he knows everything that I do. It's like he has people watching my every move!" "Allison, I hate to tell you this, but he put a tracking device on my, I think the house has either wire taps or cameras," Hannah made it known! "I'll bet he has done the same thing to your belongings!" "That bastard," Allison stood up quickly and screamed! "Did you find these cameras or wire taps," Allsion now wanted answers? "No, but I feel like they are in the mirrors. Isn't it odd that each room has a fixed mirror, especially the one over the bed? Let me guess, each room in your house has the same mirrors, right," Hannah asked? "Yes, it.... does," Allison sighed heavily. "I thought so," Hannah felt validated! "Oh Hannah, I'm so sorry that I helped play any role in this whole mess. I need to get out of this relationship. It's not healthy, especially for my girls. I don't want them growing up and thinking that it's okay," Allison let out, as she looked down on her two little ones who were picking flowers now on the path. "That makes me so happy. Just know that I'll do whatever I can to help you. Just tell me how," Hannah extended a hand to Allison both literally and figuratively. "I wouldn't know where to start, honestly. My biggest concern is leaving him and my girls being able to visit or, even worse, live with him. I know he would move my kids to Ellen's house. I don't want that b***h raising my kids," Allison admitted! Hannah was shocked by what she had just heard. She would never have expected Allsion to even know a swear, never mind use one. "I love her kids, but she doesn't love mine," Allison admitted! "What if we found a way to make both Ellen and Victor pay," Hannah asked? "Would you be on board?" "Yes, 100%," Allison began to get at the mention of it! "Well, bigamy is illegal in all states. Plus, if we can prove the wire taps or videotaping of his rentals, that could top it off. We could put him, possibly both of them, in jail. I'm sure Ellen is in on it all also, from the way that you describe her," Hannah added! "Oh, I'm sure she is," Allison admitted without a doubt. "I think we need to find out where he's watching or listening to the taps or cameras. Do you have any idea," Hannah asked Allison? "Probably on his phone. He does everything on that device. He never lets me see it, either," Allison admitted. "You're probably right. I'm pretty sure he set off my fire alarm through his phone," Hannah told her. "So how do we get that phone, and once we get it, how do we get into it? He must have a password or code," Hannah asked? "I can probably sneak it away when he's sleeping, if you can get into in," Allison stated. Hannah thought for a minute. Who can she get to help her get into a phone? Then she immediately thought of Blake. His IT degree may be just what they need to make this happen. "Okay, I think I have a friend that can help with that part," Hannah stated! "Let me reach out to him and see if he first off would be willing to help us, and if he is, when he would be available." "Okay. That sounds like a good plan," Allison stated excitedly! Hannah then exchanged phones with Allison and got her contact information. She knew that it was important for the two of them to keep in touch and watch out for one another. She also wanted to make sure that Allison wouldn't back out. "I think it's important going forward that you try to remain consistent with any form of normalcy that you can. We don't want Victor suspecting anything," Hannah explained. "I ahhhhh...I get it," she said hesitantly. However, the thought of having to have s*x with her husband five nights a week, knowing all of this information, honestly made Allison want to vomit. She knew, though, that she had to do it. She had to be strong for her family! "What about you," Allison asked? "Fortunately for me, he and I got into a big fight not too long ago, so he is trying to earn his way back with me. I have been able to take the "relationship" (Hannah Air quoted) slow because of this. I will just try to push it out even longer," Hannah told Allison. The two women gave each other a hug. They knew that the only two people that they could rely on right now were each other. If one of them faltered, it would make the task a whole lot more difficult. Allison then scooped up the twins and headed back to her house while Hannah went in the opposite direction. Just as Hannah was nearing her back porch, she noticed there was someone there waiting for her. In that moment, she became a little nervous, she had to admit. However, it was only Edward. She breathed a sigh of relief. "Where were you, Miss Hannah," he asked? "Well, I went for a walk in the woods with our neighbor, Allison," she admitted. "Oh, I love Miss Allison! She's so nice," he mentioned. "Yes, she is very nice," Hannah replied! "What did you two talk about," he asked curiously? Hannah could tell that Edward wanted to tell her about the family dynamics. "Nothing much. Mostly her garden. She brought me fresh vegetables," Hannah covered her tracks. "Oh, okay then," he sighed. In that moment, Hannah wondered about Edward and his two sisters. If something happened to them, who would take care of them? She needed to make sure that they weren't casualties of this whole situation. "Edward, tell me, besides your parents, do you have any grandparents or aunts and uncles that live around here," Hannah inquired. Edward had to think about that. He wondered why she was asking. "No, not really," he admitted. "Oh, that's too bad. Family is so important," Hannah said to him! "Well, you can be my family then," Edward went over and hugged her! In that moment, Hannah too began to love this little boy. "How couldn't she feel this way, she asked herself?" ......... Later that evening, after Edward had left, Hannah texted Allison. "What about Ellen's kids? I can't see them having to go into orphanages at the cost of our revenge! I just couldn't bear to let that happen!" "Don't worry Hannah, right after the twins were born, Victor made both Ellen and I agree in writing that if something should happen to either of us, the other Mother would gain guardianship over their kids. I have a copy in our safe. The clause also states jail as one of the reasonings. Victor is very smart. He knows bigamy is illegal. He wanted to be sure his kids were taken care of at all costs," Allison assured her. Hannah felt better after hearing that. Honestly, it would probably be the best thing for those kids to not live with their Parents anyway. It was clear that Allison loved them very much. They'd probably have a better life with her, at least for the girls, it sounded since Ellen favored boys! ....... That night, Victor showed up unannounced to Hannah'shouse. She of which was definitely taken aback by his nerve. "Victor, what are you doing here," Hannah asked, surprised to see him? "Just checking up on my Angel," he stated. "It's been a while since I've seen you! I miss you, Angel! Victor leaned in and gently kissed her on the lips. "Aren't you going to invite me in," he probed?
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