Chapter Fifteen: The Wives

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Allison went about her day, as usual, raising her twin girls and being a housewife. Out of nowhere, Allison had remembered something that her husband, Victor, had said to her a few days ago. "Love, I want you to get closer to the new neighbor, Hannah! I want you to make her feel more welcome to the neighborhood and the area. She spent a significant amount of time in Tuscon the other day, and I don't want that to become a habit. Do you understand," he asked his second wife? "Yes, Daddy, I understand," she obeyed him, as she had always done! Allison never questioned Victor, although there were a lot of times that she wanted to. "Do not tell her yet though about our marriage! The time is not right. Got it," Victor asked matter of factly as his eyebrow raised toward Allsion! "Yes, I got it," Allison stated as she kissed her man goodbye for work. "But you did promise to tell her first, right, Daddy?" "Yes, My, Love. Now be a good girl and go make a friend," he ordered as he kissed her forehead goodbye. Today was the day that Allison was going to make good on her promise to Victor. She connected with Hannah instantly from their first encounter on the walk. She wanted Hannah to like her and the family. However, Allison also didn't want to lie to her... not like she had been lied to, anyway. When Allison actually married Victor, she had found out shortly afterward about Ellen, his first wife. Both Victor and Ellen wanted to bring a second wife into the family, but they didn't tell Allison about their polygamist desires. Allison had thought Ellen was his sister at first, not his wife! By the time she had found out the truth, they had already had a full-on marriage, and she had become pregnant with the girls. She loved Victor, and her faith wouldn't allow an abortion. So, instead, she stuck by his side for better or for worse. Allison knew that Victor and Ellen also wanted to bring a third wife into the marriage. Although Alison had no desire for this, she also knew that Victor and Ellen would do it with or without her. She also knew that she was not a big fan of Ellen. If Ellen and Victor they were going to do it anyway, she wanted to at least be involved so she could determine whether she at least liked the new woman who would be joining the family. Her worst fear would be having to be in a relationship with two other women that she just didn't like at all. Hannah seemed quite nice the first couple of times she had met her, which was a bonus. Ellen, on the other hand, was just cold-hearted. She was mean and bossy toward Allison. Ellen was also mean and intimidating toward two out of three of her very own children. The only one that Ellen actually treated well was Edward because he was a boy. This was probably why Ellen's daughter, Elena was so shy and nervous all of the time.. Ellen was even mean to Allison's children, most likely because they were girls also. It was quite obvious that Ellen felt very superior to everyone and made it known that she ruled over everyone except Victor, of course. However, Ellen did hide that side of herself pretty well from Victor. In his eyes, Ellen was just a matter of fact type of type of person who liked to take charge and was not so much as just being cruel. Allison did ask him one time how he could love two women who were so completely different? He told Allison that Ellen was his soulmate. They were like the same person trapped in two different bodies. He then told Allison that she had his heart. She was the kindest person that he had ever met. She was the perfect wife for his children. She was a caretaker for everyone. What Victor felt for Allison was pure love. That was what she brought into the relationship. Although Ellen was his soulmate, he didn't love her like he loved Allison. The difference was though Allison felt like if he had to choose between the two of them, he might choose his loyalty to Ellen, his first wife, his soulmate, to the one that he truly loved, her. Allison had not had the heart to ask him why he wanted to bring a third wife into the relationship. She knew that Ellen probably was on board with it because she could boss Hannah around like she did, Allison. However, it seemed that Victor had everything he needed with his two wives. Hannah, though, was definitely the most beautiful of the three ladies. Although, they all had similar appearances, long blonde hair, and tall thin bodies. Hannah definitely stood out like a beam of light in a dark room of the three of them. Allison only guessed that he longed for her physically. It must be lust; that must be the reason he desired a third wife! Victor was a very s****l being. He ravished her body at least five times a week, she admitted to herself. Even on the nights that he was supposed to stay with Ellen, he would normally make a visit to see her first. Allison never flat out asked Victor about his s****l relationship with his first wife, but Allison felt like it was much more limited than their relationship was since he was always trying to get it from her. Maybe neither woman was meeting his desires fully, and that is why he was lusting for Hannah, Allison had to assume. Oh well, she needed to put that out of her head, or she would go mad, Allison knew. So Allison, little Ali and Ariana all walked up the road toward Hannah's house. They brought a basket of fresh vegetables from their garden with them as a gift. Allison knocked on the front door. "Hi neighbor," Hannah greeted her! "Hi girls, don't you two look cute today in your pigtails," Hannah added. "We came bearing fresh vegetables from my garden. I know you must like fresh fruit and vegetables, I saw your cart full of these items in the grocery store that day," Allison added. "Why yes, thank you so much. That was so kind of you! Why don't you come on inside and have a visit. I can make a cup of coffee or tea if you would like," Hannah added. "That would be lovely, thank you so much! I hope I'm not bothering you," she added? "Absolutely not," Hannah insisted. "This house gets quite lonely! The two ladies went out on the back patio, sipped their tea, and watched the beautiful mountain view as Ali and Ariana played with the toys that they had brought. Hannah had to admit to herself that she really enjoyed Allison's company. Although, she really wanted to say to her that she caught her and Victor and Ellen for that matter in a bold-faced lie. At this point, though, she was just happy to have company at the house that wasn't Victor, until she could move into her new place. Fortunately for Hannah, she had been in touch with Blake quite regularly, which was nice to have a friend text or call her to see how she was doing. Because honestly, she wasn't doing the greatest. Living in this house was really wearing on her Hannah She found herself even getting quite depressed at times. Yes, Hannah, felt like a fish in a lonely fish bowl. "So I haven't seen you since that day at the grocery store. How did your date go," Allison asked Hannah? Hannah knew that she had to be evasive and tell Allison just enough but not too much of what she wanted to know. Although she didn't know how much Allison knew about Victor pursuing her. So she definitely didn't want to mention that. "Yeah, that day didn't end up working out," Hannah admitted. "Oh, that's too bad! You seemed excited about it," Allison followed up. "Yeah, I was excited about it. I guess everything happens for a reason, though. I have since been seeing a new man, which is nice," Hannah half told the truth and then tried to flip the script. "But what I want to know about is your husband, Allison." Allison was taken aback for a minute. She honestly didn't know what to say. Victor specifically told her that he didn't want her to tell Hannah about their relationship. "Yeah, there's not much really to say about him. He's a great husband and father, I will say that!" Hannah looked at Allison and just stared at her, almost as if she was looking through her soul. In that moment, Allison knew that Hannah knew more than she was letting on. She knew that Hannah could tell that she was lying or at least withholding information from her. "What," Allison slightly giggled? "What if I said that I knew that you're holding out on me," she baited Allison? "I...ahhhh, don't know what you mean," Allison tried to recover. "I think you do, Allison," Hannah wouldn't drop it. "Do I have to just come out and say it or are you woman enough to admit it to me," she put on the pressure? In that moment, Allison literally felt like she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She honestly knew the gig was up, but she didn't want to betray her husband. "Let's go for a walk?" Hannah picked up one of the girls and grabbed the other's hand, knowing this would force Allison to follow and hopefully open up! They were out in the backyard now. "So listen, Allison, we're away from the house. No one can hear us, fess up," Hannah barked. "Okay, okay, okay, but you have to promise you will not say anything to anybody," she begged. "I promise that I will not tell anybody anything that will come out of your mouth. Trust me, I was a private detective in my past career; I figured plenty of s**t out on my own already," Hannah let the cat out of the bag! Allison gasped in shock. She had no idea that Hannah was that intuitive. She also didn't know that was her career choice! "So you know that Victor is my husband, right," Allison asked sharply? "Yes, I do. I also know about Ellen," Hannah added proudly! "Okay then, let's get all the stuff out! So you know that my husband has two wives and he's courting you. I want you to know that this was not my idea. Victor and Ellen want to have another wife. I really really like you, Hannah. If another woman is going to come into our family, I really hope it would be you," she admitted honestly! "Well I appreciate the honesty... finally," Hannah jabbed a little!
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