Chapter Seven: A Change of Plans

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That evening, when he got done with work, Cole called Hannah. He told her how busy he had been that day and that he was absolutely exhausted. They had made plans to go on an official date the next night. Instead of going out, Hannah invited him over. She said she would cook dinner for him if he wanted to stop by around 6 pm. Cole eagerly accepted the invitation. He couldn't wait to see her. She was the most interesting person that he had met in a very long time, and he was very easy on the eyes. Hannah, too, was very eager to see the handsome stud again! She could not stop thinking about him. She found herself fantasizing at odd times of the day. Just as she hung up the phone with Cole, she received another call, but this time, it was from Victor. He told her that he had called some favors in about the smoke detectors in her rental and he had someone who was willing to come look at them, but the only time that the guy could make happen was tomorrow evening around 8 pm. Hannah let out a little sigh, realizing that Cole was supposed to come over at 6 pm. She definitely didn't want to cancel her date, but she also had an obligation to the landlord, Victor. "Tomorrow," she asked... hoping her ears heard him wrong? Senaiing her hesitation, he followed up her question with one of his own."Will tomorrow at 8 pm be a good time for you, Hannah," Victor sternly responded? "Ah yeah, that will work," she responded to him. "I guess Cole won't be spending the night tomorrow! Damn," she thought to herself. "Oh well, there's always another night." "Great, I'll bring us something too for a night cap, Angel," Victor added before he hung up the phone. "Angel," she let out loud slip from her lips curiously. That is the second time that he called her that. "Did she look like an angel," she wondered? "If Victor had been reading her thoughts on Cole, he certainly would not be calling her an angel!" .......... The next day, Hannah made her first trip into the town of Green Valley. She needed to get some home supplies at Walmart and then hit the grocery store. Once she had finished her Walmart shopping, she headed to the next plaza. As she was getting out of her Audi, she happened to notice Allison across the parking lot, loading the twins into a carriage. Hannah gave her a friendly wave and proceeded to head toward the store. Once inside, she found herself sifting and sorting through fresh produce. She was very particular about her fruits and vegetables. Not knowing what Cole liked, she grabbed a little of most everything. She thought that she'd make a nice beat salad, mashed potatoes, french bread, and some sort of meat. Hannah then headed to the meat counter and grabbed her ticket. Number 34 was, she then waited for it to be called. Off to the side, also holding a ticket Hannah noticed Allison, who was now the one waiving Hannah over like a school girl waiting to gossip today's tea to a friend. Although, technically they were not friend. They barely knew one another. "Hi neighbor! How are you settling in," Allison asked her happily? "Very well. But honestly, this is my first time in an actual store since I moved in. I'm kind of nervous." "Don't be scared, this iant the city, they won't spit on your food," Allison joked. "Actually, I have a date tonight, and I'm not 100 percent sure what he likes, Hannah found herself rambling! "Oh, a date! How exciting," Allison encouraged her! "Where did you meet this fellow...if you haven't gone out of the house," she joked? "Actually...fate may have brought us together. He was the first person that I met when I got to the area," "Just my luck, he came to rescue me," Hannah explained. "Well, I'm sure he's great, and you'll just have a fantastic time," Allison added optimistically! "Plus, you are absolutely glowing!" "I sure hope so; I really like him. He is easily the most gorgeous man I gave ever seen," she giggled. "He's also super sweet and helpful," Hannah gushed! Allison's face began to light up. "So do tell neighbor, who might I ask is this man that makes your heart flutter," Allison teased? "His name is Cole. He owns a garage and towing company in Tuscon," she answered happily. In that moment, Allison tried to hide her disappointment. That was not what she wanted to hear, Hannah could tell. But why, she wondered? Did Allison know him? hmmmmmm. "Well....he sounds great, Hannah. I'm sure you'll find just the right thing to cook," Allison added. "Number 31," the deli worker called loudly! "That is me," Allison jumped a little. "I'll see you around, neighbor!" After Hannah finished up at the grocery store, she headed home to put away all of her groceries and Walmart supplies. She then began to work on making a chocolate cake for dessert with fresh chocolate covered strawberries. She also prepped the salad and potatoes, and started a roast for dinner. She then decided to head upstairs to her bedroom and shower for her company. Once she was done with the shower, she stood in front of the bathroom mirror and just looked at herself for a few minutes, completely naked. She hoped that Cole would like what he saw. She really wanted to set up another date since she couldn't very well ask him to stay tonight. As she was staring in the mirror, deep in thought, she got a text... but it wasn't from Cole, which was whom she had expected. Instead, it was from Victor. "I can't wait to see you tonight, Angel! I want you to know how beautiful you really are!" ❤️ Victor Wow, that is sweet of him, she thought. She did like Victor, also. Not as much as Cole, but Victor too was sexy and kind. She really couldn't go wrong, she assured herself!
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