Dragoona Island - Episode 9 - Cassie

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I was sitting at the edge of the over-sized bed, trying to gather my thoughts. Cassiena had left me to rest, we had plans to meet for dinner later. She promised she would tell me the truth, not just about my father, but about everything. I was both anxious and excited. Partly, because I was finally finding the missing pieces of a puzzle that had been my life for so long, anxious because I was not entirely sure I was prepared for any more revelations. In the space of a few hours, I had been whisked to an island that did not exist, I had been manhandled and threated by a hot Scottish giant, found out who my father was, only to discover he was dead, then, to top it all off, he was a dragon. A real-life freaking dragon!   Resting was the last thing I wanted to do right now; my mind was racing. I got up and opened a door that led to a large restroom. It was just as opulent as the bedroom. It was approximately the same size as my bedroom back in New York. There was a large bathtub which was the main feature of the room, the faucets were gold coloured, it was sunken into the floor. It was more of a step-in pool rather than a bathtub. This was more luxury than I was used to. I looked around for the shower, there did not seem to be one. Great! I leaned over and went to turn on the fancy faucet just as there was a knock at the door.   I walked to the door and opened it. I came face to face with a broad, solid chest. At least there was a shirt covering it this time. Thankfully! I looked up at the man who I had been trying to take a bite out of a few hours before. Our eyes locked and those pleasurable tingles ran down my spine again. What is up with that? I had never felt this way around men before.   Blane looked down at me with a bored expression on his face. “May I come in?” That sexy Scottish accent was not helping to control my libido.   I stepped aside and gave him room to enter. He walked over and placed my suitcase and bags in front of the large wooden closet. He then walked towards me and reached his hand out, right towards my face. I jumped back and fell backwards on to the bed. “What are you doing? Were you going to slap my face this time instead of my ass?”   He dropped his hand by his side again and sighed. He looked almost; dare I say it…remorseful. “Your head, it has healed? I did not mean to scare you… again.” He ran his hand through his hair as if trying to consider what to say next. He then turned around and headed for the door. “I will leave you to rest.”   “Blane, wait!” I was not sure why I didn’t want him to leave yet. I just did not want to be alone with my own thoughts.   He stopped, his hand on the handle of the door. As if hearing his name from my lips had pressed pause on a remote control. Without looking round at me, he just simply said. “Why?”   Good question. “Cassiena told me it was you who carried me here and took care of me till she arrived, I guess I wanted to say, thank you.”   Blane turned round slowly, as if not wanting to make any sudden movements. His eyes met mine again, he gave me a nod then went to walk through the door again. I had to think fast!   Say something Cassie…now! "Tell me more about him, Robert I mean. My father". I held my breath as I waited for him to respond. Hopefully this would be enough to get him to stay a while longer. "It's not my place to tell you anything, Cassiena will tell you all you need to know". Blane's eyes stayed fixed on mine, then he sighed and ran his hands through his hair again. Clearly he must have seen the disappointment all over my face. "What would you like to know?" I immediately perked up. Sadly, he was still standing by the door, obviously wanting away from me as quick as possible. "Was he a good leader? Did everyone look up to him? Would he have been a good father, had he known of my existence?"  Blane paused before continuing, it was almost as if it hurt him to talk about my father. "Robert was not just a good leader, he was the best leader and best man I have ever known. Everyone looked up to him, not because he was our leader, but because he was worthy of our respect and admiration. He never expected anything from us, we just offered it freely, our loyalty and respect for him was as natural as breathing". Blane looked down at the floor before continuing. "That is the kind of man your father was, the greatest one I have ever known. As for him being a good father, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind, had he known about you before he died you qould have made him very proud. He would have been an amazing father to you". I felt tears sting my eyes. For being such a grouchy, arrogant ass at times, Blane's kind words of compassion and admiration for my father was appreciated. "Thank you, I really wish I had known him". Blane just gave me a sympathetic smile. "Yes, I wish you had too," he turned towards the door again. "I had better get back to my patrols". Why was he always in a rush? And why was I always trying to stop him rushing away? I found myself following him, I wasn't ready for him to leave just yet.    “Will they ever trust me? Can I ever live here, or will they always despise me for being human?” I had moved to stand next to the open door now, with any luck I could stop him leaving for a bit longer.   When he turned to face me, I was immediately aware if how close we were. I could smell him, his scent reminded me of walking through a forest after it had been raining. It was alluring in a way I had not expected. Almost like trees mixed with a musky, manly smell. I stepped back slightly.   He looked down at me with a certain indignation in his eyes. “You will get the respect you deserve as the daughter of Robert MacLeod and Cassiena’s granddaughter, but you should not expect much more than that. Your kind will never be welcome here.”   “My kind? I understand that humans have treated you poorly and you have some sort of grudge against us. But I have not wronged any of you. I would never, I only want to be accepted here. I wish to get closer to my grandmother, she is the only family I have now.” I could feel angry tears welling up in my eyes, I turned away from him before he could see them.   “A grudge?!” Blane’s voice was no longer the low husky, sexy tone it had been a moment ago. His voice was louder and scarier, I tried not to let him see me flinch. “That is what you call having eighty percent of our clans wiped out? Slaughtered for our blood, scales and teeth? A grudge!” He stomped over to me now, spinning me round to face him. “You have no idea what we have been through, centuries of war, losing people we love. They killed your father, and your grandfather before that, they will not stop till they have killed us all. It is not just a grudge; it is the very survival of our species.”   I searched his face, trying to think of something significant to say back. I got nothing, Damn it! He had made a powerful argument; one I could not justify a response to without offending him further. Then an idea came into my head like a lightbulb switching on. “Help me understand then, educate me about the clans and what it means to be a dragon?”   Blane scoffed. “No! Do you really think I have time to be your private tutor, like I do not have other responsibilities around here? You do not even know if you have a dragon, I can smell your humanity from here. Not a pleasant smell in case you were wondering.”   Shit, why was I so aroused by this? He was extremely annoying and infuriating, also extremely sexy and kissable, but infuriating none the less.   “Well you do not smell great yourself,” I lied. “All I ask is that you try and help me find my inner dragon, there must be a test or something. I know there is something inside of me, it feels powerful. Just help me embrace it. That is all I am asking. Please Blane” I looked up at him with pleading eyes. Did the sad puppy dog look work on dragons or did they eat puppies like pretzels?   Before Blane could respond a female voice spoke, “What a splendid idea.”   Cassiena walked in and looked between Blane and me. “Blane, you will take Cassie under your wing for the next couple of days.” She chuckled before adding, “Under your wing, I just made a pun, didn’t I?”   “I am not sure I have the time for that, I have many other duties that require my attention. Maybe I could ask Conner or Aiden, even Shanna, you know how capable they all are?” Blane sounded desperate to get out of this by any means necessary. I tried not to be affected by his rejection, even though it stung like being attacked by a hundred angry wasps.   Cassiena pondered things momentarily then shook her head. “I am sorry Blane, but I must insist, you are the only man I can trust with my granddaughter. I know she will be safe with you. Show her the island, give her the history, help her connect to her inner dragon. And when you succeed, her formal training can begin.”   Blane looked defeated. He gave a curt nod, first to my grandmother then to me. “I will see you after breakfast tomorrow, wear something warm.” He then turned round and left the room.   “Do not worry child, he will warm up to the idea, give it time. Spending time with him will be good for you and your dragon,” Cassiena placed her hands on my shoulders, then ran the back of her hand down my cheek. “You have his eyes; I feel like I am looking in to his again.” She suddenly looked sad.   I placed my hand over hers, wishing I could ease her pain.   She gasped. Grabbing my hand, she held it in hers and looked right into my eyes, as if searching the very depths of my soul. Okay Grammy, you are kind of freaking me out here!   Cassiena’s eyes grew wide. “Cassie, you are a healer.”   I’m a what now?  
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