Dragoona Island - Episode 10 - Blane

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I was practically running down the hall from the guest wing. The fury inside me close to boiling point. I had to get out of here, put enough distance between me and the human to allow my anger to cool to a simmer.   The most annoying part of it all, was that I was not so much mad at her, but at my dragon. Since she had arrived on the island my dragon had been ‘off’, I was not sure how to cope with him. From the moment the human got here my dragon had been aroused. It was like he was just discovering females for the first time. When she stepped off the ferry my dragon perked up. When I was carrying her over my shoulder and she bit my neck, my dragon went wild with desire for her. I had to warn her to stop, if my dragon’s desire took over, she would have got f****d right there on the path. I was only glad she had not noticed the bulge in my jeans.   I slammed open the back door next to the castle kitchen and started jogging towards the forest. I needed to get outside and let my dragon spread his wings for a while, he loved when I let him take over, let him fly free to soar and burn off some energy.   Hopefully, if we did a patrol of the island for an hour then maybe I could find Laurel, that might keep his urges for the human at bay.  My dragon loved to f**k her; she was always happy for us to be as rough as we wanted. And dragons liked it rough. A few of my friends had found their dragon mates. They told me that it will change how I feel about f*****g when I find my mate, apparently it was something to be savoured and did not always need to be hard, rough and a necessity. I didn’t think I would ever find my mate, the only dragon women left unmated on the island were just a way for all of us single dragons to fulfil our carnal needs.   Dragons were very free with their desire, if we felt the urge to f**k, no matter where we were, we did it. At times, things have escalated into a full-blown orgy, it was just the dragon way of life, the norm.   Thinking about f*****g was not really helping my current state of mind. Images of the human appeared in my mind. Her kissable lips, her round full breasts, those big brown eyes. I pictured wrapping her long platinum hair round my wrist as I pushed my c**k inside her from behind. My other arm wrapped round her tiny waist as I pounded into her over and over, till she screamed my name. f**k! Now my c**k was rock hard, twitching and pushing against the zip of my jeans.   I rushed towards the large clearing in between the trees where I could shift and let my dragon of his leash for a while. I was not sure how I was going to survive the next few days, having to spend all my time with the human, I was going to have to f**k Laurel at least half a dozen times tonight, just to get this out my system and satisfy my horny dragon.   When I reached the clearing, I practically tore my t-shirt and jeans off. I had to get up there, feel the wind on my face and get my dragon’s mind – and mine – off the human. She was infuriating, annoying and stubborn as hell. Unfortunately, she was also beautiful, petite and alluring. She was tiny, both in height and in physique, but she had curves in all the right places too. Large breasts and a round, firm ass. I knew because I had slapped it earlier. I could not resist it, right next to my face like that. To make matters worse I had smelled her arousal when I spanked her, she had enjoyed it. Clearly the human liked it rough too. God help me!   I began to shift. Anyone who witnessed a dragon shifting for the first time would probably find it horrific. The sound of bones cracking, limbs twisting and stretching, fingernails and toenails growing into claws. It did not look pretty, but for a dragon-shifter it was relatively painless and the most freeing feeling in the world.  I made a snuffling sound with my now long black scaly snout. I ruffled my wings in preparation of taking to the skies. A few big strides later and I was lifting off the ground. My huge wings flapping hard against the cold northerly winds. This is what we both needed. I could feel my dragon relax and that made me relax too. We flew faster and soared round in a circle before doing a perimeter check of the island.  Careful not to fly too near the cloaking barrier, that stopped our island being seen by the humans on the mainland.   I thought back to my earlier argument with the human, I hated to admit it, but I liked how feisty she was. Just like her father too, a stubborn bastard at times. I smiled to myself remembering some of the good times I had with Robert, he gave his life for the clans. He will never be anything less than a hero to us all.   My dragon enjoyed her feistiness too. When we were arguing and I spun her around to face me, me dragon was chanting in my head. f**k her, take her, rip her clothes off, push her on the bed and f**k her. It was torturous, especially because I had wanted to listen to my dragon. I had wanted to do those things to her too, I was ashamed of myself for feeling like that, especially over a human, but even more disconcerting, she is our clan leader’s granddaughter.   I had been so distracted by my own thoughts about the human, I had not realised my dragon was taking us back towards the castle. This had not been the plan, I wanted to go towards the village, maybe go look for Laurel in the tavern. My dragon and I needed to purge the image of the human from our system.    We were now flying awfully close to the castle, what the f**k was my dragon trying to achieve?   I tried to push him back to change course, but he started flying towards the side of the castle, hovering in the exact same place. What was he doing?   Suddenly it all became noticeably clear. I was furious at my dragon right now, but I could not help but look in the same direction he was. There, right in my line of vision I saw her, completely f*****g naked! She looked like a goddess as she stood up, about to step out the pool. Her waist length hair stuck to her skin. Water glistened on her creamy smooth skin. Her breasts were dripping with water, her n*****s like tiny ripe strawberries waiting to be sucked. As my eyes travelled lower, I saw her mound, all tight looking and delicious. She had a small patch of golden blond hair between her legs and I felt tingles run through my dragon at the thought of licking her there. What was this human doing to me? My dragon had never craved a female like this in all our two hundred and seventy years together.   Just as I came to me senses, about to push my dragon back completely and shift back to human. Her eyes locked on to us. There were a few seconds delay, as if she were trying to decipher what she was looking at. As if finally realising what she was seeing out her window, she frantically tried to cover herself.   Then she screamed. Loudly. Fuck.   I quickly pulled my dragon up and flew towards the clearing to shift back again. There was now clear evidence that my dragon was becoming too erratic towards the human, so Cassiena would hopefully change her mind about me being alone with her. My clan leader would understand and respect the fact that having a disconnect with my dragon would cause all kinds of problems. Not to mention the fact, her granddaughter could be harmed if my dragon took over and decided he wanted the human for himself. It would take all my strength to fight my dragon’s urges, which would have repercussions on my abilities to protect this island. I had to talk to Cassiena urgently and sort this matter out before she heard about the incident that just occurred from her granddaughter.   I shifted back and walked over to where I had thrown my clothes, they were not worth the bother. My shirt was ripped in two and my jeans were burst at the front. I pulled them on nonetheless, leaving them untied at the front. Being naked was expected on Dragoona, everyone was naked at times and did not see it as being out of the ordinary, but with the human around it just didn’t feel right to walk about so exposed in front of her. Plus, when it came to talking to Cassiena, I preferred to be dressed, it was just a respect thing. Even though I knew my nakedness didn’t offend our clan leader, I still made the effort to talk to her in a more dignified fashion.   I made my way back to my chambers, splashed water on my face and got dressed. All the while, the memories of seeing the human naked played over and over in my mind. It had to stop, the thought of her was driving me to distraction. Once I was dressed and mentally prepared, I made my way to Cassiena’s quarters, the sooner I told her the truth of what happened the better. I only hoped she would see things from my perspective and agree to have another dragon spend time with her granddaughter.   I knocked on the heavy wooden doors and waited for the familiar ‘enter’ we had all come to expect from Cassiena.  When I heard it I walked in and closed the doors behind me before walking over and giving her a nod in greeting. “May I have a word with you Cassiena. It is regarding your granddaughter?”   Cassiena looked slightly alarmed, “Is there something wrong Blane? Is Cassie, okay?”   “Aye, she is fine, I think. But there has been a development in the last hour that I need to tell you about”.   “Of course, please sit”. Cassiena gestured for me to sit in the armchair across from her by the large fireplace.   I could not tell if it was the flames from the roaring fire that made me feel so hot and bothered or still the effects of seeing her granddaughter in all her naked glory. “My dragon has taken a shine to your granddaughter, he has become…. erratic and impulsive. Both of which are not good traits to be dealing with, especially as she is a human. I think it would be best if you asked one of the other dragons to help settle her in to life here”.   Cassiena looked thoughtful, she turned to stare into the flames. Something she did often. “What happened that lead you to this conclusion Blane?”   I took a deep breath before trying to relay what had happened, also I was trying not to visualise it again. The last thing I wanted was Cassiena sensing my arousal. “Earlier while on patrol, my dragon flew towards the castle. I tried to pull him back and wondered what on earth he was doing. It turned out he wanted to spy on your granddaughter getting out the bathtub. She saw us watching her through the window and screamed, I fear we may have traumatised her. I cannot allow my dragon to take over like that again, but I can’t guarantee he won’t.  Being around your granddaughter is not good for my dragon and it certainly isn’t good for her either. Imagine if he harmed her in some way?”   Cassiena shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. “You must listen to your dragon Blane, do not fight him. If he has taken a shine to Cassie then I am happy in the knowledge he will protect her with his life, as you would too. And you’re wrong you know; Cassie is not a human. She can deal with this in her own way. Will it be hard to navigate round your dragon and her emotions towards you? Aye, but I still believe you and Cassie have been brought together for a reason. Don’t you feel it?”   “Feel what?”   “Hope Blane, because since Cassie arrived on this island that is all I have felt. Yes, it will be challenging for her to adjust to life on Dragoona, but I know without a shadow of a doubt, that with you by her side, guiding her, she will make Dragoona her home and be happy here. So, what if your dragon likes her naked, he’s a hot-blooded male. Maybe he knows something you don’t?” Cassiena gave me a mischievous grin. “Now if there is nothing else Blane, I would like to have dinner with Cassie. I can’t wait to spend more time with her".   I nodded and stood up from where I was sitting. I gave Cassiena a courteous bow and thanked her for all her time. “I will look after her with my life, I can assure you of that. Goodnight Cassiena”. Just as I was walking towards the doors, there was a knock. I immediately could smell the human; she was right outside the door. How could I look her in the eyes after watching her bathe?   I was about to find out as Cassiena called ‘enter’.              
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