Dragoona Island - Episode 11 - Cassie

2035 Words

I screamed. A high-pitched sound I did not know my lungs were even capable of making. I had no reason to make this horrifying sound, till now. I ran from the restroom, still trying and failing miserably to cover my naked body.   I grabbed a woollen blanket that was folded on top of a chair and wrapped it around myself. My body was shaking uncontrollably, partly because there was no heating in this room, but mostly because I was in shock. What the hell was that thing? A dragon? I had only just found out dragons were real, seeing and believing were two different things. I was ready to believe but not nearly ready for seeing!   A knock at the door made me jump. I pulled the blanket tighter round myself and said, “Who is it?”   “It is me lass, Flora. May I come in?”   I jumped under

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