Dragoona Island - Episode 7 - Cassie

2005 Words
I laughed.   This was a joke… right? People did not just throw other people in cells like prisoners. Especially when they had not done anything to deserve it.   The handsome tower of muscle scowled at me again. Why was he still so hot even when looking pissed at me? Ugh, so unfair!   “Did you not hear me? We are taking you to one of the castle cells until our leader decides what to do with you. Now walk, before I carry you there.”   “Okay, is there a hidden camera somewhere? Is this one of those shows where people are filmed in weird situation… “  He roared, “Enough!!!”  I mean it was loud enough that it sounded like a roar, it made my ears ring.   I suddenly felt fearful, this no longer seemed like a joke. It was real, dead real. With the possibility of someone ending up dead, namely me.   I gulped down a scream when I noticed the sexy giant’s eyes turn violet, then back to dark brown again. Oh my god! His eyes too? Why did these giant men all have strange eyes? He walked towards me and swung me over his shoulder as if I was a feather. I screamed. I mean what else could I do? A seven-foot-tall s*x god… I had to get my mind out of my panties…  just picked me up and started walking. I tried to struggle, I tried to sink my teeth into his back, his shoulder… anywhere my mouth could reach… he did not even flinch. I was not even scared anymore, I was mad. I was angrier than I ever had been in my life.   “You better put me down right now you asshole, I swear you will regret this. You cannot just kidnap me! This is against the law goddamit!  I have rights… “I attempted to sink my teeth into his neck this time. Hard!   I succeeded.   He grunted. Ha! Take that you sexy Neanderthal.   I tried again, but before I got the chance, he swung me round and started carrying me bridal style. He looked positively livid, but there was something else on his face too, he looked almost amused. “Listen human, if you try taking a bite out of me like that again I will bite back. Trust me, you do not want that. Now, be a good little human and behave till we get to the castle.” And then the bastard swung me back over his shoulder again!   Clearly, carrying me like a sack of potatoes was not degrading enough because he felt the need to slap my ass for good measure. I screamed again, it was not even sore, I am ashamed to say I quite enjoyed it. I was just angry! How dare he treat me like this? And why did he call me ‘human’, was that Scottish for something else? Was it an insult?   I looked up to see the ferry man walking behind us. He was carrying my suitcase as if it were a matchbox. He had my hand luggage and purse over his shoulder. I almost laughed at the absurdity of seeing such a large man carrying my purse over his shoulder.  Then I remembered I had nothing to laugh about, I was being kidnapped and about to be locked in a cell.   We came to a sudden stop. I was swung back round again, this time though he placed me gently back down on to my feet. I felt dizzy after being hung upside down for the last ten minutes though, I lost my balance and fell against his chest. My hands landed square on his pecs. Shocked at this new development I tried to move backwards away from him, stumbling over and landing on my ass in the process. Could my day get any worse? A large hand reached down and grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me upright again. He looked down at me, still holding my shirt…  was he looking down my shirt? I struggled out of his grip, but his eyes were fixated on my chest. “Hey buddy, my eyes are up here.”   As if he was just waking up from a trance, he let go off my shirt and reached for the pendant that was sitting in between my breasts. His fingers brushed against the top of my breast and a jolt of electric tingles ran through my body. What the f**k was that?  “Get your hands off that” I demanded as I smacked his large hand away from my chest area.   His dark eyes suddenly met mine, we stared at each other for what seemed like a long time before he spoke again. “Where did you steal this pendant from?”   “I did not steal it, I found it in my mom’s belongings after she died. It was in a solid gold box along with a ferry ticket for Dragoona Island.”   “That is not possible, no human would have Cassiena’s pendant. Now I will ask you one more time, where did you find that pendant? Are you a hunter?”   A hunter? Did I look like I went around killing poor defenceless animals for fun? I could not even kill a spider!   “No, of course not! Do I look like I can kill a poor defenceless rabbit or deer? How would I kill it? Hit it with my purse?” I folded my arms, a sure sign I was becoming very annoyed.   He smirked; the bastard smirked. And it had to be sexy like everything else about him. That only annoyed me even more. “Good point, you certainly aren’t all that scary” he patted my head like I was a child. “You are barely tall enough to pass for an adult. Even by human standards, you’re ridiculously small.”   “I am not that small! And what do you mean by human standards? Just because you are abnormally tall, anyone looks short next to you. How do you even find clothes that fit…? “I trailed off when I realised that I was sounding like an argumentative teenager. Why did this man infuriate me so much?   “If you are not a hunter, then why are you here? How did you know where to summon the ferry? What do you want?” his eyes seemed softer now, as did his face. Now the anger had diminished there was only a beautiful man with a chiselled jawline.   I tried not to drool and stare. Snap out of it for goodness’s sake Cassie!   “I am here looking for Cassiena MacLeod if you must know. I have reason to believe she gave my mom this pendant to give to me. I do not know anything; all I know is my mom is dead and now I have no one. I hoped Cassiena might know something about my father. That is all I am here to do. I am not a hunter; you have got to believe that. I am not here to poach animals from your land, I am totally against hunting animals for sport. Will you please take me to see Cassiena MacLeod, then I promise to leave? You can even carry me to the ferry and throw me on it yourself. I mean no harm. I swear I am only here to find out about my family” I really hoped my plea had convinced him that I did not deserve to be thrown in a cell.   He looked pensive as if deep in thought, then his eyes met mine again, I wanted to look away, his gaze was intoxicating though, I felt paralysed to look away. Luckily, he looked away first and ran his hand through his hair as if he were torn what to do. “I believe you; I will take you to Cassiena, but if you try anything, I will tear your head off.  Is that understood?”   Even though he had just threatened to tear my head off, I could not help but go weak at the knees just hearing his accent. Especially the way he was being so damn dominant. Threats sounded so much more appealing with a Scottish accent. Focus Cassie! “I really want to keep my head, so yes, I understand. I promise I am no threat to you, your leader or the wild animals who live here. I am just a nurse from New York looking for my dad.”   “And you think your father could be here on Dragoona? We would know if there was a human male living on the island, you must be mistaken. But you have that pendant, so Cassiena may know something. Let’s go, I will let her know we are coming, she does not like surprise visits, especially from humans…  or Americans.”   “Why do you keep saying the word ‘human’ like you are not one yourself? Is that a slang word for something else?”   Why did he look so worried?   “What kind of island did you think you were coming to when you got on that ferry today?” He had stopped walking again and was waiting on my answer, problem is what kind of answer was he expecting?   “I do not know anything about this island apart from my mom was here just over 60 years ago. I found a ferry ticket and a photo of a very tall man with dark hair and eyes like mine, along with this pendant in a black velvet pouch. That is about as much as I know.”   “So, you do not know what we are?”   “What you are? I do not understand, should I know? Aren’t you Scottish? I just know I am connected to Cassiena MacLeod somehow. As soon as I wore this pendant it led me here, I can’t explain it.”   “The only man I know that had a relationship with an American woman is Robert, but that would mean….” He stopped what he was saying and started walking again. “We need to go to Cassiena now without delay.”   I ran to catch up with him. “That would mean what? Please, if you know anything about my dad I need to know. Please.” I grabbed his arm to make him slow down. “I just need to know, what does it mean? Please, tell me what you know about my dad.”   He looked at me with what could only be described as sympathy. Or was it sadness? Either way, I had a feeling I was not going to like his answer. “I think you might be Robert’s daughter. He was our Clan Leader.”   “Was? So where is he now?” I was trying hard not to cry, just hearing my father’s name made my chest ache. My dad now had a name, he was real. Robert “He was killed by hunters who attacked our island. They ambushed him, they knew if they killed him, it would weaken our clan and make us easier targets. I am sorry to deliver this news, you should talk to Cassiena if you want to know more. She will want to speak with you. Come on.”   I was frozen to the spot. I could not walk. I felt numb. My mom had told me the truth. My father really was dead.  A thought came into my mind, I called out to the shirtless hunk who had just crushed my dreams. “Why would hunters kill people? Why did they target my dad?”   The nameless, shirtless Adonis did not even turn around, but I heard his answer as clear as if he were whispering it into my ear. “They weren’t hunting people… they were hunting dragons. Robert was a dragon.” That was when everything went black.              
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