Dragoona Island - Episode 6 - Cassie

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Cassiena MacLeod? Was that who I was named after?   “Who is Cassiena Macleod, does she live near here?”   “I have already said too much lass, the rest is for you to find out on your own, Now, when you get to the end of the pontoon just there beyond the funny shaped rock, you must rub the gold dragon on the ticket and think of Dragoona Island. Then when the ferry comes, do not try and talk to the ferry man, he is a grumpy old bugger. He will only get angry. Just follow his rules and do not ask questions. Is that understood?”   I nodded. “Yes, but why is all this so secretive and mysterious. Why isn’t Dragoona on any map?”   Fiona sighed. “Lass, you ask too many questions. Dragoona is not on any map because technically it does not exist. Only my family know of its existence out with those that live there. Clearly your mother had some connection to the island. I may regret it, but that necklace makes me think you might be connected to the island too.”   “I promise this is the last question, are the Macleods friendly, this pendant is worth a fortune, so are they wealthy or royalty of some kind? Do you think they’ll be welcoming towards me?” I knew my questions were irritating Fiona, her awkwardness was evident, but I needed to know what I was getting myself in to.   Fiona looked sceptical, “That is three questions Cassie, now you’re pushing your luck. The MacLeod family are not exactly royalty, but they are the leaders of the clans on Dragoona. I cannot promise they will be friendly, they do not take too kindly to visitors, especially those not from around here. They are very wary of strangers; I just hope that necklace helps your cause. And lastly, keep an open mind Cassie, forget everything you think you know.” She squeezed my shoulder encouragingly.   I smiled at her and got up from my seat to put my coat back on, “Thank you Fiona, I won’t question you anymore and I promise I won’t even mention you to any one on the island, I don’t want you getting into any trouble on my account.”   Fiona chuckled again. “Oh, do not worry about me lass, my family and I have had a close relationship with the clans of Dragoona for over a hundred years. They trust my judgement at times like this.”   “Where is Aggie? Your mother. is she too old to run this place anymore? I wonder if she remembers my mom, I am guessing you weren’t born when my mom visited over sixty years ago?”   Fiona spun round and looked at me as if shocked by my announcement. “Was your mother’s name Anna?”   “Yes, she was called both Anne and Anna, depending on who she was talking to. Did you know her?”   Fiona shook her head sadly. Why did she look sad? Did I even want to know?   “No, you are right about me. I am too young to remember much. Although I was technically here. My mother was either pregnant with me at the time or had just given birth to me. That is why she told me the story about your mother, she really left an impact on her life. She felt empathy towards her because of their similar situations. I do not know the full story; all I know is your mother was heartbroken the last time my mother saw her. She was pregnant and alone. I know my mother helped her all she could.”   “No, there has to be some sort of mistake, my mom couldn’t have been pregnant. She didn’t have any other children apart from me.” I knew what I was saying was true, but for some reason even I was starting to doubt my protestation. Had my mom had another baby? Did I have a sibling on Dragoona Island?   Fiona looked worried. “I really have told you enough already. You should go and try summoning the ferry now. I can’t tell you anymore Cassie.”   “Summoning? Never mind, I will work it out. Thank you again Fiona.” I decided not to trouble Fiona with any more questions, she had been more than helpful already. I walked towards the door, wheeling my case behind me.   “Wait!” Fiona came rushing over to the door as I was about to close it behind me. “You can maybe ask my mother yourself about Anna. She lives on Dragoona. Her name is Maggie though, not Aggie. She paid a local lad to make her sign seventy years ago. He had one too many whiskeys and thought she said Aggie.”   I laughed, “I will be sure to look out for her. I will also tell her what an amazing daughter she has too. Thanks Fiona.”  I leaned in the door and gave her a hug, I really felt like I owed her a huge debt of gratitude.   I made my way along the rocky path towards the pontoon, careful to follow the directions that Fiona had given to me. I passed the weird looking rock and came to the water’s edge. I pulled the ticket from my purse and rubbed the gold dragon as Fiona told me to, it seemed like a strange way to get a ferry to come. Wasn’t there a timetable or something I could look at? I stared out to sea, absolutely nothing in sight. Not even a dot on the horizon. I was beginning to think Fiona was kidding around. Maybe I just wait till the next one is due? I stood for another five minutes, still nothing in sight. Bored and already considering walking back to Aggie’s, I touched the pendant and immediately felt calmer, what was it about this piece of jewellery that has such an impact on me?   I was jolted out my trance when a spray of water soaked me from head to toe. I wiped the water from my eyes, my mouth falling open at the sight in front of me. Where had a massive ferry come from? I looked out to sea only a few minutes ago and there was nothing to be seen apart from water. Things just seem to be getting weirder and weirder.   There was a loud creaking sound as a walkway began to drop down to meet the rock I was standing on. I could not see anyone, not even the grumpy man Fiona told me about. I made my way up the walkway, pulling my case behind me. I was almost at the top when a huge man stepped in front of me. When I say huge, I mean huge… like Andre the Giant kind of huge. I stammered out the only words I could, “I.. I… here’s my… ticket,” I held up the ticket as if it was a weapon. He looked unimpressed, his eyes were as black as night, I could not even tell where the pupil ended, and the iris began. There was a scar down one side of his face, it looked like claw marks. I shuddered, really trying my best not to seem scared of him. He was probably a sweetheart. A gigantic, scary looking, black eyed, scarred sweetheart.   He nodded, grunted and stepped aside. I walked on to the very empty ferry. Was I doing the right thing? Getting on a ferry with a huge scary man, who did not seem like the friendliest of guys, heading to an island I had no idea what was waiting for me, I mean was there even a motel there? Where would I sleep?   I internally scolded myself as I felt the ferry lurch forward and start to move away from the pontoon. I was over-reacting, Fiona warned me the ferry man was grumpy and at least I could look for Maggie on the island, I am sure she would be glad to help me out after knowing my mom.    I turned around to have one last look at Aggie’s tearoom. What the f**k? All I could see was water. For as far as the eye could see. That was not possible, we only just left the pontoon a moment ago. I spun round in circles in case I was just looking in the wrong direction, but nothing… only water and sky.   I walked up the ferry, now looking for the very large man, I had to ask him where we were and where in the hell we were going, because right now… we were in the middle of nowhere! I had taken a ferry to nowhere, with a giant steering the boat. I could feel myself starting to panic.   I saw a shadow up ahead; I knew who it had to be. I marched forward, ready to give him a piece of my mind. I did not care that he was four times larger than me, he was being rude. Just as I reached the ferry man, I stopped in my tracks. Right before my eyes, a massive island appeared out of nowhere. It was only water and sky only a few seconds ago, was I dreaming? Was haggis laced with hallucinogenic? I felt like I was losing my mind.   The ferry lurched again, I lost my balance, falling right into the not so friendly giant. Big hands grabbed me by the shoulders to stop me from falling, when I looked up at him, he still had the same angry look on his face, but his eyes were not black anymore, they looked like they had blue flames in them. I gasped. “Your eyes… they changed”.   He did not seem impressed and pushed me away with am angry growl.   The boat came to an abrupt halt, the walkway creaked as it was lowered on to the island. I grabbed my suitcase and threw my bag over my shoulder. I turned back as the walkway hit the ground with a thud.   Waiting for me at the end of the walkway was another huge man, he was shirtless, he was ripped, I did not know that many abs existed in the human body. I blushed as my eyes automatically travelled down his body, where the perfectly defined V above his pants was beckoning me to look. I quickly moved my eyes back up again. His black hair was cut short, but slightly longer on top. As I walked down the walkway towards him, I noticed he was taller than the ferry giant. What kind of food do they eat on this island, why are the men so big? As I drew closer, I felt my breath hitch slightly when our eyes met, he was so handsome, the most handsome man I had ever seen. I was starting to think I was in some sort of fantasy or dream. Was I about to wake up? He seemed to be looking me up and down too, I suddenly felt very self-conscious. Heat rushed to my cheeks.   “Are you my welcoming committee? “I tried to sound chipper and flirty, even though he was making me nervous just by the way he was looking at me.   He scowled. That was not a good sign. This devastatingly handsome man really was not happy to see me. The way he was staring at me though, I was not sure if he wanted to eat me or kiss me. Hopefully, the latter.   I was wrong on both counts.   The gloriously handsome giant spoke now, with the huskiest, sexiest accent ever. I may have drooled a bit if his words had not sent the fear of God straight through me. “If by a welcoming committee, you mean taking you to a cell until our leader decides what to do with you? Then aye! Welcome to Dragoona Island, I hope you find your stay extremely uncomfortable”.   Had I just made the biggest mistake of my life?                  
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