Chapter 22

1041 Words
So I had been right, but I was surprised at who had thrown the first punch. Brett had slugged Devin right in the nose. It had pissed him off so badly that he had gone straight to Porta about us wanting to find more cars. That conversation had gone smoothly though, I had managed to make Porta think it was his idea to get new cars for the raids although I wanted them for a completely different reason. I watched as six men piled into the jeep, my idea was to search close to the camp around the abandoned cars. Each man bringing in a new car with the help of Granville getting things started. the buzzer sounded as the heavy gates opened up. I backed the jeep out of the gates and they immediately closed shut. “where to first?” I asked looking back at the five men squished up in the back seat slightly smiling at them. Brett frowned at me and clicked his tongue at me. Granville sniggered to himself. We had driven for five minutes when Granville made me pull up next to a 4x4. He jumped out along with Matt, the two checked around the car before they attempted to open it. a torso fell out from the driver's seat. Granville stomped down on its head before he got into the driver's seat looking around the side of it. I heard a pop and he jumped out the 4x4 and popped open the hood. He did something around the engine and told Matt to try the keys. First, try… nothing Second try… it made a tiny sound like it was trying to cough. Granville started doing more things, signaling to Matt to try again. the engine roared to life, the two men cheering along with the men in the jeep with me. Matt made his way back to camp as we carried on with the search. We had stopped at a few cars, all of which had some damage that made it hard to ignore. One that looked good was riddled with Eaters. We came up to a bus that was parked across the road, it was one we had passed multiple times, I had never given it a second thought. But right now I needed to know everything about it. I pulled up to it Granville and all the men including me got out the jeep. We stood staring at the bus for a few seconds before we moving towards it, best case, it was empty and just started up, worse case it had the dead in it and we had zero ideas how to get the f*****g thing started. Brett made a moe to get the door open but one of the other men stopped him “Nora, dude” he whispered before he took it upon himself to get the door open. he popped his head in quickly pulling back and then leaping backward as an arm made a grab for him. the eater staggered out of the bus, Martin moved forward shoving a knife in the eater's temple, it fell to the ground. He took another look inside, this time going up the few steps, “There are kids” he shouted out, I frowned and got up next to him, every seat had kids, dead one in them, strapped down the seatbelt. “Get rid of them,” I said softly. Martin made a move towards them before I caught his arm, unstrap them, put them down outside” I said slowly almost as though he was special needs or something, Martin and another man, that I couldn’t for the life of me remember his name, as would happen if you ket to yourself as much as this man did, walked up to the first row, getting the eaters loose and having them follow out of the bus, this happened a few times while Granville opened but the back to have a look at the engine. Once the bus was clear Martin climbed into the driver's seat and turned the key, the engine rolled over almost instantly. I couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that escaped my mouth. My plan was working out way better than I thought and I was loving it. Martine began heading towards the camp with the bus while the rest of us hopped back into the jeep. One by one the men all drove back some kind of big car to the camp, soon it was three of us left in the jeep. Granville, Brett, and I. We were coming up short now, every car we were finding was either f****d by something having driven into it or the engine had been a nest to rats or snakes,  the rats were probably worse because they had chewed through cables or hoses. We were losing light and had to turn back. As we drove back to the camp alight fashed on the dashboard. “f**k” I snapped as I looked at what had come on, gas. “f**k” I said louder, Granville looked over at what I was looking at. “We are going to have raid cars for gas,” he said softly “We are losing the light” I countered it will be too dangerous, I kept driving looking down at the light every two seconds. The jeep came to a jerky stop, I hit my hands against the steering wheel  “f**k” the sun had set completely and we were in complete darkness with no food or water, “can you ease up on the swearing,” Brett said trying t to laugh, “looks like we are camping tonight he said laying on the back seat. Stretching out in a mocking way. I sighed and looked at Granville that made sure the doors were locked before he bent down and rummaged for something by his feet, he pulled out a bag, unzipped it, and threw a bottle of water at me and then one at Brett. Granville looked at me taking my hand and kissing my knuckle “Brake it up Love birds,” brett said, pulling his hoody over his eyes.
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