Chapter 21

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I stood back, crossing my arms over my chest, smirking at Porta. His fat face was red and his eyes were bulging slightly and he was breathing heavily. “you can stay, but I will get the camp out before you,” I turned to Devin, “Or you get everyone killed” I swiftly kicking the door shut behind me. I had work to do, and I needed to get started. GRANVILLE POV I threw the damn wrench onto the floor, this f*****g jeep was a never-ending story of problems, every time something was fixed I found another issue. I was leaning my hands on the car when I heard her clear her throat. I looked towards the garage door, the light behind her high lightered her red hair and small figure. “having a problem?” she asked, as she sashayed into the workspace picking up the wrench I had just thrown on the floor. “We are down a jeep still, the thing is f****d” I hit my hand against it to get my point across. She handed the wrench to me, with a half-smile on her face. telling me I had just given her a reason to suggest something. “so we need another car?” her smile widened as she looked at the f****d jeep, “Probably” I answered feeling slightly confused at her sudden excitement, she suddenly stood up on her toes and kissed me making an exaggerated kissing sound as she turned on her heel and disappeared out the door. I shook my head at her looking back at the engine. I must have been working on the damn thing for close to an hour when I felt eyes on the back of my head. I looked back and there stood Devin, he was standing in the shadows, arms cross over his chest, eyes narrowed. “need help?” I asked as I got back to work, “Nah” he answered almost as if he was uninterested, “just trying to figure out what she finds interesting in you,” he said putting his hand up to his chin as she continued to stare. I looked up at him wiping my hands on a rag. Before I crossed my arms and looked at him. I honestly wasn’t in the mood for this and this ass hole just rubbed me up the wrong way. ZONI POV So my plan to get more cars was well on its way, we wouldn’t just get one extra I was going to be on the lookout for a few and perhaps a bus while we were at it. I ran over to find my raid team rounded the lot up including Granville. Once all the men were all the garage I let loose my long-winded idea.. after I was done explaining the men looked at me like I had lost my mind completely “you want to go against orders, get the extra cars and then, go against orders again Brett asked as he ran his hand through his hair, he looked tired and worse for wear. “you getting enough sleep?” I asked looking at him up and down “Nora is sick, she hasn’t been sleeping too great”  I nodded at him. looking at the men in front of me. “Look,” I said putting my hands up in defeat, “we are no longer safe here, we need to get everyone out and we need to do it soon before more people die, we struck lucky that it was only one person that was attacked” I looked from Brett to Granville who was still trying to fix the jeep he had said was f****d. He looked up before he walked over to me, kissing my forehead “I’m in,” he said before grabbing a bottle of water and downing it. The guys slowly nodded and added in their own I’m ins, “How far do you think you are going to get” Devin’s voice came from a corner of the garage, he slowly moved into the circle of men, looking at each one before his eyes landed on me “Porta is already telling people you have gone insane, how exactly are you going to convince them to leave this haven without looking like you completely lost the plot?” I opened my mother to answer but Brett beat me to the punch “we all saw the eater scale that wall, we all saw the damage they did to the fence, it won't take much for people to listen and choose for themselves” Devin made a weird noise in this troat before he turned his focus on me again “And you honey,” he said in a mocking way “what makes you think anyone is going to believe it was arson created to make them believe they were in danger” “excuse me?” I asked, “you think I cause all the trouble last night?” “you were out after lights out” he snapped, “no one can account or where you were” Granville was at my side at once “she was with me” he hissed at Devin “Convenient,” Devin said with a sneer, “anyone else knows where she was?” He asked looking at the men, each of them keeping quiet but squaring their shoulders.  It was Matt that broke the silence “you better be able to back that up” he hisses at Devin, the two had never sen eye to eye and this was just going to end in a fistfight   
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