Chapter 6

1436 Words
Granville POV I honestly should have known that she would have been with another man. Someone that gorgeous wouldn’t stay single for long “How did you find this place,” I asked as we walked in the cool night air. “My dad and Dr. Leonard formed the group, a bunch of us got stuck in the traffic of people trying to leave the city, the highway was closed while they were trying to scan and check the people. A pack came through and started tearing people apart, the blood and screams still show up in my dreams” she stopped flipping her hair over her shoulder. “My dad grabbed yours and we all ran, over the next few days we would go from house to house grabbing what we could until we bumped into Dr. Leonard. He had been held up in a lab testing something. It was good a place to stay until it was over run, as we kept going we picked up more and more people, some with children some with babies and pets” she looked ahead of her going quiet. She let out a sigh and wiggled her nose like a rabbit at some kind of memory. “We eventually found the school, and made it into a fortress” “Wait, my father?” she ignored my question, and carried on “About 3 years back, a raid went horribly wrong, one person returned. But he kept something from us. He had been bitten or scratched, the rule was if it happened you couldn’t return but he did.” She let out a long breath. “he turned, and attacked multiple people killing a few along the way. So as a new rule we are checked on return, if there is any blood on your person you are placed in isolation for a few days to be monitored” “Who was the man?” I asked taking note of the hardness in her voice while she speaking. She stopped and peeked up at me through her hair, and then looked at her hands “Your father,” she said looking up at me with unshed tears. I frowned “Where is your father?” I asked realizing she had said that few people had been taking down when my father had turned. All she did was shake her head and started walking again. I grabbed her hand and made her turn back to me “Is that why you won’t be with me” I felt it a stupid question but I needed to know. She shook her head “You can’t keep a grudge in this world, it will get you and others killed” she started walking again looking back when I didn’t move. She turned to look at me, wiggling her nose again.  “I’m with someone else, if I could be with both of you I would, but that wouldn’t exactly be fair” her statement took me by surprise. I watched as she looked at me, her teeth finding her bottom lip, biting it hard “sorry” she said turning around “that shouldn’t have been said” she walked forward in silence, me following close behind. “You guys have power, how did you get that right?” “the guy that owned the school seemed to be cutting corners, most of the power is solar. Although we have rules that lights are out after 9, most people will be in their rooms by now waiting for lights out basically” “There is a curfew?” “Basically, if you are out after 9 you find a room and stay there for the night, it gets pretty creepy if you aren’t used to or know the situation. Here you go” she said quickly “40” there was no number anywhere which made me think that she had been counting doors while we had been walking. My face must have given away my confusion “The door is blue” she pointed out “10, 20, 30, 40, are in blue” she explained, “anything between 41 to 44 or 21 to 24 are yellow and, 5s are in green and the rest are red” “Got it,” I said still slightly confused at the colors, “We are in 45 she pointed down the hallway towards the yellow door” “We?” I asked lifting an eyebrow, she made a face that said she wasn’t going to answer “Lights out in five minutes try to stay inside until daybreak, will get you on schedules and get you introduced to everyone tomorrow” she turned on her heel to walk away when I caught her hand, “Stay?” I whispered “Zoni?”   Zoni’s POV “Stay?” his whisper was a plea, that my heart didn’t want to ignore, I had fallen for this man and although I thought I was over him, I was most clearly not “Zo” Devin’s voice cut through my inner rambling, Granville had let go of my hand as I looked back at Devin standing in the doorway “Coming,” I said loudly, Devin smiled and went back into the room, I looked back at Granville “I’m sorry, I can’t” I turned again but was brought back right up against Granville, he was watching the door that Devin disappeared into while he spoke “You will be mine again” he whispered and kissed me quickly then let go as he opened the door to his room, “I’ll see you tomorrow Z” I turned, looking down at my feet as I walked to my door “The new guy?” “Huh,” I said looking up at Devin laying on the bed “oh yeah, Granville” Devin made a face that lasted for a second before he hid his expression again. I stood in the doorway unmoving “Rough day,” Devin said softly as he got up, his hand sweeping through his hair “Yeah” I sighed relaxing a bit as he walked to me. He picked me up and swung the door closed with his foot, carrying me over to the bed and dropping me down on it before he kneeled over me. Every part of me was screaming for me to stop him but a small part of me reached up and touched his face, he was familiar, his sent made everything better. I took my hands from his face as I closed my eye, piercing eyes were staring back at me, my eyes flew open as Devin’s head came down, his lips claiming mine, my body took over and followed his movements, all the while my mind was reeling and telling me I needed to stop. Devin’s hands were traveling up my sides and under my top. I gave in, I shouldn’t have but I did. I lay in the dark Devin’s soft breathing behind me was the only thing I could really hear, the wind was blowing softly outside, the shadows on the ceiling were creating a disturbing feeling in me. I got up slowly, trying my best not to wake up Devin. For the last two years, Devin had been a rock for me. Within a few hours, my world had been thrown into turmoil again. The second thing I had to figure out, when the supplies ran low again we were going to be in trouble, most of the places we had been raiding were running empty, we were going to have to move soon or take longer raids to find areas with food and medication, that would mean the best men would be out longer and that meant the camp would be short-handed for longer which could put the camp at risk. I was sitting on a small armchair in the corner of the room watching Devin sleep, he was talking in his sleep and laughing quietly, it made me smile. These little moments made the world feel normal, it felt good to smile. I ran my fingers over my lips, thinking of when I had kissed Granville in the medical wing, after 5 years I still had feelings for a man I thought had been dead    
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