Chapter 5

1191 Words
I took my sweet time walking back to the make-shift hostel, muttering to myself as I went by, luckily for me no one was around, most people would be in the eating hall at this time. My mind was reeling about what I had just done in the hospital wing. I was annoyed but happy and now absolutely confused. I didn’t need this right now, I got over him, I moved on… right? Ugh… no I had someone else. I had a Greek god of a man that was helpful and easy to get along with. My mind went back to the man that was laying in the hospital bed. His piercing eyes, that black hair that I so badly wanted to touch again. The Norse god that I had fallen in love with when I was younger. But I could not have that puppy love. I needed someone hard. Hard, like this world, had made me. I let out a sigh when I came to the door of my room, I opened it slowly “Ugh” I let out, there was Devi in his Greek god glory, his ripped body covered in only a towel around his waist. “Ugh!” I said again when he looked up at me from the book that he was reading looking completely confused “Everything okay?” he asked me slowly like he was avoiding scaring off a bird “Do you have to look like that?” I snapped at him “Umm, would you like to be more specific?” he said sounding more and more confused by the second, I waved my hand up and down in a gesturing motion as I grabbed a fresh set of clothes and bathroom supplies from the cupboard “You just gestured at all of me,” he said in a hurt tone, but I could hear that he was trying not to laugh at my sudden mood “Blah,” I found that making sounds at this moment in time was a hell of a lot easier than trying to make my brain work. I stood up feeling a rock-solid mass behind me. “Can you not?” I said moving quickly before he could wrap an arm around me, he turned and watched me with a smirk on his face. “Can I not?” he repeated, moving towards me again caging me between his body and the wall “what?” he whispered in my ear, I dropped everything that I had been holding in my hands and pressed my palms to his chest ready to shove him away, but I couldn’t. His lips were near my ear, I could hear his breathing getting slightly harsher and deeper. “Nope,” I said regaining the ability to think, ducking under his arm grabbing my things again, and rushed out the door “Hey?” I heard him moan from behind me as I half-ran towards the gym hall. I slowed my pace once I was a few feet away from the hostel building, the cool air felt awesome against my hot feeling skin. I looked up to the dark sky. Letting out a huff as I entered the gym hall. It was empty, which I was grateful for. I felt like I needed to be alone to think and to just try to get my brain wrapped around things that were really just not making life easy, well easier.   I checked all the stalls to make sure that I was totally alone, started up a shower, and got in. the warm water cascading down my body made me visibly relax. I laid my forehead against the shower wall closing my eyes and just breathing in the steam around me. Suddenly I felt hands around my hips. I swung around, hands balled into fists ready to fight whoever was touching me, my eyes met a pair of yellow-green ones I relaxed my arms looking down from his eyes, to his lips, down his body to his leg that had a bandage wrapped around his thigh. “Hey” he whispered “How…” my eyes widened “You can’t be in here,” I said almost losing my nerve completely. Granville took my face in his hands and forced me to look at him, “I locked the door” I shouldn’t have but I relaxed after hearing him say that, I stopped trying to fight against his grip “How are you out of the medical wing?” I asked looking down at his thigh again. “Well I was able to walk out so they didn’t really stop me, they took a few tests and well” he gestured at the space between and around us “I saw and followed you,” he said sheepishly “No, no I can’t do this,” I said softly more to myself than to him, but I made no effort to move away from him, in fact, my hands were now on his chest  “It’s just us” he whispered I looked up at him and in one swift move my lips were pressed to his roughly my hands gripping his hair to get him closer to me he lifted me up, shifting a bit so that most of mine and his own weight was on the uninjured leg. Granville slammed me up against the wall, pushing himself hard against me, I moved my face to gulp for air. A rush of pressure and pleasure washed over me making me mimic a moan that escaped from his mouth, “f**k” he whispered against my neck as he moved slowly, steadily building up speed. We both collapsed on the shower floor gasping for breath, the hot water had run out almost 10 minutes back, I got up on my knees and pushed myself up in a standing position. Granville followed suit, I grabbed the shampoo and quickly washed my hair pulling him closer so that I could the same with his. After quickly washing up and turning off the water we both got dried up and got dressed. “Have you been made a room?” I asked as I tied my shoelace “That’s what you want to ask me?” he said smirking, “Number 40? I think is what the Doctor said?” “Would you like me to show you where it is?” I asked not looking at him “Can we do this again?” he said slowly before nibbling on my ear “We can’t,” I said with a sigh “This can’t happen again; I am with someone else,” I said looking at my hands as I stood up. I expected him to get angry but he gave off a laugh. I looked up at him “For now” he whispered and planted a kiss on my lips “for now, so about that tour?”
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